
Celebratio Mathematica

Abigail A. Thompson

Abby Thompson: A short biography

by Martin Scharlemann

Abi­gail Thompson was born on 30 June 1958 in Nor­walk, Con­necti­c­ut, the young­est of four chil­dren. Her fath­er was an in­dus­tri­al chem­ist; her moth­er was a long-time ed­it­or of the journ­al Cur­rent His­tory, the old­est Amer­ic­an pub­lic­a­tion ex­clus­ively de­voted to in­ter­na­tion­al af­fairs. Her two broth­ers both be­came law­yers, the young­er after an earli­er ca­reer as vi­ol­in­ist for the Utah Sym­phony. Her sis­ter be­came a med­ic­al doc­tor.

Abby grew up in the rur­al coun­tryside, with lots of time on her hands for read­ing. The World Book En­cyc­lo­pe­dia, aimed at young­er read­ers and tar­get­ing its art­icles at the read­ing level of the ex­pec­ted audi­ence, be­came a win­dow onto a dif­fer­ent world. She al­ways liked math and re­mem­bers, at age twelve, first en­coun­ter­ing in the World Book a de­scrip­tion of the Möbi­us band. She was par­tic­u­larly amazed that she could cut it down the middle and it re­mained a single piece. And so began her life with to­po­logy.

Abby at­ten­ded Phil­adelphia’s Ger­man­town Friends School through the 11th grade, leav­ing a year early to at­tend Welles­ley Col­lege. Her moth­er had gradu­ated from Welles­ley and thought it was a great place; Abby was at­trac­ted by the beauty of the cam­pus. Al­though the lib­er­al arts col­lege did not par­tic­u­larly fo­cus on math­em­at­ics, Abby treas­ures the re­col­lec­tion of a four-stu­dent to­po­logy class taught by Ann Stehney, us­ing the Moore meth­od (she still has the notes from the class).

As she ap­proached gradu­ation from Welles­ley, Abby was torn between mu­sic (she is a cel­list) and math; she had ma­jored in both. Even­tu­ally she de­cided to be­gin gradu­ate school in math­em­at­ics at New York Uni­versity (NYU). These were the days be­fore RE­Us, and Abby found her­self un­der­prepared for gradu­ate study; un­happy at NYU she left after two years and moved on to Rut­gers. She found the fac­ulty at Rut­gers very sup­port­ive, but wandered a bit between ad­visors, bothered that the al­geb­ra­ic to­po­logy and high-di­men­sion­al to­po­logy she en­countered in her courses seemed to have little con­nec­tion to what had ori­gin­ally at­trac­ted her to the sub­ject. That all changed when she took a low-di­men­sion­al to­po­logy course from Bill Menasco, who was at Rut­gers on a postdoc. Abby began very hap­pily to work with Bill, but his ap­point­ment at Rut­gers was tem­por­ary, and it was not clear what Abby’s next step should be.

Rob Kirby had, for sev­er­al years, en­cour­aged his stu­dents, former stu­dents, and his re­search col­leagues to vis­it Cam­bridge Uni­versity dur­ing sum­mer aca­dem­ic breaks. In sup­port, Cam­bridge’s Ray­mond Lick­or­ish made ex­tens­ive ar­range­ments for hous­ing and on­go­ing math­em­at­ic­al activ­it­ies. In 1983, as Bill Menasco pre­pared for his last year at Rut­gers, he ap­proached Rob about bring­ing Abby along for a sum­mer in Cam­bridge. Rob en­thu­si­ast­ic­ally agreed, provid­ing sup­port not only for her sum­mer vis­it, but also for her par­ti­cip­a­tion in the fol­low­ing spe­cial year in low-di­men­sion­al to­po­logy at the Math­em­at­ic­al Sci­ences Re­search In­sti­tute (MSRI). It was a pivotal year for Abby: bey­ond all the math­em­at­ic­al activ­it­ies in Cam­bridge and at MSRI, she made sub­stant­ive ad­vances to­wards her PhD dis­ser­ta­tion in knot the­ory. And she met her fu­ture hus­band, Joel Hass.

