Celebratio Mathematica

Paul T. Bateman

Published problem solutions in the American Mathematical Monthly

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D. H. Browne, E. P. Starke, P. Bate­man, and M. S. Kne­bel­man: “Prob­lems and solu­tions: Ele­ment­ary prob­lems: Solu­tions: E706,” Amer. Math. Monthly 53 : 9 (1946), pp. 533–​534. MR 1526542 article

R. Du­bisch and P. Bate­man: “Prob­lems and solu­tions: Ele­ment­ary prob­lems: Solu­tions: E718,” Amer. Math. Monthly 53 : 10 (1946), pp. 593. MR 1526565 article

D. H. Browne, P. T. Bate­man, E. P. Starke, and C. D. Olds: “Prob­lems and solu­tions: Solu­tions: E704,” Amer. Math. Monthly 53 : 8 (1946), pp. 467–​468. MR 1526520 article

G. Gross­man and P. Bate­man: “Ele­ment­ary prob­lems and solu­tions: Solu­tions: E719,” Amer. Math. Monthly 54 : 1 (1947), pp. 45–​46. MR 1526591 article

H. Scheffe, P. T. Bate­man, and E. Lat­shaw: “Ele­ment­ary prob­lems and solu­tions: Solu­tions: E734,” Amer. Math. Monthly 54 : 4 (1947), pp. 225–​227. MR 1526678 article

V. Thebault and P. T. Bate­man: “Ad­vanced prob­lems and solu­tions: Solu­tions: 4180,” Amer. Math. Monthly 54 : 3 (1947), pp. 170–​171. MR 1544216 article

V. Thebault and P. Bate­man: “Ad­vanced prob­lems and solu­tions: Solu­tions: 4205,” Amer. Math. Monthly 54 : 9 (1947), pp. 550. MR 1544221 article

E. Szekeres, P. T. Bate­man, and D. K. Pease: “Ele­ment­ary prob­lems and solu­tions: Solu­tions: E740,” Amer. Math. Monthly 54 : 5 (1947), pp. 281–​282. MR 1526700 article

V. Thebault and P. T. Bate­man: “Ele­ment­ary prob­lems and solu­tions: Solu­tions: E745,” Amer. Math. Monthly 54 : 5 (1947), pp. 285. MR 1544144 article

P. T. Bate­man and O. Sza­sz: “Ad­vanced prob­lems and solu­tions: Solu­tions: 4290,” Amer. Math. Monthly 56 : 9 (1949), pp. 639–​640. MR 1527393 article

P. T. Bate­man and W. H. J. Fuchs: “Ele­ment­ary prob­lems and solu­tions: Solu­tions: E869,” Amer. Math. Monthly 57 : 2 (1950), pp. 114–​116. MR 1527478 article

P. Bate­man: “Ad­vanced prob­lems and solu­tions: Solu­tions: 4387,” Amer. Math. Monthly 58 : 9 (1951), pp. 638–​639. MR 1527985 article

P. T. Bate­man and R. Breusch: “Ad­vanced prob­lems and solu­tions: Solu­tions: 4391,” Amer. Math. Monthly 58 : 10 (1951), pp. 704–​705. MR 1528011 article

N. C. Arkeny, W. Scott, P. T. Bate­man, and L. Schoen­feld: “Ad­vanced prob­lems and solu­tions: Solu­tions: 4421,” Amer. Math. Monthly 59 : 5 (1952), pp. 338. MR 1528162 article

D. J. New­man and P. T. Bate­man: “Ad­vanced prob­lems and solu­tions: Solu­tions: 4459,” Amer. Math. Monthly 61 : 7 (1954), pp. 477–​479. MR 1528794 article

H. S. Sha­piro and P. T. Bate­man: “Ad­vanced prob­lems and solu­tions: Solu­tions: 4656,” Amer. Math. Monthly 63 : 10 (1956), pp. 732. MR 1529491 article

J. Lehner and P. T. Bate­man: “Ad­vanced prob­lems and solu­tions: Solu­tions: 4610,” Amer. Math. Monthly 63 : 1 (1956), pp. 49–​50. MR 1529213 article

M. S. Klamkin and P. T. Bate­man: “Ad­vanced prob­lems and solu­tions: Solu­tions: 4772,” Amer. Math. Monthly 65 : 10 (1958), pp. 781–​782. MR 1530159 article

S. W. Go­lomb and P. T. Bate­man: “Ad­vanced prob­lems and solu­tions: Solu­tions: 4801,” Amer. Math. Monthly 66 : 5 (1959), pp. 428–​429. MR 1530341 article

P. Er­dos and P. T. Bate­man: “Ad­vanced prob­lems and solu­tions: Solu­tions: 4785,” Amer. Math. Monthly 66 : 2 (1959), pp. 151–​153. MR 1530231 article

