
Celebratio Mathematica

G. Peter Scott

Godfrey Peter Scott

by Rob Kirby

God­frey Peter Scott was born in Cam­bridge, UK, on 27 Novem­ber 1944 (he dropped God­frey early on and is now known as Peter, or G. Peter Scott or GP Scott more form­ally). Peter’s moth­er, Bar­bara Noel Scott, née Smith, was a stu­dent at Newn­ham Col­lege in Cam­bridge and worked, sur­vey­ing people for the Min­istry of Food dur­ing World War II. His fath­er, Dav­id Bern­ard Scott (ori­gin­ally Schultz, but changed to Scott in 1939) was the son of an un­educated Lithuani­an man who went to South Africa at age 18 to make his for­tune, and then came to Lon­don a few years later, where he did make money as a fur­ri­er.

Bern­ard (Peter’s fath­er) was a Cam­bridge stu­dent of W. V. D. Hodge, at the time Bri­tain de­clared war against Ger­many, and he spent 1940–42 at Bletch­ley Park work­ing with Alan Tur­ing and oth­ers on break­ing the Ger­man codes. He even­tu­ally moved to an even more secret group which was break­ing the codes used by the So­viet Uni­on to com­mu­nic­ate with Com­mun­ist groups around the world. Their in­tel­li­gence was sent to the OSS (Of­fice of Secret Ser­vices of the US) un­der the ac­ronym ISCOT — “I” for in­tel­li­gence and “SCOT” for the name of the lead­er of the group. After the war, he held a Lec­ture­ship at Kings Col­lege in Lon­don (1947–1953), and in 1962 he was tapped to start the math­em­at­ics de­part­ment at the Uni­versity of Sus­sex. An ob­it­u­ary in the Bul­let­in of the Lon­don Math­em­at­ic­al So­ci­ety1 men­tions that he was also an ex­cel­lent chess play­er who, to­geth­er with B. H. Neu­mann, once swept the com­pet­i­tion — and, jointly, all the prize money — at a week­end tour­na­ment in Lon­don.

Peter grew up in south­w­est Lon­don (East Sheen), with three broth­ers: Colin (now a soft­ware en­tre­pren­eur), Oliv­er (de­ceased in New Zea­l­and) and Ed (an MD in New Zea­l­and). He be­came rather good at maths at age 14. He was in a maths and phys­ic­al sci­ences track, but failed chem­istry so did a double ma­jor in maths and phys­ics. This was at a private day school, St. Paul’s, which had a four year “4th form” which was in­ten­ded to give a strong pre­par­a­tion for fu­ture ad­mit­tance to either Cam­bridge or Ox­ford. Both Uni­versit­ies gave yearly en­trance ex­ams — first Cam­bridge, then Ox­ford. In his third year, Peter took the Ox­ford ex­am as a warm-up to tak­ing the Cam­bridge ex­am in his fourth year. But Ox­ford awar­ded him a schol­ar­ship so he left St. Paul’s for Ox­ford at the end of his third year, en­ter­ing at age 17.

At Ox­ford Peter did the usu­al un­der­gradu­ate three years and fin­ished with a first. He then went to the Uni­versity of War­wick in 1965, the first year of op­er­a­tion for the new uni­versity, whose maths de­part­ment was headed up by Chris­toph­er Zee­man. Peter fin­ished in the nor­mal three years un­der the su­per­vi­sion of Bri­an Sander­son. His Ph.D. thes­is con­sisted of four pa­pers, stapled to­geth­er. One “proved” the strik­ing res­ult that PL(3) was ho­mo­topy equi­val­ent to O(3) which had as a co­rol­lary (not no­ticed by Peter) the Smale Con­jec­ture that Diff(S3) is ho­mo­topy equi­val­ent to O(4), later proved by Al­len Hatch­er. Peter’s proof re­lied on the mis­taken claim that a homeo­morph­ism of S2×[0,1], rel, which took the north pole cross I hemi­sphere cross I, had the prop­erty that this arc re­mained un­knot­ted. Of course this is false by the in­verse “light bulb trick” (you can knot Peter’s arc by passing strands over the south pole), as was poin­ted out by one of his Ph.D. ex­am­iners, Ray­mond Lick­or­ish.

