Cyclotomic and other polynomials
[1] : “Note on the coefficients of the cyclotomic polynomial,” Bull. Am. Math. Soc. 55 : 12 (1949), pp. 1180–1181. MR 0032677 Zbl 0035.31102 article
[2] : “On the size of the coefficients of the cyclotomic polynomial,” pp. 1–18 in Seminaire de théorie des nombres de Bordeaux (Bordeaux, 1981–1982), vol. 11: 1981–1982. Université de Bordeaux 1 (Talence, France), 1982. Exposé no. 28. Note that an article with the same title was published by Bateman, Pomerance and Vaughan in 1984. Zbl 0512.10005 incollection
[3] : “On the size of the coefficients of the cyclotomic polynomial,” pp. 171–202 in Topics in classical number theory (Budapest, 20–25 July 1981), vol. I. Edited by G. Halász. Colloquia Mathematica Societatis János Bolyai 34. North-Holland (Amsterdam), 1984. Note that an article with the same title had been published by Bateman alone in 1982. MR 781138 Zbl 0547.10010 incollection