P. T. Bate­man: “Ad­vanced prob­lems and solu­tions: Solu­tions: 4819,” Amer. Math. Monthly 66 : 8 (1959), pp. 733. MR 1530480 article

P. T. Bate­man and N. J. Fine: “Ad­vanced prob­lems and solu­tions: Solu­tions: 4847,” Amer. Math. Monthly 67 : 3 (1960), pp. 299. MR 1530678 article

P. T. Bate­man, I. Rein­er, and S. Sato: “Ad­vanced prob­lems and solu­tions: Solu­tions: 4852,” Amer. Math. Monthly 67 : 5 (1960), pp. 480–​481. MR 1530771 article

P. T. Bate­man and Y. Chang: “Ad­vanced prob­lems and solu­tions: Solu­tions: 4840,” Amer. Math. Monthly 67 : 2 (1960), pp. 189. MR 1530637 article

P. T. Bate­man and N. J. Fine: “Ad­vanced prob­lems and solu­tions: Solu­tions: 4907,” Amer. Math. Monthly 68 : 4 (1961), pp. 385–​386. MR 1531208 article

S. W. Go­lomb and P. T. Bate­man: “Ad­vanced prob­lems and solu­tions: Solu­tions: 4970,” Amer. Math. Monthly 69 : 8 (1962), pp. 813–​814. MR 1531857 article

P. T. Bate­man and F. W. Owens: “Ad­vanced prob­lems and solu­tions: Solu­tions: 4972,” Amer. Math. Monthly 69 : 8 (1962), pp. 815–​816. MR 1531859 article

P. T. Bate­man, L. Carl­itz, and S. L. Warner: “Ad­vanced prob­lems and solu­tions: Solu­tions: 4985,” Amer. Math. Monthly 69 : 9 (1962), pp. 931–​932. MR 1531910 article

R. S. Spira, R. G. Al­bert, P. T. Bate­man, M. Gold­berg, R. H. Wilson, Jr., and D. Zeitlin: “Ele­ment­ary prob­lems and solu­tions: Solu­tions: E1517,” Amer. Math. Monthly 70 : 2 (1963), pp. 211–​212. MR 1532024 article

P. M. Cohn and P. T. Bate­man: “Ad­vanced prob­lems and solu­tions: Solu­tions: 5044,” Amer. Math. Monthly 70 : 7 (1963), pp. 773. MR 1532274 article

H. No­land, G. Torch­inelli, and P. T. Bate­man: “Ele­ment­ary prob­lems and solu­tions: Solu­tions: E1567,” Amer. Math. Monthly 70 : 10 (1963), pp. 1103–​1104. MR 1532443 article

H. S. Sha­piro, D. Z. Djokovic, P. T. Bate­man, G. Craw­ford, A. W. Mar­shall, and F. Proschan: “Ad­vanced prob­lems and solu­tions: Solu­tions: 5060,” Amer. Math. Monthly 70 : 9 (1963), pp. 1021–​1022. MR 1532398 article

O. Ore, J. L. Sel­fridge, and P. T. Bate­man: “Ad­vanced prob­lems and solu­tions: Solu­tions: 4995,” Amer. Math. Monthly 70 : 1 (1963), pp. 101–​102. MR 1532000 article

P. T. Bate­man and L. A. Ru­bel: “Prob­lems and solu­tions: Solu­tions of ad­vanced prob­lems: 5171,” Amer. Math. Monthly 72 : 2 (1965), pp. 195–​197. MR 1533135 article

P. T. Bate­man: “Prob­lems and solu­tions: Solu­tions of ele­ment­ary prob­lems: E2051,” Amer. Math. Monthly 76 : 2 (1969), pp. 190–​191. MR 1535297 article

P. Er­dos and P. T. Bate­man: “Prob­lems and solu­tions: Solu­tions of ad­vanced prob­lems: 5724,” Amer. Math. Monthly 78 : 4 (1971), pp. 412. MR 1536305 article

D. M. Bat­tany and P. T. Bate­man: “Prob­lems and solu­tions: Solu­tions of ad­vanced prob­lems: 5915,” Amer. Math. Monthly 81 : 7 (1974), pp. 788–​789. MR 1537491 article

I. J. Good and P. T. Bate­man: “Prob­lems and solu­tions: Solu­tions of ad­vanced prob­lems: 6137,” Amer. Math. Monthly 87 : 6 (1980), pp. 495–​496. MR 1539428 article

N. Abe and P. T. Bate­man: “Prob­lems and solu­tions: Solu­tions: 10376,” Amer. Math. Monthly 104 : 3 (1997), pp. 276–​277. MR 1542982 article

P. Bate­man, D. Brad­ley, D. Cal­lan, and R. Stong: “Prob­lems and solu­tions: Solu­tions: Bin­ary ex­pan­sions and \( k \)-th powers: 10596,” Amer. Math. Monthly 106 : 4 (1999), pp. 366–​367. MR 1543465 article