by Steven Heilman
Introduction to Professor Liggett
After arriving at UCLA in 2014, I gave a talk at the Southern
California Probability Symposium on some recent joint work concerning
Poincaré inequalities for the linear heat semigroup on the
discrete hypercube
Before summarizing [1], I will mention that Professor Liggett always gave positive encouragement to other junior members of the UCLA probability group such as myself, even though I did not work directly with him in any way. For example, he read his daily arXiv mailings and congratulated anyone in the group for putting a paper on the arXiv.
Here is an excerpt from the introduction of [1]:
In [e1], Hille proved that if
is a closed and densely defined linear operator on a Banach space with the properties that is defined on and for , then exists for and . Moreover, the function defined in is a solution of the Cauchy problem if . Roughly speaking, the main result of this work states that the limit exists even if is nonlinear (and multivalued) provided that the nonlinear analogue of holds for . In addition we prove that the (multivalued) analogue of has a solution in a strong sense if and only if the limit in is strongly differentiable, and in this case it is the solution to . These results extend earlier ones which require additional restrictive conditions […].
At the time of our conversation, I had heard of this type of result
being applied in a work of
concerning the
analysis of a “level set method” algorithm for motion by mean
curvature introduced in
In these works, we are given a
measurable set
Though I was aware of this result of [e5] using [1], I (rather embarrassingly) did not realize that I was speaking to an author from [1]! In fact, the result of [e5] has been indirectly influential in my own work.
In summary, the single paper [1] has been quite influential to many people, including myself. And despite my ignorance of this fact, Professor Liggett welcomed me to the Southern California probability community with sincere interest and humility.
Some other recollections
Professor Liggett always had a great, often pithy, sense of humor, though this humor is difficult to transfer to written words. Nevertheless, I’ll attempt to capture it here, in my paraphasing of his rationale for becoming an Emeritus Professor: I worked at UCLA for 40 years, at which point my retirement payout became equal to my salary, so I retired.
I should emphasize that this quote is not meant to boast, but rather to indicate a sensible way to evaluate an increasing quantity.
Professor Liggett was unusually kind to early career mathematicians. For example, he held a yearly probability pool party (itself an excellent use of alliteration) in which “going into the pool is NOT required.” In California, not everyone can easily access a private pool, let alone own a home, so I think this a great example of someone in a fortunate situation sharing with the less fortunate and bringing the community together.
The last time I saw Professor Liggett was again at the Southern California Probability Symposium, but this time in 2018. We chatted briefly as we walked to our respective cars, after the conclusion of the conference. Though it was the last time our paths would intersect, we continue building upon the foundation he created. For his ever friendly personality, sharp mind, and for many other reasons, he will be missed.
Steven Heilman is Assistant Professor RTPC of Mathematics at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles.