Celebratio Mathematica

Marc Yor

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Works connected to James W. Pitman

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J. W. Pit­man and M. Yor: “Pro­ces­sus de Bessel, et mouvement browni­en, avec ‘drift’” [Bessel pro­cesses, and Browni­an mo­tion, with ‘drift’], C. R. Acad. Sci., Par­is, Sér. A 291 : 2 (1980), pp. 151–​153. MR 605004 Zbl 0438.​60063 article

J. Pit­man and M. Yor: “Bessel pro­cesses and in­fin­itely di­vis­ible laws,” pp. 285–​370 in Stochast­ic in­teg­rals (Durham, UK, 7–17 Ju­ly 1980). Edi­ted by D. Wil­li­ams. Lec­ture Notes in Math­em­at­ics 851. Spring­er (Ber­lin), 1981. MR 620995 Zbl 0469.​60076 incollection

J. Pit­man and M. Yor: “A de­com­pos­i­tion of Bessel bridges,” Z. Wahr­sch. Verw. Ge­bi­ete 59 : 4 (December 1982), pp. 425–​457. Eng­lish trans­la­tion of French ori­gin­al from Func­tion­al ana­lys­is in Markov pro­cesses (1982). MR 656509 Zbl 0484.​60062 article

J. Pit­man and M. Yor: “Sur une décom­pos­i­tion des ponts de Bessel” [On a de­com­pos­i­tion of Bessel bridges], pp. 276–​285 in Func­tion­al ana­lys­is in Markov pro­cesses (Kata­ta and Kyoto, Ja­pan, 21–29 Au­gust 1981). Edi­ted by M. Fukushi­ma. Lec­ture Notes in Math­em­at­ics 923. Spring­er (Ber­lin), 1982. An Eng­lish trans­la­tion was pub­lished in Z. Wahr­sch. Verw. Ge­bi­ete 59:4 (1982). MR 661630 Zbl 0499.​60082 incollection

J. W. Pit­man and M. Yor: “The asymp­tot­ic joint dis­tri­bu­tion of wind­ings of planar Browni­an mo­tion,” Bull. Am. Math. Soc., New Ser. 10 : 1 (January 1984), pp. 109–​111. MR 722863 Zbl 0535.​60073 article

J. Pit­man and M. Yor: “Asymp­tot­ic laws of planar Browni­an mo­tion,” Ann. Probab. 14 : 3 (1986), pp. 733–​779. A fol­low-up to this was pub­lished in Ann. Probab. 17:3 (1989). MR 841582 Zbl 0607.​60070 article

J. Pit­man and M. Yor: “Level cross­ings of a Cauchy pro­cess,” Ann. Probab. 14 : 3 (1986), pp. 780–​792. MR 841583 Zbl 0602.​60059 article

J. W. Pit­man and M. Yor: “Some di­ver­gent in­teg­rals of Browni­an mo­tion,” pp. 109–​116 in Ana­lyt­ic and geo­met­ric stochastics: Pa­pers in hon­our of G. E. H. Re­u­ter, published as Adv. Ap­pl. Probab. 18. Issue edi­ted by D. G. Kend­all, J. F. C. Wil­li­ams, and D. Wil­li­ams. Ap­plied Prob­ab­il­ity Trust (Shef­field, UK), December 1986. Sup­ple­ment­ary is­sue. MR 868512 Zbl 0618.​60074 incollection

K. Burdzy, J. W. Pit­man, and M. Yor: Some asymp­tot­ic laws for cross­ings and ex­cur­sions. Tech­nic­al re­port 112, De­part­ment of Stat­ist­ics, UC-Berke­ley, September 1987. Also pub­lished in Col­loque Paul Lévy sur les pro­ces­sus stochastiques (1988). techreport

J. Pit­man and M. Yor: “Com­pléments à l’étude asymp­totique des nombres de tours du mouvement browni­en com­plexe au­tour d’un nombre fini de points” [Com­ple­ments to the study of the wind­ing num­bers of com­plex Browni­an mo­tion around a fi­nite set of points], C. R. Acad. Sci., Par­is, Sér. I 305 : 17 (1987), pp. 757–​760. MR 921145 Zbl 0624.​60088 article

K. Burdzy, J. W. Pit­man, and M. Yor: “Some asymp­tot­ic laws for cross­ings and ex­cur­sions,” pp. 59–​74 in Col­loque Paul Lévy sur les pro­ces­sus stochastiques [Paul Lévy col­loqui­um on stochast­ic pro­cesses] (Pal­aiseau, France, 22–26 June 1987). Edi­ted by M. Mét­ivi­er. Astérisque 157–​158. Société Mathématique de France (Par­is), 1988. Also pub­lished as a 1988 UC-Berke­ley tech­nic­al re­port. MR 976213 Zbl 0666.​60070 incollection

