Celebratio Mathematica

Michael F. Atiyah

Works authored by Atiyah

Works connected to René Thom

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M. Atiyah, A. Borel, G. J. Chaitin, D. Friedan, J. Glimm, J. J. Gray, M. W. Hirsch, S. MacLane, B. B. Man­del­brot, D. Ruelle, A. Schwarz, K. Uh­len­beck, R. Thom, E. Wit­ten, and C. Zee­man: “Re­sponses to ‘The­or­et­ic­al math­em­at­ics: To­ward a cul­tur­al syn­thes­is of math­em­at­ics and the­or­et­ic­al phys­ics’, by A. Jaffe and F. Quinn,” Bull. Am. Math. Soc., New Ser. 30 : 2 (April 1994), pp. 178–​207. Zbl 0803.​01014 ArXiv math/​9404229 article

M. Atiyah: “The im­pact of Thom’s cobor­d­ism the­ory,” Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. (N.S.) 41 : 3 (2004), pp. 337–​340. MR 2058290 Zbl 1049.​57500 article