by Alain Connes
I had heard of Albert Schwarz and his famous, revolutionary ideas creating topological field theory before I had the chance to meet him. My encounters with him remain as shining memories and were truly up to my expectations! In fact two of them had a remarkably productive effect on me.
I first met Albert in Les Houches in the middle of the 90s. He gave a lecture in which he presented “another kind of noncommutative geometry” (in his own words) as replacing the usual polynomial equations of algebraic geometry by equations involving noncommuting variables and in particular matrices. In his talk, which was in the late afternoon, Albert formulated the problem of finding a good proof that the formula for the sum of roots of a polynomial equation continues to hold in the noncommutative case. After listening to his talk I went to dinner with my wife, Danye, and she noticed that I had the usual absent-minded look characteristic of thinking hard about a problem; and indeed at 10pm I was back in the conference building and I wrote the proof I had found during the dinner on a small piece of paper which I pinned in the entrance. The idea is the same as in the proof of the Bott periodicity and uses “matrices of matrices” as a key device. That was our first encounter and we wrote a joint paper called “Matrix Vieta Theorem revisited” which appeared in Letters in Mathematical Physics [1].
My second interaction with Albert produced the paper cited more often by far than any of my other papers.
It was an amazing circumstance and happened as follows: Albert and I were walking together from the main building to the tea room at the IHES where Albert was visiting. On the (very short) way to the tea room Albert formulated a question which he had extracted from the construction of IKKT models in physics. It turned out that the work I had done in 1980 on the noncommutative torus and connections on the vector bundles I had constructed there was giving the full answer to his question! The interaction lasted a bit more than on the short path to tea, and Michael Douglas and Albert Schwarz kindly asked me to cosign the paper they devised using the above construction. This paper, “Noncommutative geometry and matrix theory,” which appeared in the Journal of High Energy Physics in 1998 [2], has been cited so many times that when I turned 60, Albert offered me as a present a thick booklet (which I still have) in which he collected and printed the thousand citations of that time!
In my mind he, Albert, is like a pure diamond, with such a powerful and uncompromising mind whose creativity sheds light around him in a unique manner.