Wheth­er it was math or soc­cer that brought Abby and Joel to­geth­er is lost to his­tory. Fre­quent soc­cer had be­come a part of the Cam­bridge ex­per­i­ence for Kirby stu­dents, and this tra­di­tion con­tin­ued in­to MSRI’s spe­cial year. Abby and Joel were both en­thu­si­ast­ic par­ti­cipants, though Abby’s back­ground in field sports was shaky: she re­calls that at Ger­man­town Friends School, man­dated to par­ti­cip­ate in sports, she was re­leg­ated to play­ing goalie in lacrosse, on Team 7 (out of 7). In any case, Abby and Joel met at MSRI, and mar­ried two years later.

In the mean­time, Abby de­cided to fin­ish her Rut­gers PhD work at UC Santa Bar­bara, after I re­cruited her for a spe­cial year in to­po­logy there. Among the lu­minar­ies (and fu­ture lu­minar­ies) who also came were Ray­mond Lick­or­ish, Erica Flapan, Jim Van Buskirk, and Steve Bleiler. These were aug­men­ted by fre­quent short term vis­it­ors, in­clud­ing Joel Hass and Fran­cis Bo­nahon. In Janu­ary 1986, Abby passed her re­quired French Ex­am, just in time for her dis­ser­ta­tion de­fense, both in the same week, and was awar­ded her Rut­gers PhD. Ju­li­us Shaneson was her of­fi­cial Rut­gers ad­visor.

Fol­low­ing her PhD, Dr. Thompson was awar­ded a series of pres­ti­gi­ous fel­low­ships: a Lady Dav­is Fel­low­ship to Hebrew Uni­versity in Jer­u­s­alem, a Uni­versity of Cali­for­nia Pres­id­ent’s Fel­low­ship to Berke­ley, then Dav­is, and an Na­tion­al Sci­ence Found­a­tion Postdoc­tor­al Fel­low­ship. Fol­low­ing her ap­point­ment as an As­sist­ant Pro­fess­or at Uni­versity of Cali­for­nia, Dav­is, she was fur­ther awar­ded an Al­fred P. Sloan Found­a­tion Re­search Fel­low­ship, and then three sep­ar­ate years as a mem­ber of the In­sti­tute for Ad­vanced Study in Prin­ceton.

Among the high­lights of her aca­dem­ic ca­reer was her con­tri­bu­tion to the solu­tion to the prob­lem of re­cog­niz­ing the 3-sphere, a prob­lem that had en­gaged low-di­men­sion­al to­po­lo­gists for sev­er­al dec­ades. In re­cog­ni­tion of this and oth­er work in low-di­men­sion­al to­po­logy, in 2003 the Amer­ic­an Math­em­at­ic­al So­ci­ety awar­ded her the Ruth Lyttle Sat­ter Prize in Math­em­at­ics. The Sat­ter prize is awar­ded every two years “to re­cog­nize an out­stand­ing con­tri­bu­tion to math­em­at­ics re­search by a wo­man in the pre­vi­ous five years”.1

I’m proud to have been able to col­lab­or­ate with Abby for sev­er­al dec­ades fol­low­ing her PhD. Prob­ably the most ac­cess­ible the­or­em to come out of that work was our pa­per “De­tect­ing un­knot­ted graphs in 3-space” (J. Dif­fer­en­tial Geom. 34 [1991], pp. 539–560), in which we showed that there is an al­gorithm to de­cide wheth­er a graph em­bed­ded in 3-space could be iso­toped in­to the plane. I first heard of the prob­lem from Fico González Acuña, quot­ing Iowa’s Jonath­an Si­mon, who had con­jec­tured a solu­tion: the graph is planar if and only if its com­ple­ment has free fun­da­ment­al group and every prop­er sub­graph can be moved in­to the plane. Abby learned of the con­jec­ture from Si­mon him­self, on a vis­it to Iowa, and sug­ges­ted we work on it. Our first thought was that, be­cause the ques­tion is about the 3-sphere, a new idea we could try was the use of “thin po­s­i­tion”. This was an idea in­tro­duced by Gabai for knots in the 3-sphere and one we were try­ing to un­der­stand. In the end, thin po­s­i­tion wasn’t needed; the proof we found could have been found much earli­er. I think what we did bring to the table was a dif­fer­ent view­point on the prob­lem. In any case, we were pleased to learn that our solu­tion of the “graph planar­ity prob­lem” settled a \$20 bet between Camer­on Gor­don and Jon Si­mon on its even­tu­al solu­tion.

