Celebratio Mathematica

Dusa McDuff

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Works connected to Susan Tolman

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D. Mc­Duff and S. Tol­man: On nearly semi­free circle ac­tions. Pre­print, March 2005. ArXiv math/​0503467 techreport

D. Mc­Duff and S. Tol­man: “To­po­lo­gic­al prop­er­ties of Hamilto­ni­an circle ac­tions,” Int. Math. Res. Pap. 2006 (2006), pp. 1–​77. MR 2210662 Zbl 1123.​53044 article

D. Mc­Duff and S. Tol­man: “Poly­topes with mass lin­ear func­tions, I,” Int. Math. Res. Not. 2010 : 8 (2010), pp. 1506–​1574. MR 2628835 Zbl 1202.​52010 ArXiv 0807.​0900 article

D. Mc­Duff and S. Tol­man: “Poly­topes with mass lin­ear func­tions, II: The four-di­men­sion­al case,” Int. Math. Res. Not. 2013 : 15 (2013), pp. 3509–​3599. MR 3089735 ArXiv 1106.​1623 article