J. Pit­man and M. Yor: “Fur­ther asymp­tot­ic laws of planar Browni­an mo­tion,” Ann. Probab. 17 : 3 (1989), pp. 965–​1011. This was a fol­low-up to an art­icle pub­lished in Ann. Probab. 14:3 (1986). MR 1009441 Zbl 0686.​60085 article

M. Bar­low, J. Pit­man, and M. Yor: “On Walsh’s Browni­an mo­tions,” pp. 275–​293 in Sémin­aire de prob­ab­ilités XXIII [Twenty-third prob­ab­il­ity sem­in­ar]. Edi­ted by J. Azéma, P. A. Mey­er, and M. Yor. Lec­ture Notes in Math­em­at­ics 1372. Spring­er (Ber­lin), 1989. MR 1022917 Zbl 0747.​60072 incollection

M. Bar­low, J. Pit­man, and M. Yor: “Une ex­ten­sion mul­ti­di­men­sion­nelle de la loi de l’arc si­nus” [A mul­ti­di­men­sion­al ex­ten­sion of the arc­sine law], pp. 294–​314 in Sémin­aire de prob­ab­ilités XXIII [Twenty-third prob­ab­il­ity sem­in­ar]. Edi­ted by J. Azéma, P. A. Mey­er, and M. Yor. Lec­ture Notes in Math­em­at­ics 1372. Spring­er (Ber­lin), 1989. MR 1022918 Zbl 0738.​60072 incollection

K. Burdzy, J. Pit­man, and M. Yor: “Browni­an cross­ings between spheres,” J. Math. Anal. Ap­pl. 148 : 1 (May 1990), pp. 101–​120. MR 1052048 Zbl 0713.​60082 article

M. Per­man, J. Pit­man, and M. Yor: “Size-biased sampling of Pois­son point pro­cesses and ex­cur­sions,” Probab. The­ory Re­lat. Fields 92 : 1 (March 1992), pp. 21–​39. MR 1156448 Zbl 0741.​60037 article

J. Pit­man and M. Yor: “Arc­sine laws and in­ter­val par­ti­tions de­rived from a stable sub­or­din­at­or,” Proc. Lon­don Math. Soc. (3) 65 : 2 (September 1992), pp. 326–​356. MR 1168191 Zbl 0769.​60014 article

S. M. Kozlov, J. W. Pit­man, and M. Yor: “Browni­an in­ter­pret­a­tions of an el­lipt­ic in­teg­ral,” pp. 83–​95 in Sem­in­ar on stochast­ic pro­cesses, 1991 (Los Angeles, 23–25 March 1991). Edi­ted by E. Çin­lar, K. L. Chung, and M. J. Sharpe. Pro­gress in Prob­ab­il­ity 29. Birkhäuser (Bo­ston, MA), 1992. Pro­ceed­ings ded­ic­ated to the memory of Steven Orey. MR 1172145 Zbl 0765.​60082 incollection

S. M. Kozlov, J. Pit­man, and M. Yor: “Wien­er foot­ball,” Teor. Veroy­at­nost. i Primenen. 37 : 3 (1992), pp. 562–​564. An Eng­lish trans­la­tion was pub­lished in The­ory Probab. Ap­pl. 37:3 (1992). A let­ter con­cern­ing this art­icle ap­peared in Teor. Veroy­at­nost. i Primenen. 38:1 (1993). MR 1214362 article

S. M. Kozlov, J. B. Pit­man, and M. Yor: “Wien­er foot­ball,” The­ory Probab. Ap­pl. 37 : 3 (1992), pp. 550–​553. Rus­si­an ori­gin­al was pub­lished in Teor. Veroy­at­nost. i Primenen. 37:3 (1992). Zbl 0773.​60079 article

J. W. Pit­man and M. Yor: “Dilata­tions d’es­pace-temps, réar­range­ments des tra­jectoires browni­ennes, et quelques ex­ten­sions d’une iden­tité de Knight” [Space­time dila­tions, re­arrange­ments of Browni­an tra­ject­or­ies, and some ex­ten­sions of an iden­tity of Knight], C. R. Acad. Sci., Par­is, Sér. I 316 : 7 (1993), pp. 723–​726. MR 1214423 Zbl 0789.​60059 article

P. Fitz­sim­mons, J. Pit­man, and M. Yor: “Markovi­an bridges: Con­struc­tion, Palm in­ter­pret­a­tion, and spli­cing,” pp. 101–​134 in Sem­in­ar on stochast­ic pro­cesses, 1992 (Seattle, WA, 26–28 March 1992). Edi­ted by E. Çin­lar, K. L. Chung, and M. J. Sharpe. Pro­gress in Prob­ab­il­ity 33. Birkhäuser (Bo­ston, MA), 1993. MR 1278079 Zbl 0844.​60054 incollection

