Celebratio Mathematica

Marc Yor

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Works connected to Krzysztof Burdzy

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K. Burdzy, J. W. Pit­man, and M. Yor: Some asymp­tot­ic laws for cross­ings and ex­cur­sions. Tech­nic­al re­port 112, De­part­ment of Stat­ist­ics, UC-Berke­ley, September 1987. Also pub­lished in Col­loque Paul Lévy sur les pro­ces­sus stochastiques (1988). techreport

K. Burdzy, J. W. Pit­man, and M. Yor: “Some asymp­tot­ic laws for cross­ings and ex­cur­sions,” pp. 59–​74 in Col­loque Paul Lévy sur les pro­ces­sus stochastiques [Paul Lévy col­loqui­um on stochast­ic pro­cesses] (Pal­aiseau, France, 22–26 June 1987). Edi­ted by M. Mét­ivi­er. Astérisque 157–​158. Société Mathématique de France (Par­is), 1988. Also pub­lished as a 1988 UC-Berke­ley tech­nic­al re­port. MR 976213 Zbl 0666.​60070 incollection

K. Burdzy, J. Pit­man, and M. Yor: “Browni­an cross­ings between spheres,” J. Math. Anal. Ap­pl. 148 : 1 (May 1990), pp. 101–​120. MR 1052048 Zbl 0713.​60082 article