by Clifford Henry Taubes
Karen Uhlenbeck’s mathematical contributions and mathematical work in the fields of geometry and analysis laid the foundation for a broad swath of continuing research in differential geometry over the past four decades. Think of her work with Jonathan Sacks on minimal surfaces, her work with Richard Schoen on harmonic maps, and her work with S-T. Yau on Hermitian Yang–Mills connections on stable, holomorphic bundles. And then there is her foundational work on gauge theory. But, the full scope of Karen Uhlenbeck’s contributions is not the subject of this essay; this essay is only about Karen Uhlenbeck’s brilliant gauge theory analysis. (Karen Uhlenbeck’s ICM talks in 1983 and 1990 and her Commentary on “analysis in the large” (for the centennial of the AMS) summarize much of her early work. However, these papers seriously down-play her influence — she is exceptionally modest. And, of course, they say nothing about the remarkable subsequent developments and applications. The ICM talks, her AMS commentary, and selected papers by Karen Uhlenbeck on minimal surfaces, harmonic maps, Hermitian Yang–Mills connections and gauge theory are listed at the end of this essay.)
Uhlenbeck’s papers on connections with bounded, integral curvature norms (see [4], [17], [7], [8]) form the foundational analysis behind all of the subsequent applications of gauge theory to topology and geometry. Here is some history: Simon Donaldson had the brilliant idea to consider certain canonical families of equivalence classes (equivalence by bundle automorphism) of connections on a given manifold as a homology cycle in the space of equivalence classes of all connections (see [e1], [e2], [e4] and then [e5]). By virtue of the nature of the family (the connections are solutions to a canonical partial differential equation with Fredholm linearization), the pairing of this cycle with homology classes would give an invariant of the smooth structure of the ambient manifold if the cycle is effectively compact (compact, or compactifiable in a nice way). In hindsight, compactness is the truly difficult analysis issue. Uhlenbeck’s analysis is needed to prove that the cycle does indeed have a canonical compactification. Donaldson brilliantly saw how to exploit her theorem to develop his gauge theoretic 4-manifold invariants. Likewise, her analysis lies behind Andreas Floer’s development of Floer homology for gauge theory [e3] (see also [e6]) because that also requires her compactness theorem to prove that the Floer differential has square zero. All subsequent work on gauge theoretic invariants in low dimensional topology can trace ancestry back to Uhlenbeck’s work. (It is still exciting; see the ICM 2018 plenary talk by Peter Kronheimer and Tom Mrowka.)
By way of background for this compactness issue: The
Hodge dual operator from a metric on an oriented, Riemannian 4-manifold maps 2-forms to
2-forms with square 1. Its
This space of connections with anti-self dual curvature can not be compact by virtue
of the fact that the action by pull-back of the group of automorphisms of the
principal bundle (which is infinite dimensional) preserves anti-self duality. But,
the space of orbits of connections with anti-self dual curvature under this group
action has a chance to be compact because it is locally compact. In fact, this orbit
space is locally homeomorphic to the orbit space (via a finite group) of the zero
locus of a smooth map between finite dimensional Euclidean spaces. To elaborate:
Suppose that
With regards to compactness of the orbit space: The equation
The problem with implementing the preceding is this: The equation
More by way of geometric input is needed to proceed. Here is the input: If
It follows from the preceding observations that if some functional of the
pointwise norms of the curvature diverges along a sequence of connections, then the
corresponding sequence of automorphism orbits does not converge. Karen Uhlenbeck’s
brilliant results (from
were a converse which is (in part)
this: Suppose that
As it turns out, the
By way of a parenthetical remark: The
The Levi-Civita connection on the round 4-dimensional sphere induces a
corresponding connection on the principal
It is fortuitous (and crucial for Donaldson’s applications) that anti-self dual
connections on any given principal bundle over any given compact 4-dimensional
manifold have an a priori
It is also fortuitous (and important for Donaldson’s applications) that
Karen Uhlenbeck’s
What follows directly are the promised words about the proof of Karen Uhlenbeck’s
results. (What is said does not necessarily reflect Karen Uhlenbeck’s thinking.)
There are two essential observations, one geometric and straight forward. The other
is brilliant via analysis insight from Karen Uhlenbeck. The geometric insight is
this: Any given principal Lie group bundle over a ball is isomorphic to the product
bundle (the product of the ball with the group); and any given connection on the
product bundle over a ball with zero curvature 2-form is equivalent via an
automorphism to the product connection. Thus, modulo automorphisms and isomorphisms,
there is just one principal bundle over a ball, and there is just one connection
with zero curvature. This connection will be the connection
Given the result above on balls, then uniform analytic control on connections with
a priori
By way of a parenthetical remark: The paper
Removable singularities in Yang–Mills fields
just noted had some
influence on the development of high energy particle physics in the early 1980s.