So that pa­per was with­drawn and re­placed by an­oth­er, and Peter fin­ished in 1968. When An­drew Cas­son men­tioned to Peter that his wrong res­ult proved something about suf­fi­ciently large 3-man­i­folds, and Peter asked what they were, An­drew sug­ges­ted he read Wald­hausen’s cur­rent body of work on suf­fi­ciently large 3-man­i­folds. This is what led Peter in­to 3-man­i­fold to­po­logy, for he had just con­sidered him­self as a high-di­men­sion­al to­po­lo­gist, like his ad­visor, even though some of his work was in low di­men­sions.

While at War­wick, Peter mar­ried Anne Guy (daugh­ter of Richard Guy, an act­ive com­bin­at­or­i­al­ist at the Uni­versity of Cal­gary un­til his death in 2020 at age 103) and they had two daugh­ters, Kath­ar­ine and Car­ol. Peter was later briefly mar­ried to Rae Pack­er, and then to math­em­atician Rita Gitik, and their son Dav­id fin­ished a BS at Har­vey Mudd Col­lege in com­puter sci­ence in 2015.

After War­wick, Peter went to the Uni­versity of Liv­er­pool and be­came, in reg­u­lar suc­ces­sion, Lec­turer, Seni­or Lec­turer and then Read­er. He served as head of the de­part­ment for a term, learn­ing that one’s spare time as head was not spent think­ing about math, but about ad­min­is­trat­ive prob­lems.

While at Liv­er­pool, Peter proved the sur­pris­ing fact that if a 3-man­i­fold fun­da­ment­al group is fi­nitely gen­er­ated, then it is fi­nitely presen­ted [2]. This fol­lows from what is now known as the Scott Core The­or­em [1], namely that if π1(M3) is fi­nitely gen­er­ated, then there is a com­pact sub­man­i­fold N in M such that the in­clu­sion in­duces an iso­morph­ism π1(N)π1(M). (A com­pact man­i­fold has a fi­nitely presen­ted fun­da­ment­al group.)

In an An­nals pa­per [4] con­cern­ing a closed, ori­ent­able, ir­re­du­cible 3-man­i­fold M with in­fin­ite fun­da­ment­al group, Peter showed that if M is ho­mo­topy equi­val­ent to a Seifert fiber space N, then M is homeo­morph­ic to N. This was a sig­ni­fic­ant pa­per, now su­per­seded by the Perel­man ava­lanche.

In a pa­per [3] that turned out to be very im­port­ant, Peter proved that sur­face groups are loc­ally ex­ten­ded re­sid­ual fi­nite (LERF). We can state the res­ult here in brief.

A group G is re­sid­ually fi­nite if for any ele­ment gG, there ex­ists a ho­mo­morph­ism of G to a fi­nite group which takes g to a non­trivi­al ele­ment. Equi­val­ently there ex­ists a fi­nite in­dex nor­mal sub­group H of G with gH. A group G is then LERF if for all fi­nitely gen­er­ated HG and gGH, there ex­ists an­oth­er sub­group G1HG with G1 of fi­nite in­dex in G and gG1.

A sub­group Sπ1(F) of a sur­face group is geo­met­ric if it is rep­res­en­ted by a sub­sur­face XF in­du­cing a mono­morph­ism i:π1(X)π1(F). Peter showed that for S a fi­nitely gen­er­ated sub­group, there is a fi­nite sheeted cov­er­ing F1 of F such that π1(F) con­tains S as a geo­met­ric sub­group. Fur­ther­more for an ele­ment gπ1(F)S, F1 can be chosen so that gπ1(F1). LERF fol­lows for π1(F) by tak­ing G1 cor­res­pond­ing to the fi­nite cov­er­ing F1.

Peter’s most fre­quent col­lab­or­at­or was Joel Hass who com­ments in this volume on their joint work.

