Celebratio Mathematica

Colin P. Rourke

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Works connected to Igor Rivin

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The Ep­stein Birth­day Schrift ded­ic­ated to Dav­id Ep­stein on the oc­ca­sion of his 60th birth­day. Edi­ted by I. Riv­in, C. Rourke, and C. Series. Geom. To­pol. Mono­gr. 1. Math­em­at­ic­al Sci­ences Pub­lish­ers; In­sti­tute of Math­em­at­ics, Uni­versity of War­wick (Berke­ley; War­wick), 1998. MR 1668319 Zbl 0901.​00063 book