by Harold G. Diamond
Paul was broadly educated in number theory. His research centered on classical analytic number theory and associated analysis. Topics included sums of squares, modular forms, the distribution of prime numbers, Beurling’s generalized prime numbers, geometrical extrema, coefficients of cyclotomic polynomials, and arithmetical functions. Paul wrote joint papers with over 20 different coauthors, and supervised 20 doctoral students in number theory, including the late Marvin Knopp of Temple University and Kevin McCurley of Google.
Paul’s first major result was contained in his thesis and published in the AMS Transactions [1]. It proved a formula conjectured by G. H. Hardy for the number of representations of a positive integer as the sum of three squares. Hardy had obtained exact formulas for sums of \( s \) squares for \( 5 \le s \le 8 \). Paul was able to handle the case \( s=4 \) quite easily, but \( s=3 \) required a different argument, suggested by work of Erich Hecke. The key step in his argument was to establish convergence of Hardy’s so-called singular series \( \mathfrak{S}_3(n) \) by a subtle limiting argument. Dozens of authors before Paul had studied the number of representations of integers as sums of squares, and interest in this topic and his work continues — since the year 2000, Paul’s paper has been cited in 14 articles.
Paul is perhaps best known to the number theory community for the Bateman–Horn conjectural asymptotic formula for the number of \( k \)-tuples of primes generated by systems of polynomials [3]. (The most celebrated problem of this type is the twin-prime conjecture; another is to determine how often \( n^2 + 1 \) is a prime.) Their formula extended and quantified several famous conjectures of Hardy and J. E. Littlewood, and of Andrzej Schinzel, and they illustrated its quality with calculations. This topic has been treated in dozens of subsequent papers.
Another of Paul’s computation-related projects dealt with Mersenne primes. These are prime numbers of the form \( M_n=2^n-1 \). The question of the primality of numbers \( M_n \) has fascinated number theorists for centuries. (The UIUC Math Department postal stamp in the 1970s announced that the Mersenne number \( 2^{11,213} -1 \) is prime.) A necessary condition for \( M_n \) to be prime is that \( n \) be prime, but beyond this elementary result little is known. There are famous conjectures of whether infinitely many Mersenne primes exist, and there have been large-scale computational efforts to find large Mersenne primes.
In 1989, Bateman, John Selfridge and Samuel Wagstaff [5] formulated a “New Mersenne Conjecture,” to correct Marin Mersenne’s original (flawed) primality claims. The new conjecture states that if
\( n \) is of the form \( 2^k\pm1 \) or \( 4^k\pm 3 \), and
\( (2^n+1)/3 \) is prime,
then \( M_n \) is prime; conversely, if \( M_n \) is prime and one of the conditions (1) and (2) holds, then the other holds as well. This conjecture has been verified for \( p\le 2\cdot 10^7 \) [e2]. Although it may be regarded as mainly a curiosity, the conjecture has continued to generate interest over the years. It is discussed in articles on Wikipedia,1 in Eric Weisstein’s MathWorld website [e1], as well as in Chris Caldwell’s Prime Pages site [e2].
Paul had an encyclopedic knowledge of the literature of number theory. In addition to serving as a mobile version of Math Reviews, he put this talent to good use in writing an authoritative appendix for the reprint of Edmund Landau’s groundbreaking 1909 book Primzahlen [2].
Another of Paul’s enthusiasms was problem solving. He inspired generations of students and enriched several books with his problems. Throughout his career, Paul contributed numerous problems and solutions to the American Mathematical Monthly: 56 of his contributions appear in print. It was not surprising that, among his several editorships, he served as a coeditor of the Problems Section.
One of his problems, created jointly with Bruce Reznick (submitted under the pseudonym P. A. Batnik) [4] reflected their common interest in sums of squares: Prove that if \( n \) is an odd positive integer, there exist integers \( x_1,\ x_2,\ x_3,\ x_4 \) with \[ n = x_1^2 + x_2^2 + x_3^2 + x_4^2 \qquad\text{and}\qquad x_1 \ge \lfloor \sqrt{n} \rfloor - 1 .\]
From 1965 to 1980, Paul served as department head at UIUC. This was a time of major expansion and faculty renewal, and Paul raised the level of the whole department. His energetic leadership and his promotion of seminars and conferences helped form an outstanding number theory group, and had a positive effect on the subject throughout the nation. Paul had both good ideas and the drive to carry them out.
Paul’s capacity for work was impressive. As head, he was single-handedly responsible for nearly all the department’s administrative work, including preparing documents on hiring and promotion, NSF grant administration, preparing budgets, and reconciling expenditures. During this time, he was also an Associate Secretary of the AMS. In addition, Paul maintained an active research program, supervised graduate students, and made time to support talented young people.