
Celebratio Mathematica

G. Peter Scott

Memories of a gifted mathematician and patient teacher

by Peter Kropholler

Peter’s sur­vey art­icle in the Bul­let­in of the LMS1 is widely known. For me it was a vi­tal tool to help me un­der­stand the ba­sics of Thur­ston’s Geo­met­riz­a­tion Con­jec­ture and at the time I was look­ing at this in the late nine­teen eighties, it was one of the few ac­cess­ible sources for a read­er not greatly fa­mil­i­ar with the geo­met­ric­al back­ground or even the the­ory of Lie groups. It formed part of a plat­form on which I could stand in or­der to con­tem­plate al­geb­ra­ic ver­sions of the JSJ tor­us de­com­pos­i­tion the­or­em. Nowadays these have been taken for­ward far bey­ond what I en­vis­aged by many au­thors, not­ably in­clud­ing Guir­ar­del and Levitt and also of course Scott and Swarup.

Peter was a gif­ted and pa­tient teach­er: he once ex­plained to me in lay­man’s terms why one would ex­pect a four-di­men­sion­al PL man­i­fold to have a smooth struc­ture but not a sev­en- or eight-di­men­sion­al PL man­i­fold. From his ex­plan­a­tion it was at once trans­par­ent why the the­ory of smooth and PL man­i­folds should be ex­pec­ted to di­verge in high di­men­sions and it was clear why co­homo­logy of clas­si­fy­ing spaces based on cer­tain exot­ic co­homo­logy the­or­ies would be rel­ev­ant in cal­cu­lat­ing what was go­ing on. I am greatly in­debted for that: it was one of the most sig­ni­fic­ant learn­ing ex­per­i­ences I had in my postdoc­tor­al years.

For a while Peter dis­missed my at­tempts at an al­geb­ra­ic tor­us the­or­em on grounds that a key prop­erty of cent­ral­izers in 3-man­i­folds that I re­lied on re­quired the geo­metry I was claim­ing to re­place by al­gebra. But a few years later I had a ver­sion that Peter agreed quite vo­cally met the cri­ter­ia to be called an al­geb­ra­ic ver­sion. I am grate­ful very much for that be­cause I think it helped to have my work re­cog­nised. As men­tioned above, oth­ers took it much fur­ther as my re­search moved in dif­fer­ent dir­ec­tions.

So al­though I only met Peter a small hand­ful of times, it turned out that he was very in­flu­en­tial.