
Celebratio Mathematica

Walter D. Neumann

Geometry of 3-manifold groups

by Jason Behrstock

Wal­ter has had a sig­nificant im­pact on my life since I was a gradu­ate stu­dent. I’ve con­tin­ued to learn from him as a ment­or and our re­la­tion­ship evolved as we be­came col­lab­or­at­ors and friends. We first met at the weekly “Mag­nus sem­in­ar” which Gil­bert Baumslag ran every Fri­day even­ing at CUNY and which was typ­ic­ally fol­lowed by a din­ner of In­di­an food in one of the nearby res­taur­ants which was a wel­com­ing place for all sem­in­ar par­ti­cipants, even the most ju­ni­or. Gil­bert had been an early stu­dent of Wal­ter’s fath­er, so they had known each oth­er for most of Wal­ter’s life and see­ing the warm re­la­tion­ship they had, as well as the math­em­at­ic­al com­munity they both fostered, was clearly a Neu­mann fam­ily leg­acy. I thank Wal­ter for this (as well as many oth­er) con­tri­bu­tions to our math­em­at­ic­al world and I hope that this short sur­vey of the quasi-iso­met­ric clas­si­fic­a­tion of fun­da­ment­al groups of 3-man­i­folds and, in par­tic­u­lar, Wal­ter’s con­tri­bu­tions to this area will bring oth­ers in­to the com­munity that he has helped foster and grow throughout his ca­reer.

The word met­ric on a fi­nitely gen­er­ated group, al­though nonu­nique — as it de­pends on a choice of fi­nite gen­er­at­ing set — is ca­non­ic­al when con­sidered up to quasi-iso­metry (i.e., maps of bounded mul­ti­plic­at­ive and ad­dit­ive dis­tor­tion). A fun­da­ment­al ques­tion in group the­ory, as dis­cussed in Gro­mov [e2], is to clas­si­fy fi­nitely gen­er­ated groups up to quasi-iso­metry.

An im­port­ant and rich fam­ily of groups are provided by fun­da­ment­al groups of 3-man­i­folds. While the geo­metry of 3-man­i­folds has been ex­tens­ively stud­ied fol­low­ing Thur­ston’s work in the 1970s, the quasi-iso­met­ric geo­metry of these groups has also re­ceived sig­ni­fic­ant at­ten­tion.

One way in which the quasi-iso­met­ric geo­metry of a fam­ily of (fi­nitely gen­er­ated) groups, G, can be stud­ied is by break­ing it down in­to two parts:

  • quasi-iso­met­ric ri­gid­ity: if G is quasi-iso­met­ric GG must GG; and,
  • quasi-iso­met­ric clas­si­fic­a­tion: giv­en G,GG de­term­ine wheth­er G is quasi-iso­met­ric to G.

As we will ex­plain be­low, for fun­da­ment­al groups of com­pact 3-man­i­folds (hence­forth, just called 3-man­i­fold groups), the an­swer to the first ques­tion is “yes,” and the second ques­tion is now mostly (but not com­pletely!) known as well.

To be­gin, we re­call that by work of Mil­nor and Kneser, any 3-man­i­fold ad­mits an es­sen­tially ca­non­ic­al de­com­pos­i­tion as a con­nec­ted sum of ir­re­du­cible 3-man­i­folds, which are ones in which every 2-di­men­sion­al em­bed­ded sphere bounds an em­bed­ded 3-di­men­sion­al ball. Thus, by work of Papaso­glu and Whyte on quasi-iso­met­ries of free-product de­com­pos­i­tions [e10], the study of quasi-iso­metry types of gen­er­al 3-man­i­folds re­duces to con­sid­er­ing the ir­re­du­cible ones.

Geo­met­ric 3-man­i­folds are ones which arise as the quo­tient, by a dis­crete group of iso­met­ries, of one of the eight simply con­nec­ted ho­mo­gen­eous spaces: S3, E3, H3, S2×E, H2×E, Nil, Sol, and PSL~. Perel­man’s Geo­met­riz­a­tion The­or­em shows that any ir­re­du­cible 3-man­i­fold (with zero Euler char­ac­ter­ist­ic) can be cut along tori and Klein bottles (the JSJ de­com­pos­i­tion) in­to pieces which ad­mit geo­met­ric struc­tures; when the col­lec­tion of tori and Klein bottles is nonempty, such a man­i­fold is called nongeo­met­ric.