S. M. Kozlov: “Let­ter to the ed­it­ors: ‘Wien­er soc­cer’,” Teor. Veroy­at­nost. i Primenen. 38 : 1 (1993), pp. 204. This con­cerns an art­icle pub­lished in Teor. Veroy­at­nost. i Primenen. 37:3 (1992). MR 1317797 article

J. Pit­man and M. Yor: “Ran­dom dis­crete dis­tri­bu­tions de­rived from self-sim­il­ar ran­dom sets,” Elec­tron. J. Probab. 1 : 4 (1996). Art­icle no. 4, 28 pp. MR 1386296 Zbl 0891.​60042 article

J. W. Pit­man and M. Yor: “Quelques iden­tités en loi pour les pro­ces­sus de Bessel” [Some iden­tit­ies in law for Bessel pro­cesses], pp. 249–​276 in Hom­mage à P. A. Mey­er et J. Neveu [In homage to P. A. Mey­er and J. Neveu]. Astérisque 236. Société Mathématique de France (Par­is), 1996. MR 1417987 Zbl 0863.​60035 incollection

J. Pit­man and M. Yor: “De­com­pos­i­tion at the max­im­um for ex­cur­sions and bridges of one-di­men­sion­al dif­fu­sions,” pp. 293–​310 in Itô’s stochast­ic cal­cu­lus and prob­ab­il­ity the­ory. Edi­ted by N. Ike­da. Spring­er (Tokyo), 1996. Book ded­ic­ated to ded­ic­ated to Kiy­osi Itô on the oc­ca­sion of his 80th birth­day. MR 1439532 Zbl 0877.​60053 incollection

J. Pit­man and M. Yor: “The two-para­met­er Pois­son–Di­rich­let dis­tri­bu­tion de­rived from a stable sub­or­din­at­or,” Ann. Probab. 25 : 2 (1997), pp. 855–​900. MR 1434129 Zbl 0880.​60076 article

M. Jean­blanc, J. Pit­man, and M. Yor: “The Feyn­man–Kac for­mula and de­com­pos­i­tion of Browni­an paths,” Com­put. Ap­pl. Math. 16 : 1 (1997), pp. 27–​52. MR 1458521 Zbl 0877.​60027 article

J. Pit­man and M. Yor: “On the lengths of ex­cur­sions of some Markov pro­cesses,” pp. 272–​286 in Sémin­aire de prob­ab­ilités XXXI [Thirty-first prob­ab­il­ity sem­in­ar]. Edi­ted by J. Azéma, M. Emery, and M. Yor. Lec­ture Notes in Math­em­at­ics 1655. Spring­er (Ber­lin), 1997. MR 1478737 Zbl 0884.​60071 incollection

J. Pit­man and M. Yor: “On the re­l­at­ive lengths of ex­cur­sions de­rived from a stable sub­or­din­at­or,” pp. 287–​305 in Sémin­aire de prob­ab­ilités XXXI [Thirty-first prob­ab­il­ity sem­in­ar]. Edi­ted by J. Azéma, M. Emery, and M. Yor. Lec­ture Notes in Math­em­at­ics 1655. Spring­er (Ber­lin), 1997. MR 1478738 Zbl 0884.​60072 incollection

J. Pit­man and M. Yor: “Ranked func­tion­als of Browni­an ex­cur­sions,” C. R. Acad. Sci., Par­is, Sér. I 326 : 1 (1998), pp. 93–​97. With French sum­mary. MR 1649517 Zbl 0924.​60073 article

J. Pit­man and M. Yor: “Ran­dom Browni­an scal­ing iden­tit­ies and spli­cing of Bessel pro­cesses,” Ann. Probab. 26 : 4 (1998), pp. 1683–​1702. MR 1675059 Zbl 0937.​60079 article

J. Pit­man and M. Yor: Laws of ho­mo­gen­eous func­tion­als of Browni­an mo­tion, 1998. unpublished

J. Pit­man and M. Yor: “Laplace trans­forms re­lated to ex­cur­sions of a one-di­men­sion­al dif­fu­sion,” Bernoulli 5 : 2 (1999), pp. 249–​255. MR 1681697 Zbl 0921.​60015 article

J. Pit­man and M. Yor: “The law of the max­im­um of a Bessel bridge,” Elec­tron. J. Probab. 4 (1999). Art­icle no. 15, 35 pp. MR 1701890 Zbl 0943.​60084 article

J. Pit­man and M. Yor: “Path de­com­pos­i­tions of a Browni­an bridge re­lated to the ra­tio of its max­im­um and amp­litude,” Stu­dia Sci. Math. Hung. 35 : 3–​4 (1999), pp. 457–​474. MR 1761927 Zbl 0973.​60082 article

