@incollection {key686160m,
AUTHOR = {Munkholm, Hans J. and Ranicki, Andrew
TITLE = {The projective class group transfer
induced by an \$S^1\$-bundle},
BOOKTITLE = {Current trends in algebraic topology},
EDITOR = {Kane, Richard M. and Kochman, Stanley
O. and Selick, Paul S. and Snaith, Victor
VOLUME = {2},
SERIES = {CMS Conference Proceedings},
NUMBER = {2},
PUBLISHER = {American Mathematical Society},
ADDRESS = {Providence, RI},
YEAR = {1982},
PAGES = {461--484},
NOTE = {(London, ON, 29 June--10 July 1981).
MR:686160. Zbl:0564.57018.},
ISSN = {0731-1036},
ISBN = {9780821860021},