The quasi-iso­met­ric clas­si­fic­a­tion in the case of geo­met­ric closed man­i­folds is an im­me­di­ate con­sequence of the Mil­nor–Švarc Lemma which provides that the fun­da­ment­al group of a com­pact Rieman­ni­an man­i­fold is quasi-iso­met­ric to the uni­ver­sal of the man­i­fold, and whence in the closed case to one of the eight ho­mo­gen­eous spaces lis­ted above. Note that Rief­fel proved that PSL~ and H2×E1 are quasi-iso­met­ric [e9], and thus there are only sev­en quasi-iso­metry types of closed geo­met­ric 3-man­i­fold groups. For geo­met­ric 3-man­i­folds with bound­ary the quasi-iso­met­ric and com­men­sur­ab­il­ity clas­si­fic­a­tions agree: for the hy­per­bol­ic case this is a deep the­or­em of R. Schwartz [e6]; the Seifert fibered space case was first proven by Ka­povich and Leeb [e7]. For someone delving in­to the quasi-iso­met­ric clas­si­fic­a­tion of 3-man­i­fold groups for the first time, I re­com­mend Sec­tion 5 of [e8] as an ex­cel­lent place to start.

Quasi-iso­met­ric ri­gid­ity in each of the eight geo­met­ric cases were es­tab­lished sep­ar­ately. Note that for geo­met­ric 3-man­i­folds with bound­ary, only three pos­sible geo­met­ries oc­cur: hy­per­bol­ic, H2×E, and PSL~. For the closed geo­met­ric cases see: [e3], [e11], [e4], [e1], [e8], [e5], [e9], [e6].

The first res­ults in the nongeo­met­ric case were due to Ka­povich and Leeb who settled the quasi-iso­met­ric ri­gid­ity prob­lem for 3-man­i­folds with (pos­sibly empty) tor­oid­al bound­ary (and made the first pro­gress on the clas­si­fic­a­tion prob­lem) by show­ing that quasi-iso­met­ries pre­serve the de­com­pos­i­tion in­to geo­met­ric pieces and that quasi-iso­met­ries pre­serve the pres­ence of hy­per­bol­ic com­pon­ents [e8], [e7], [e8]. Haïss­in­sky and Lecuire re­cently ex­ten­ded the quasi-iso­met­ric ri­gid­ity res­ult to ap­ply to all 3-man­i­fold groups [e12].

Thus it re­mains to con­sider the quasi-iso­met­ric clas­si­fic­a­tion ques­tion. A graph man­i­fold is an ir­re­du­cible 3-man­i­fold with non­trivi­al JSJ de­com­pos­i­tion in which none of the geo­met­ric com­pon­ents ad­mits a hy­per­bol­ic struc­ture. Based on their pri­or work, Ka­povich and Leeb asked about the quasi-iso­met­ric clas­si­fic­a­tion of fun­da­ment­al groups of closed graph man­i­folds [e8].

Neu­mann and I proved the fol­low­ing, of which a spe­cial case re­solves their ques­tion by show­ing that any two closed nongeo­met­ric graph man­i­folds have bilipschitz homeo­morph­ic uni­ver­sal cov­ers and hence, in par­tic­u­lar, quasi-iso­met­ric fun­da­ment­al groups.

(QI classification of graph manifolds [1]) If M and M are nongeo­met­ric graph man­i­folds (pos­sibly with bound­ary) then the fol­low­ing are equi­val­ent:
  1. The uni­ver­sal cov­ers, M~ and M~, are bilipschitz homeo­morph­ic.
  2. π1(M) and π1(M) are quasi-iso­met­ric.
  3. The Bass–Serre trees for M and M are iso­morph­ic as two-colored trees. (Where the ver­tex groups of π1(M), resp. π1(M), are colored cor­res­pond­ing to wheth­er the as­so­ci­ated Seifert fibered pieces does or does not con­tain bound­ary com­pon­ents of M, resp. M.)
  4. The min­im­al two-colored graphs in the bisim­il­ar­ity classes of the de­com­pos­i­tion graphs as­so­ci­ated to M and M are iso­morph­ic. (Again, the ver­tices are colored cor­res­pond­ing to wheth­er the as­so­ci­ated Seifert fibered piece does or does not con­tain bound­ary com­pon­ents of M, resp. M.)