An­oth­er joint pa­per that should be men­tioned is our “Thin po­s­i­tion for 3-man­i­folds” (pp. 231–238 in Geo­met­ric To­po­logy, Con­tem­por­ary Math. 164, Provid­ence, RI: Amer. Math. Soc., 1994), cur­rently the most cited pub­lic­a­tion for each of us. (Math Re­views counts 106 cita­tions as of March 2024.) As I re­call the his­tory: we were at a geo­met­ric to­po­logy con­fer­ence in Haifa and, find­ing ourselves in the same place at the same time, thought we should work on something to­geth­er. One idea that came up, rather cas­u­ally, was wheth­er thin po­s­i­tion had any­thing to say about 3-man­i­folds in gen­er­al, not just about knots in the 3-sphere. Without a lot of ef­fort we real­ized that it could in­deed be made to say use­ful things about Hee­gaard split­tings. The out­put of the pro­cess fit in well with con­tem­por­ary con­cerns: in­com­press­ible sur­faces in 3-man­i­folds, and weak re­du­cib­il­ity of Hee­gaard split­tings. Rather than ela­tion over what has turned out to be one of our most use­ful ideas, I think at the time we felt a bit dis­ap­poin­ted about how easy it was, and so it be­came a rather hast­ily writ­ten con­tri­bu­tion to the con­fer­ence pro­ceed­ings.

Bey­ond her sci­entif­ic im­pact, Abby’s work has ex­ten­ded in many dir­ec­tions. She has been vig­or­ously en­gaged in cam­pus and pro­fes­sion­al work, serving, for ex­ample, as a mem­ber of the Ex­ec­ut­ive Coun­cil of the Aca­dem­ic Sen­ate of UC Dav­is, and as Chair of the UC Dav­is math­em­at­ics de­part­ment. Most re­cently she has served as Vice Pres­id­ent of the Amer­ic­an Math­em­at­ic­al So­ci­ety and as Sec­ret­ary of the As­so­ci­ation for Math­em­at­ic­al Re­search. For many years she ran the COS­MOS pro­gram at UC Dav­is, a res­id­en­tial sum­mer pro­gram for highly tal­en­ted high school stu­dents. She dis­covered, in the tide pools of Dillon Beach, what may be a new spe­cies of mar­ine worm (the ab­sence of a corpse has mud­died the wa­ters around wheth­er the little crit­ter can be cer­ti­fied as a new spe­cies by the sci­entif­ic com­munity.) In fur­ther mar­ine bio­logy re­search, she was cited in a mar­ine bio­logy pub­lic­a­tion for her north­ern­most (at the time) sight­ing of a spe­cies of sea slug, a troub­ling har­binger of cli­mate change. In a com­pletely dif­fer­ent dir­ec­tion, she was awar­ded the title “Hero of In­tel­lec­tu­al Free­dom” for 2020 by the Amer­ic­an Coun­cil of Trust­ees and Alumni (ACTA) and was feted with a break­fast in her hon­or at ACTA’s 25th an­niversary cel­eb­ra­tion in Wash­ing­ton, DC. The award re­cog­nized her work ex­pos­ing ef­forts by the UC ad­min­is­tra­tion to un­der­cut the primacy of aca­dem­ic over­sight in the hir­ing of new aca­dem­ic ap­point­ments.

Abby and Joel have three chil­dren: El­lie and her hus­band, Ed­die, live in nearby Mar­in, rais­ing baby Jac­ob; Ben works in IT for vari­ous start-ups in Brook­lyn; Lucy is a stu­dent in Tel Aviv.

Mar­tin Schar­le­mann re­ceived his Ph.D. in math­em­at­ics from UC Berke­ley in 1974. Fol­low­ing a year at the In­sti­tute for Ad­vanced Stud­ies and a year at the Uni­versity of Geor­gia, he moved to UC Santa Bar­bara, where he is now a Dis­tin­guished Pro­fess­or Emer­it­us.