We begin by showing that in general, being SR does not imply that
is SR, and in fact that this is very far from
being the case.
Theorem 2:
is , and are the roots of
the pgf of . Then
Up to a constant multiple, the pgf of is
which has degree . Let be the complex roots with
positive imaginary part and be the
real roots. Then
Both of these expressions have coefficients
equal to 1. Identifying the
coefficients of gives
Identifying the coefficients of gives
Combining this with leads to
Therefore, since there are at most pairs of complex conjugate roots,
Here is the result from
that we used to show that is SR if is SR.
For a polynomial of degree , write
where is a polynomial of degree .
Theorem 3:
([◊],Theorem 4.3)
If is SR with degree , the corresponding polynomials
are SR as well. Furthermore, their roots are interlaced
in the sense that if the collection of all roots of the
’s are placed in increasing order,
then the roots of are , ,
This statement is illustrated in the following array, in
the case :
Note that each row is periodic of period 6, and each row is obtained from
the previous row via a shift. The proof in
is by induction on the degree of .
The pgf of is , which alternates
signs at the points . Therefore, it has a root in each of the
intervals , thus showing that
is SR .
Theorem 4:
If is , then is .
It suffices to prove the result for odd. If is odd,
the pgf of is
By the Hermite–Biehler theorem, all roots of have negative
real parts if and only if all the roots of
are negative and interlace, with the largest of these being a root
If , one can see from the above array that
since the values of the function at the two endpoints of each interval have
opposite signs. Therefore, the negative roots interlace. For larger odd ,
the argument is similar.
It follows
that is
H .
The situation for the case , where is not a
multiple of 3, is similar. Its pgf
In a few cases, the interval is of the form , which is interpreted
as the singleton . So, the roots of are negative and
interlace. Unfortunately, as was
pointed out earlier, this property does not imply .
The case of is more challenging, since for each
root with positive real part, one must find a negative root that compensates
for it. It is not simply a matter of proving some property for each root,
as was the case for and . All we can offer at this point is
speculation based on computations of roots in special cases.
If is but not , will have complex roots of positive
real part. For a negative real root and a conjugate pair of roots
with positive real part, let
For this cubic polynomial to have positive coefficients, it is necessary
and sufficient that
Here is what seems to be the case. Let be the real
roots of ordered in increasing order of their absolute values, and
be the roots with positive real and imaginary parts,
ordered in increasing order of the real parts. Assume that is
SR and takes values .
Let be the pgf of . The degree of is
. Then appears to be in general.
The number of ’s and the number of ’s are close to .
This has been checked in a number of cases, including for
and 75, and , and
If , the pgf of is
for . If , it is and can be factored into
irreducible cubics, with an extra linear factor if
and an extra irreducible quadratic factor if . Here irreducible means that it cannot be further factored into
polynomials with positive coefficients. The appropriate pairing of real
and complex roots is with .
This picture continues to hold for many ’s that are sums of independent
Bernoulli random variables with randomly chosen parameters.
Here is some more detail when is and is the pgf of
, omitting multiplicative
so for some . Therefore is . It is not
since the discriminant of the quadratic factor is for . The
actual values are , , .
so for some . Again, is but not . The
actual values are , , .
Computing with and setting it leads to
Solving the second equation for and using that in the first equation
leads to
Expanding this yields a polynomial in , all of whose coefficients are
negative, so . It follows that is . The actual values
are .
The first case that is is . Now
for gives
Consider small with general. Use for the elementary symmetric
is .
For ,
is , but may not be .
For ,
is , but may not be .
For ,
Setting this equal to
with gives and
So that , we need
it follows that has a root which makes .
The inequalities above follow from the Newton inequalities
It follows that is .
this equal to
Solving for the coefficients gives
Combining these two equations gives (and nothing is lost if )
Using this value of in either of those equations implies that
must be a root of a
degree-10 polynomial . Also,
Using PolynomialReduce,
Now the Newton inequalities are
Unfortunately, the pgf of is not necessarily
. Take to be . For , is , and for
is . For , , and there are 4 ’s and 4
’s. For to be , there would have to be a pairing of the ’s
and ’s so that for each such pair, has positive coefficients.
But, no such pairing exists, since has a negative quadratic
coefficient for , so is not . However,
and have positive coefficients for , so one
can choose a factorization of so that only one factor has a negative
coefficient. Note that it is not either.
It is ,
has positive coefficients. This may or may not be useful.
However, all is not lost, due to the following result.
Proposition 5:
Suppose and are nonnegative integer-valued random variables with
and whose pgf’s satisfy
If , , , then can be coupled so that
The distributions of satisfy
Since , summing gives
Therefore, if , , , and can be coupled
so that almost surely.11
Computing the first moment, we see that
so using again , we conclude
For the above example, , we indicate the situation
below, with the entry corresponding to . If the entry
is , all coefficients of
are positive. Otherwise, the entry indicates which coefficient is negative,
and gives the value of :
we see that there is a coupling of with ,
a sum of three independent random values with values , so that
Let be the pgf of where is a general
SR random variable taking values . The degree of is
. Then the following appears to be the case. There
is a (not in general unique) index so that has positive
coefficients if and has positive coefficients if
. Then the proposition can be applied to the case . In many
cases, this partition of the ’s is not necessary, and is actually
. This appears to be the case, for example, if is for
0 or 1. In one of these cases, has positive
coefficients for all , and in the other has positive
coefficients for all .
For , one can choose all but one factor to have positive
coefficients, and the (normalized)
cubics corresponding to
Here is a larger example, with , . Now there are
7 ’s and 6 ’s:
Now, means that all four coefficients are positive, or means
the coefficient is negative, but the hypotheses of the proposition
are satisfied, and means that the hypotheses of the proposition are
not satisfied at all. In the context of the last paragraph, the possible
values of are 2, 3, 4, 5.
From the examples we have looked at, it appears that the pgf of “usually” satisfies , and when it does not, it can be
factored into cubics that have positive coefficients except for one. That
one can be treated using the proposition. Typically, the way this arises
is that has positive coefficients
for one range of ’s, and has positive coefficients for a
complementary range of ’s. The exceptional factor appears in a transition
from one range to the other.
Write to mean that has positive coefficients. Take
to be .
If , , and satisfies
If , , and satisfies
In neither case is satisfied.
If , ,
and satisfies
so is satisfied. We do not have a counterexample to for
If , ,
and satisfies
so is not satisfied.