Bisim­il­ar­ity, a no­tion which arises in com­puter sci­ence, is an al­gorith­mic­ally check­able equi­val­ence re­la­tion on colored fi­nite graphs. Each equi­val­ence class has a unique, ca­non­ic­al ele­ment which we call min­im­al. One can list the min­im­al two-colored graphs of small size, us­ing The­or­em 1 this al­lows us to con­clude that, for in­stance, there are ex­actly 2,6,26,199,2811,69711,2921251,204535126, quasi-iso­metry classes of fun­da­ment­al groups of nongeo­met­ric graph man­i­folds com­posed of at most 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, Seifert fibered pieces [1] (see also

For nongeo­met­ric man­i­folds with hy­per­bol­ic pieces, Neu­mann and I dis­covered a sim­il­ar, al­beit more in­tric­ate, clas­si­fic­a­tion in terms of bisim­il­ar­ity of cer­tain labeled graphs. One is­sue which arises in ob­tain­ing the quasi-iso­met­ric clas­si­fic­a­tion is choos­ing a ca­non­ic­al mod­el for each (uni­ver­sal cov­er of a) geo­met­ric com­pon­ent, by choos­ing the sizes of the horoballs in the mod­el which is chosen uni­formly for the en­tire com­men­sur­ab­il­ity class. In the case where the pieces are non­arith­met­ic, this can be done by mak­ing a choice in the com­men­sur­ab­il­ity quo­tient; in the arith­met­ic case, by work of Mar­gulis, the com­men­sur­at­or sub­group is not dis­crete, so mak­ing a choice of mod­el is more com­plic­ated (and one that we wer­en’t able to treat in all cases). For nongeo­met­ric man­i­folds with only hy­per­bol­ic pieces of which at least one is non­arith­met­ic (we call these NAH-man­i­folds), the clas­si­fy­ing ob­jects are also min­im­al labeled graphs, but now the edges are labeled as well as the ver­tices, and the la­belings are more com­plic­ated: each ver­tex is labeled by the iso­morph­ism type of an ori­ent­able, com­plete, hy­per­bol­ic or­bi­fold and each edge is labeled by a lin­ear iso­morph­ism between cer­tain 2-di­men­sion­al Q-vec­tor spaces. We call such a graph an NAH-graph. Bisim­il­ar­ity for NAH-graphs is defined sim­il­arly as for two-colored graphs, namely these are open graph-ho­mo­morph­isms which pre­serve la­bels in a con­trolled way. In the case of such man­i­folds, Neu­mann and I proved:

(QI classification of NAH-manifolds [3]) Each NAH-man­i­fold has an as­so­ci­ated min­im­al NAH-graph and two such man­i­folds have quasi-iso­met­ric fun­da­ment­al groups (in fact: bilipschitz equi­val­ent uni­ver­sal cov­ers) if and only if their min­im­al NAH-graphs are iso­morph­ic.

In cer­tain cases we re­lated the com­men­sur­ab­il­ity and quasi-iso­met­ric clas­si­fic­a­tion of NAH-man­i­folds. One ver­sion of this is giv­en in the fol­low­ing, which makes use of Neu­mann’s strength­en­ing of Leighton’s the­or­em [2].

(Commensurability and quasi-isometry [3]) If two NAH-man­i­folds have quasi-iso­met­ric fun­da­ment­al groups and their com­mon min­im­al NAH-graph is a tree with man­i­fold la­bels then they (and in par­tic­u­lar, their fun­da­ment­al groups) are com­men­sur­able.

The ori­gin­al ver­sion of the above the­or­em was con­di­tion­al on the 3–di­men­sion­al ver­sion of the fol­low­ing con­jec­ture about the struc­ture of hy­per­bol­ic man­i­folds. The 3–di­men­sion­al ver­sion was proven by Wise in ([e13], Co­rol­lary 16.15), but the gen­er­al ver­sion re­mains an in­ter­est­ing open ques­tion:

Cusp Cov­er­ing Con­jec­ture 4: Let M be a fi­nite-volume hy­per­bol­ic n-man­i­fold. Then for each cusp C of M there ex­ists a sub­lat­tice ΛC of π1(C) such that, for any choice of a sub­lat­tice ΛCΛC for each C, there ex­ists a fi­nite cov­er M of M whose cusps cov­er­ing each cusp C of M are the cov­ers de­term­ined by ΛC.


[1] J. A. Behr­stock and W. D. Neu­mann: “Quasi-iso­met­ric clas­si­fic­a­tion of graph man­i­fold groups,” Duke Math. J. 141 : 2 (February 2008), pp. 217–​240. MR 2376814 Zbl 1194.​20045 ArXiv math/​0604042 article

[2] W. D. Neu­mann: “On Leighton’s graph cov­er­ing the­or­em,” Groups Geom. Dyn. 4 : 4 (2010), pp. 863–​872. MR 2727669 Zbl 1210.​05113 ArXiv 0906.​2496 article

[3] J. A. Behr­stock and W. D. Neu­mann: “Quasi-iso­met­ric clas­si­fic­a­tion of non-geo­met­ric 3-man­i­fold groups,” J. Reine An­gew. Math. 2012 : 669 (2012), pp. 101–​120. MR 2980453 Zbl 1252.​57001 ArXiv 1001.​0212 article