by Alan W. Reid
1. Personal commentary
A particular personal highlight of my time at Ohio State is that I proved that the figure-eight knot is the only arithmetic knot [e2]. I had started thinking about this when I was a graduate student, had several false proofs, and routinely would show up in Walter’s office in Cockins Hall (adjacent to the old math building at Ohio State) with more false proofs. Then, one day I went to Walter’s office, and we started to chat about a paper by Gonzalez-Acuña and Whitten [e1] that I was reading, and as I recall, Walter was explaining some part of the proof of a lemma in that paper, when it suddenly started to become clear that this lemma potentially could be tweaked to help in the proof. Indeed this turned out to be the case, and it became one of the key points in the proof that the figure-eight knot was the only arithmetic knot. In hindsight I can’t imagine this happening without Walter’s unending patience with me showing up in his office to talk about the figure-eight and the mathematical discussions that we had around this problem over the course of many months.
Walter was incredibly generous with his time and ideas, both in his office and at home, where Anne and Walter often had me over for dinner. I must also give credit to Walter for introducing me to Sam Adams, a beer largely unknown back in the late 1980s outside of Boston, but it was a “life saver” over the usual selection of beers available back then!
2. General comments on Walter’s work on (hyperbolic) 3-manifolds and geometric group theory
Foremost amongst these is his paper with Zagier [3] which provides a beautiful account of Thurston’s Dehn Surgery theorem, including quantitative statements about change in volume and how the length of a core geodesic varies. Another paper of Walter’s in 3-manifolds that I admire and view as important is the paper [1] (with D. Eisenbud and U. Hirsch). This paper gives criteria for a Seifert 3-manifold to admit foliations whose leaves are all transverse to the fibers. The criteria are numerical inequalities that generalize the criteria of Milnor and Wood. There has been renewed interest in this paper lately due to its relevance to the L-space conjecture. Walter’s Brandeis lecture notes [2] are beautifully written and one of the go-to texts to learn about Seifert manifolds (and which I continue to use even now). Finally, Walter’s paper [4] (with R. Bieri and R. Strebel) can be viewed as a far reaching generalization of Thurston’s norm ball for 3-manifold groups, and is another of Walter’s papers which continues to have long term impact.
3. My mathematical work with Walter
I have written five papers with Walter, the last one in 2007 also joint with C. Leininger and D. B. McReynolds (these are listed below), and completed seven more whilst at Ohio State that were all greatly influenced by Walter. I will comment in a little more detail on one of my papers [7] with Walter, and the book Topology ’90 [6] (edited with B. Apanasov and L. Siebenmann).
The paper “Arithmetic of hyperbolic manifolds” (1992)
Apart from being very pleasing, Walter was interested in this result from his work on the Bloch group and computing the Chern–Simons invariant from (ideal) triangulations of 3-manifolds. This is evident in both his individual work on these topics (see [9], [13] and [16]) and in his joint work with J. Yang [11], [14] (I will defer to other commentaries for further details on this topic).
Walter enthusiastically embraced computer experimentation in his work, and when I arrived at Ohio State, he already had his own program (written in UBasic as I recall) that allowed experimentation with Dehn surgeries on knots. In particular, being a scholar Walter was familiar with the LLL algorithm, and this allowed him to make exact computations of trace-fields (and invariant trace-fields) of Dehn surgeries on knots. Back then this seemed to me (a novice then and now in implementing computational methods) quite miraculous, but this gave us large (back in the day) numbers of examples with which to try to understand trace-fields of knots, and how they changed under Dehn surgery. This was the precursor to the program Snap, written when Walter moved to Melbourne along with D. Coulson, O. Goodman and C. Hodgson (see [15] for a discussion of this program). Roughly speaking, this wonderful program blends the program SnapPy (for exploring hyperbolic structures on 3-manifolds) with Pari (for exploring number fields amongst other things), to allow for exact computation of arithmetic invariants of hyperbolic 3-manifolds.
Another result we proved in [7], and a conjecture we put forward there (actually this came a little later, but it can be traced to this work), concerns properties of commensurability classes of knot complements. Before commenting on this work, I would like to note that Walter retained a keen interest in the property of commensurability in many different aspects of his mathematical interests; see for example the papers [19], [12], and, in a slightly different context, [20]
Returning to our work on commensurability, we
proved the following. For context, having recently proven that the
figure-eight knot is the unique arithmetic knot, Walter and I were
interested in understanding commensurability classes of knot
complements. By the work of
if the knot
- It has hidden symmetries.
- Its orientable commensurator quotient has a rigid cusp.
- The knot complement nonnormally covers some orbifold.
To say that
Having hidden symmetries seems extremely rare, and with the passage of time, it seemed reasonable to upgrade the question Walter and I posed to the status of a conjecture: the only nonarithmetic hyperbolic knots which admit hidden symmetries are the two dodecahedral knots. Hidden symmetries of knots have appeared in various places since our paper; perhaps most interestingly and most closely related to our work is in the paper [e4], which established that for knots without hidden symmetries there are at most 3 hyperbolic knot complements in a commensurability class.
Another aspect of my time spent at Ohio State with Walter — and one which I feel very fortunate to have been involved with — was our organization of a Research Semester in Low Dimensional Topology, February — June 1990. This took place under the auspices of the recently created International Mathematical Research Institute at Ohio State, and was the first major program of the Institute. The main topics of the Research Semester included many (unsurprisingly) that were close to Walter’s interests: the geometry and topology of 3-manifolds, with particular emphasis on hyperbolic 3-manifolds and their interactions with number theory, invariants of 3-manifolds related to quantum field theory and plane algebraic curves. There were also a few talks in geometric group theory, representing Walter’s growing interest in the field. As a young instructor, having all these visitors around and a vibrant (usually weekly) schedule of talks was incredibly exciting. The book Topology ’90 [6] contained contributions from participants in the Research Semester.
As I stated at the outset, I feel enormously grateful to have spent three years with Walter at the same institution, to have visited him over the years on his travels, to have been his colleague, to have benefited immensely from his mentorship and his mathematical taste and vision, and to have been able to call him a friend for these last 35 (!) years.
Alan Reid received his PhD in 1988 from the University of Aberdeen. After a number of postdoctoral positions in the UK and USA, he was appointed as an Assistant Professor at UT Austin in 1996 and remained on the faculty at UT until 2017 when he joined the Department of Mathematics at Rice University as the Edgar Odell Lovett Chair and Professor of Mathematics. He is at present Chair of the department.