Complete Bibliography
Works connected to Victor Percy Snaith
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Localization in quadratic \( L \)-theory,” pp. 102–157 in Algebraic topology (Waterloo, ON, 15 May–19 June 1978). Edited by P. Hoffman and V. Snaith. Lecture Notes In Mathematics 741. Springer (Berlin), 1979. MR 557165 Zbl 0418.18010 incollection
: “The projective class group transfer induced by an \( S^1 \)-bundle,” pp. 461–484 in Current trends in algebraic topology (London, ON, 29 June–10 July 1981), part 2. Edited by R. M. Kane, S. O. Kochman, P. S. Selick, and V. P. Snaith. CMS Conference Proceedings 2. American Mathematical Society (Providence, RI), 1982. MR 686160 Zbl 0564.57018 incollection
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