
Celebratio Mathematica

G. Peter Scott

Remembering Peter Scott

by David Epstein

Peter Scott died on 19 Septem­ber 2023 after a long battle with can­cer. He was one of the first War­wick Ph.D. stu­dents. The Math­em­at­ics De­part­ment star­ted in 1964, a year be­fore any oth­er War­wick de­part­ment, and Peter ar­rived a year later. His Ph.D. su­per­visor was Bri­an Sander­son (now re­tired). Peter’s first job was at Liv­er­pool Uni­versity where he even­tu­ally be­came a pro­fess­or, be­fore emig­rat­ing to a pro­fess­or­ship at the Uni­versity of Michigan.

Among many fine res­ults, the one that sur­prised many of us the most was the Scott Core The­or­em, where he proved that if a non­com­pact 3-man­i­fold has a fi­nitely gen­er­ated fun­da­ment­al group, then it con­tains a com­pact sub­man­i­fold with bound­ary, whose fun­da­ment­al group maps iso­morph­ic­ally to the fun­da­ment­al group of the lar­ger man­i­fold. He was in­vited to ex­plain his res­ult at the fam­ous Bourbaki Sem­in­ar in Par­is. Peter’s res­ult con­trib­uted to the grow­ing real­isa­tion that the im­port­ant 3-man­i­folds might, per­haps, be simply de­scribed, avoid­ing hor­rors like the com­ple­ment of the Al­ex­an­der Horned Sphere.

Peter’s ex­pos­it­ory pa­per “The geo­met­ries of 3-man­i­folds”1 in­tro­duced the math­em­at­ic­al pub­lic to Bill Thur­ston’s re­mark­able Geo­met­riz­a­tion Con­jec­ture, of which the even more fam­ous Poin­caré Con­jec­ture is a spe­cial case. Peter’s pa­per has been cited nearly two thou­sand times, set­ting the scene for the amaz­ing proofs, at first with ad­di­tion­al hy­po­theses by Thur­ston (Fields Medal­list), and then in full by Perel­man (Fields Medal­list), of what is now known as the Geo­met­riz­a­tion The­or­em.

With Mike Freed­man (Fields Medal­list) and Joel Hass, Peter helped es­tab­lish min­im­al sur­face the­ory as a new and im­port­ant tool in 3-man­i­fold the­ory.

Peter will be missed both as a math­em­atician and for his easy and warm friend­li­ness.