In 1986, Peter was awar­ded the Seni­or Ber­wick Prize by the Lon­don Math­em­at­ic­al So­ci­ety, which is­sued this state­ment on the oc­ca­sion:

Cita­tion for God­frey Peter Scott

Peter Scott is well known for his many im­port­ant con­tri­bu­tions to the geo­met­ric side of to­po­logy, par­tic­u­larly con­cern­ing man­i­folds of di­men­sion 3 and 4. In this area there have been some spec­tac­u­lar new de­vel­op­ments in the last few years, due to the suc­cess of geo­met­ric meth­ods in solv­ing to­po­lo­gic­al prob­lems ap­par­ently bey­ond the reach of purely to­po­lo­gic­al meth­ods. This re­volu­tion­ary work was de­scribed by Peter Scott in his in­flu­en­tial sur­vey art­icle “The geo­met­ries of 3-man­i­folds”, pub­lished in the So­ci­ety’s Bul­let­in for Septem­ber 1983. This con­firms his es­tab­lished po­s­i­tion as one of the lead­ing fig­ures in this ex­cit­ing and chal­len­ging area of re­search.

In­deed this pa­per [5] is a bril­liant ex­pos­i­tion of Thur­ston’s geo­met­ries for 3-man­i­folds. The eight ho­mo­gen­eous geo­met­ries are modeled on:

  1. hy­per­bol­ic, 3-space, H3,
  2. Eu­c­lidean 3-space, E3,
  3. S3,
  4. S2×R,
  5. H2×R,
  6. SL2R~,
  7. Nil,
  8. Sol.

The first three have con­stant curvature and look the same in all dir­ec­tions. The next two have a line along which the curvature is dif­fer­ent than in the oth­er two. The next two have planes twist­ing along the line. And fi­nally Sol is dif­fer­ent along all three axes, for as you travel up the z-ax­is, the x-ax­is shrinks and the y-ax­is ex­pands.

The middle six geo­met­ries, neither H3 nor Sol, all ap­pear as Seifert fiber spaces, 3-man­i­folds fo­li­ated by circles. There are myri­ad cases which Peter had to work out, many in ori­gin­al ways, so this is far from a mere ex­pos­i­tion. Its im­port­ance is il­lus­trated by the fact that it was trans­lated in­to many lan­guages in­clud­ing Rus­si­an.

The geo­met­ries pa­per was mostly writ­ten in 1982 while Peter was vis­it­ing the Uni­versity of Michigan. Even­tu­ally, in 1987, Peter moved to Ann Ar­bor, and he re­tired there in 2018.

Peter died on Septem­ber 19, 2023.


[1] G. P. Scott: “Com­pact sub­man­i­folds of 3-man­i­folds,” J. Lond. Math. Soc. (2) 7 : 2 (November 1973), pp. 246–​250. MR 326737 Zbl 0266.​57001 article

[2] G. P. Scott: “Fi­nitely gen­er­ated 3-man­i­fold groups are fi­nitely presen­ted,” J. Lon­don Math. Soc. (2) 6 : 3 (May 1973), pp. 437–​440. MR 380763 Zbl 0254.​57003 article

[3] P. Scott: “Sub­groups of sur­face groups are al­most geo­met­ric,” J. Lon­don Math. Soc. (2) 17 : 3 (June 1978), pp. 555–​565. A cor­rec­tion to this art­icle was pub­lished in J. Lon­don Math. Soc. 32:2 (1985). MR 494062 Zbl 0412.​57006 article

[4] P. Scott: “There are no fake Seifert fibre spaces with in­fin­ite π1,” Ann. Math. (2) 117 : 1 (1983), pp. 35–​70. MR 683801 Zbl 0516.​57006 article

[5] P. Scott: “The geo­met­ries of 3-man­i­folds,” Bull. Lon­don Math. Soc. 15 : 5 (September 1983), pp. 401–​487. A Rus­si­an trans­la­tion was pub­lished as a book in 1986. MR 705527 Zbl 0561.​57001 article