Celebratio Mathematica

Walter D. Neumann

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Works connected to Mark Jankins

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M. Jankins and W. D. Neu­mann: Lec­tures on Seifert man­i­folds. Bran­de­is Lec­ture Notes 2. Bran­de­is Uni­versity (Waltham, MA), 1983. MR 741334 book

M. Jankins and W. D. Neu­mann: “Ro­ta­tion num­bers of products of circle homeo­morph­isms,” Math. Ann. 271 : 3 (1985), pp. 381–​400. MR 787188 Zbl 0543.​57019 article

M. Jankins and W. Neu­mann: “Ho­mo­morph­isms of Fuch­sian groups to \( \textrm{PSL}(2,\textrm{R}) \),” Com­ment. Math. Helv. 60 : 3 (1985), pp. 480–​495. MR 814153 Zbl 0598.​57007 article