Celebratio Mathematica

Albert S. Schwarz

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Works connected to Mikhail A. Baranov

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M. A. Baran­ov, A. A. Roslyĭ, and A. S. Shvarts: “Su­per­light­like geodesics in su­per­grav­ity,” Yadernaya Fiz. 41 : 1 (1985), pp. 285–​287. An Eng­lish trans­la­tion was pub­lished in So­viet J. Nuc­le­ar Phys. 41:1 (1985). MR 804665 article

M. A. Baran­ov, A. A. Roslyĭ, and A. S. Shvarts: “O svqzi grav­itacii i su­per­grav­itacii” [On the con­nec­tion between grav­ity and su­per­grav­ity], Teor­et. Mat. Fiz. 64 : 1 (1985), pp. 7–​16. An Eng­lish trans­la­tion was pub­lished in The­or. Math. Phys. 64:1 (1985). MR 815093 article

M. A. Baran­ov and A. S. Shvarts: “O mno­go­petle­vom vk­lade v teor­iyu struny” [Mul­tiloop con­tri­bu­tion to string the­ory], Pis’ma Zh. Ek­sper. Teor­et. Fiz. 42 : 8 (1985), pp. 340–​342. An Eng­lish trans­la­tion was pub­lished in JETP Lett. 42:8 (1985). MR 875755 article

M. A. Baran­ov, A. A. Roslyĭ, and A. S. Shvarts: “Geo­met­ric as­pects of su­per­grav­ity,” Prob­lemy Yadern. Fiz. i Kosm. Lucheĭ 24 (1985), pp. 25–​33. MR 887675 article

M. A. Baran­ov, Yu. I. Man­in, I. V. Fro­lov, and A. S. Shvarts: “The mul­tiloop con­tri­bu­tion in the fer­mi­on string,” So­viet J. Nuc­le­ar Phys. 43 : 4 (1986), pp. 670–​671. Eng­lish trans­la­tion of Rus­si­an ori­gin­al pub­lished in Yadernaya Fiz. 43:4 (1986). MR 857425 article

M. A. Baran­ov, I. V. Fro­lov, and A. S. Shvarts: “Geo­met­riya dvumernykh su­per­kon­formnykh teor­ij polya” [Geo­metry of two-di­men­sion­al su­per­con­form­al field the­or­ies], Teor. Mat. Fiz. 70 : 1 (1987), pp. 92–​103. An Eng­lish trans­la­tion was pub­lished in The­or. Math. Phys. 70:1 (1987). MR 883786 Zbl 0624.​58002 article

M. A. Baran­ov and A. S. Schwarz: “On the mul­tiloop con­tri­bu­tion to the string the­ory,” In­ter­nat. J. Mod­ern Phys. A 2 : 6 (1987), pp. 1773–​1796. MR 913613 article

A. Schwarz and M. Baran­ov: Su­per­con­form­al geo­metry and mul­tiloop con­tri­bu­tion to the string the­ory. Pre­print, MI­FI (Mo­scow), 1987. techreport

M. A. Baran­ov, I. V. Fro­lov, and A. S. Schwarz: “Geo­met­riq su­per­kon­form­nogo pros­tran­stva mod­u­ley” [Geo­metry of the su­per­con­form­al mod­uli space], Teor. Mat. Fiz. 79 : 2 (1989), pp. 241–​252. An Eng­lish trans­la­tion was pub­lished in The­or­et. and Math. Phys. 79:2 (1989). MR 1007798 Zbl 0679.​53058 article