P. Car­mona, F. Petit, J. Pit­man, and M. Yor: “On the laws of ho­mo­gen­eous func­tion­als of the Browni­an bridge,” Stu­dia Sci. Math. Hung. 35 : 3–​4 (1999), pp. 445–​455. MR 1762255 Zbl 0980.​60099 article

J. Pit­man and M. Yor: “On the dis­tri­bu­tion of ranked heights of ex­cur­sions of a Browni­an bridge,” Ann. Probab. 29 : 1 (2001), pp. 361–​384. MR 1825154 Zbl 1033.​60050 article

R. Pe­mantle, Y. Peres, J. Pit­man, and M. Yor: “Where did the Browni­an particle go?,” Elec­tron. J. Probab. 6 (2001). Art­icle no. 10, 22 pp. MR 1831805 Zbl 0977.​60071 ArXiv math/​0404097 article

P. Bi­ane, J. Pit­man, and M. Yor: “Prob­ab­il­ity laws re­lated to the Jac­obi theta and Riemann zeta func­tions, and Browni­an ex­cur­sions,” Bull. Am. Math. Soc. (N.S.) 38 : 4 (2001), pp. 435–​465. MR 1848256 Zbl 1040.​11061 ArXiv math.​PR/​9912170 article

M. Jean­blanc, J. Pit­man, and M. Yor: “Self-sim­il­ar pro­cesses with in­de­pend­ent in­cre­ments as­so­ci­ated with Lévy and Bessel pro­cesses,” Stochast­ic Pro­cess. Ap­pl. 100 : 1–​2 (2002), pp. 223–​231. MR 1919614 Zbl 1059.​60052 article

J. Pit­man and M. Yor: “Hit­ting, oc­cu­pa­tion and in­verse loc­al times of one-di­men­sion­al dif­fu­sions: Mar­tin­gale and ex­cur­sion ap­proaches,” Bernoulli 9 : 1 (2003), pp. 1–​24. MR 1963670 Zbl 1024.​60032 article

J. Pit­man and M. Yor: “In­fin­itely di­vis­ible laws as­so­ci­ated with hy­per­bol­ic func­tions,” Canad. J. Math. 55 : 2 (2003), pp. 292–​330. MR 1969794 Zbl 1039.​11054 article

J. Pit­man and M. Yor: Poly­no­mi­als as­so­ci­ated with Lévy pro­cesses, 2003. unpublished

J. Pit­man and M. Yor: “Some prop­er­ties of the arc-sine law re­lated to its in­vari­ance un­der a fam­ily of ra­tion­al maps,” pp. 126–​137 in A fest­s­chrift for Her­man Ru­bin. Edi­ted by A. Dasgupta. IMS Lec­ture Notes Mono­graph Series 45. In­sti­tute of Math­em­at­ic­al Stat­ist­ics (Beach­wood, OH), 2004. MR 2126891 Zbl 1268.​37071 incollection

A. Gned­in, J. Pit­man, and M. Yor: “Asymp­tot­ic laws for com­pos­i­tions de­rived from trans­formed sub­or­din­at­ors,” Ann. Probab. 34 : 2 (2006), pp. 468–​492. MR 2223948 Zbl 1142.​60327 ArXiv math/​0403438 article

A. Gned­in, J. Pit­man, and M. Yor: “Asymp­tot­ic laws for re­gen­er­at­ive com­pos­i­tions: Gamma sub­or­din­at­ors and the like,” Probab. The­ory Re­lat. Fields 135 : 4 (August 2006), pp. 576–​602. MR 2240701 Zbl 1099.​60023 ArXiv math.​PR/​0405440 article

J. Pit­man and M. Yor: “Itô’s ex­cur­sion the­ory and its ap­plic­a­tions,” Ja­pan. J. Math. (3) 2 : 1 (March 2007), pp. 83–​96. MR 2295611 Zbl 1156.​60066 article

J.-F. Le Gall and J. Pit­man: “Ob­it­u­ary: Marc Yor 1949–2014,” No­tices Am. Math. Soc. 61 : 5 (May 2014), pp. 508–​509. article

J.-F. Le Gall and J. Pit­man: “Marc Yor (1949–2014),” No­tices Am. Math. Soc. 61 : 5 (May 2014), pp. 508–​509. MR 3203242 Zbl 1338.​01050 article

J. Pit­man: “Marc Yor and Browni­an ex­cur­sions,” pp. 55–​66 in Marc Yor: La pas­sion du mouvement browni­en [Marc Yor: The pas­sion of Browni­an mo­tion]. Edi­ted by J. Ber­toin, M. Jean­blanc, J.-F. Le Gall, and Z. Shi. Société Mathématique de France (Par­is), 2015. Gaz­ette des Mathématiciens and Mata­p­li spe­cial is­sue. incollection

J. Pit­man and M. Yor: A guide to Browni­an mo­tion stochast­ic pro­cesses. Pre­print, February 2018. ArXiv 1802.​09679 techreport