Celebratio Mathematica

Martin Scharlemann

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Works connected to Michael H. Freedman

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M. Freed­man and M. Schar­le­mann: Pow­ell moves and the Goer­itz group. Pre­print, 2018. ArXiv 1804.​05909 techreport

M. Freed­man and M. Schar­le­mann: “Dehn’s lemma for im­mersed loops,” Math. Res. Lett. 25 : 6 (2018), pp. 1827–​1836. MR 3934846 article

M. Freed­man and M. Schar­le­mann: Unique­ness in Haken’s The­or­em. Pre­print, 2020. ArXiv 2004.​07385 techreport