By way of background: Electrons and subatomic particles called quarks are the
fundamental constituents of the matter around us. Almost all of the mass of the
matter is from the quarks and the force that holds them together. Connections on
the product
Here is another parenthetical remark with regards to solutions to the Yang–Mills
equations on
Selected papers by Karen Uhlenbeck on geometric analysis topics
[2] : “Generic properties of eigenfunctions,” Am. J. Math. 98 : 4 (1976), pp. 1059–1078. MR 464332 Zbl 0355.58017
[15] : “Variational problems for gauge fields,” pp. 585–591 in Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians, vol. 2. Edited by Z. Ciesielski and C. Olech. PWN (Warsaw), 1984. MR 804715 Zbl 0562.53059
[20] : “Commentary on ‘analysis in the large’,” pp. 357–359 in A century of mathematics in America, part 2. Edited by P. L. Duren, R. Askey, and U. C. Merzbach. History of Mathematics 2. American Mathematical Society (Providence, RI), 1989. MR 1003144
[22] : “Instantons and their relatives,” pp. 467–477 in Mathematics into the twenty-first century (Providence, RI, 8–12 August 1988). Edited by F. E. Browder. American Mathematical Society Centennial Publications 2. American Mathematical Society (Providence, RI), 1992. MR 1184623 Zbl 1073.53505
[23] : “Introduction,” pp. 5–19 in Integral systems. Edited by C.-L. Terng and K. Uhlenbeck. Surveys in Differential Geometry 4. International Press (Cambridge, MA), 1998. Zbl 0938.35182
Selected papers on minimal surfaces
[3] : “The existence of minimal immersions of two-spheres,” Bull. Am. Math. Soc. 83 : 5 (1977), pp. 1033–1036. MR 448408 Zbl 0375.49016
[6] : “The existence of minimal immersions of 2-spheres,” Ann. Math. (2) 113 : 1 (January 1981), pp. 1–24. MR 604040 Zbl 0462.58014
[10] : “Minimal immersions of closed Riemann surfaces,” Trans. Am. Math. Soc. 271 : 2 (1982), pp. 639–652. MR 654854 Zbl 0527.58008
[13] : “Closed minimal surfaces in hyperbolic 3-manifolds,” pp. 147–168 in Seminar on minimal submanifolds. Edited by E. Bombieri. Annals of Mathematics Studies 103. Princeton University Press, 1983. MR 795233 Zbl 0529.53007
[14] : “Minimal spheres and other conformal variational problems,” pp. 169–176 in Seminar on minimal submanifolds. Edited by E. Bombieri. Annals of Mathematics Studies 103. Princeton University Press, 1983. MR 795234 Zbl 0535.53050
[24] : “Moduli space theory for constant mean curvature surfaces immersed in space-forms,” Comm. Anal. Geom. 15 : 2 (2007), pp. 299–305. MR 2344325 Zbl 1136.53048 ArXiv math/0611295
Selected papers on harmonic maps
[1] : “Harmonic maps: A direct method in the calculus of variations,” Bull. Am. Math. Soc. 76 : 5 (1970), pp. 1082–1087. MR 264714 Zbl 0208.12802
[5] : “Morse theory by perturbation methods with applications to harmonic maps,” Trans. Am. Math. Soc. 267 : 2 (1981), pp. 569–583. MR 626490 Zbl 0509.58012
[9] : “A regularity theory for harmonic maps,” J. Diff. Geom. 17 : 2 (1982), pp. 307–335. MR 664498 Zbl 0521.58021
[11] : “Boundary regularity and the Dirichlet problem for harmonic maps,” J. Diff. Geom. 18 : 2 (1983), pp. 253–268. MR 710054 Zbl 0547.58020
[12] : “Correction to: ‘A regularity theory for harmonic maps’,” J. Diff. Geom. 18 : 2 (1983), pp. 329. MR 710058
[16] : “Regularity of minimizing harmonic maps into the sphere,” Invent. Math. 78 : 1 (February 1984), pp. 89–100. MR 762354 Zbl 0555.58011
Selected papers on Hermitian Yang–Mills connections
[18] : “On the existence of Hermitian-Yang–Mills connections in stable vector bundles,” pp. S257–S293 in Proceedings of the Symposium on Frontiers of the Mathematical Sciences: 1985 (New York, October 1985), published as Comm. Pure Appl. Math. 39 : Supplement S1. Issue edited by C. Morawetz. J. Wiley and Sons (New York), 1986. MR 861491 Zbl 0615.58045
[21] : “A note on our previous paper: On the existence of Hermitian Yang–Mills connections in stable vector bundles,” Commun. Pure Appl. Math. 42 : 5 (1989), pp. 703–707. MR 997570 Zbl 0678.58041
Selected papers on gauge theory
[4] : “Removable singularities in Yang–Mills fields,” Bull. Am. Math. Soc. (N.S.) 1 : 3 (May 1979), pp. 579–581. MR 526970 Zbl 0416.35026
[7] : “Removable singularities in Yang–Mills fields,” Comm. Math. Phys. 83 : 1 (February 1982), pp. 11–29. MR 648355 Zbl 0491.58032
“Connections with
[17] : “The Chern classes of Sobolev connections,” Comm. Math. Phys. 101 : 4 (December 1985), pp. 449–457. MR 815194 Zbl 0586.53018
[19] : “Solutions to Yang–Mills equations that are not self-dual,” Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 86 : 22 (November 1989), pp. 8610–8613. MR 1023811 Zbl 0731.53031