
Celebratio Mathematica

Alberto Pedro Calderón

Complete Bibliography

[1] A. P. Calder­ón: “In­teg­rales sin­gu­lares y op­eradores seudodifer­en­ciales: His­tor­ia y per­spectiva” [Sin­gu­lar in­teg­rals and pseudodif­fer­en­tial op­er­at­ors: His­tory and per­spect­ive], Anales Acad. Nac. Cien­cias Ex­ac. Fís. y Nat. 38, pp. 33–​45. article

[2] A. P. Caldéron, A. González Domínguez, and A. Zyg­mund: “Nota sobre los valores límites de fun­ciones analít­ic­as” [Note on the lim­it val­ues of ana­lyt­ic func­tions], Rev­ista Unión Mat. Ar­gen­tina 14 (1949), pp. 16–​19. MR 0031550 Zbl 0033.​05901 article

[3] A. P. Calder­ón and A. Zyg­mund: “Note on the bound­ary val­ues of func­tions of sev­er­al com­plex vari­ables,” pp. 145–​165 in A. Zyg­mund, W. Tran­sue, M. Morse, A. P. Calder­ón, and S. Boch­ner: Con­tri­bu­tions to Four­i­er ana­lys­is. An­nals of Math­em­at­ics Stud­ies 25. Prin­ceton Uni­versity Press (Prin­ceton, NJ), 1950. MR 0035833 Zbl 0040.​04001 incollection

[4] A. P. Caldéron: I: On the er­god­ic the­or­ems; II: On the be­ha­vi­or of har­mon­ic func­tions at the bound­ary; III: On the the­or­em of Mar­cinkiewicz and Zyg­mund. Ph.D. thesis, Uni­versity of Chica­go, 1950. Ad­vised by A. Zyg­mund. Part II had earli­er been pub­lished in Trans. Am. Math. Soc. 68:1 (1950). Part III had also earli­er been pub­lished in Trans. Am. Math. Soc. 68:1 (1950). MR 2611391 phdthesis

[5] A. P. Calder­ón: “On a the­or­em of Mar­cinkiewicz and Zyg­mund,” Trans. Am. Math. Soc. 68 : 1 (January 1950), pp. 55–​61. This was one of three pub­lished art­icles com­bined to make up the au­thor’s 1950 PhD thes­is. MR 0032864 Zbl 0035.​18903 article

[6] A. P. Calder­ón: “On the­or­ems of M. Riesz and Zyg­mund,” Proc. Am. Math. Soc. 1 : 4 (August 1950), pp. 533–​535. MR 0037394 Zbl 0040.​32302 article

[7] A. P. Calder­ón: “On the be­ha­viour of har­mon­ic func­tions at the bound­ary,” Trans. Am. Math. Soc. 68 : 1 (January 1950), pp. 47–​54. This was one of three pub­lished art­icles com­bined to make up the au­thor’s 1950 PhD thes­is. MR 0032863 Zbl 0035.​18901 article

[8] A. P. Calder­ón and A. Zyg­mund: “On the the­or­em of Haus­dorff–Young and its ex­ten­sions,” pp. 166–​188 in A. Zyg­mund, W. Tran­sue, M. Morse, A. P. Calder­ón, and S. Boch­ner: Con­tri­bu­tions to Four­i­er ana­lys­is. An­nals of Math­em­at­ics Stud­ies 25. Prin­ceton Uni­versity Press, 1950. MR 0037395 Zbl 0040.​02902 incollection

[9] A. P. Calder­ón: “On the dif­fer­en­ti­ab­il­ity of ab­so­lutely con­tinu­ous func­tions,” Riv­ista Mat. Univ. Parma 2 (1951), pp. 203–​213. MR 0045200 Zbl 0044.​27901 article

[10] A. P. Calder­ón and A. Zyg­mund: “A note on the in­ter­pol­a­tion of lin­ear op­er­a­tions,” Stu­dia Math. 12 (1951), pp. 194–​204. MR 0046567 Zbl 0044.​11902 article

[11] A. P. Cal­der­on and G. Klein: “On an ex­trem­um prob­lem con­cern­ing tri­go­no­met­ric­al poly­no­mi­als,” Stu­dia Math. 12 : 1 (1951), pp. 166–​169. MR 0050043 Zbl 0044.​05902 article

[12] A. P. Cal­der­on and A. Zyg­mund: “On the ex­ist­ence of cer­tain sin­gu­lar in­teg­rals,” Acta Math. 88 (December 1952), pp. 85–​139. Ded­ic­ated to Pro­fess­or Mar­cel Riesz, on the oc­ca­sion of his 65th birth­day. MR 0052553 Zbl 0047.​10201 article

[13] A. P. Calder­ón and R. Pe­p­in­sky: “On the phases of Four­i­er coef­fi­cients of pos­it­ive real peri­od­ic func­tions,” pp. 339–​349 in Com­put­ing meth­ods and the phase prob­lem in X-ray crys­tal ana­lys­is (State Col­lege, PA, 6–8 April 1950). Edi­ted by R. Pe­p­in­sky. Pennsylvania State Col­lege De­part­ment of Phys­ics, 1952. incollection

[14] A. P. Cal­der­on and H. B. Mann: “On the mo­ments of stochast­ic in­teg­rals,” Sankhyā 12 : 4 (September 1953), pp. 347–​350. MR 0057954 Zbl 0051.​10402 article

[15] A. P. Calder­ón: Solu­tion of the scal­ar ra­di­ation prob­lem for sur­faces of re­volu­tion. Technical report A. F. 18 (600) 88, 478-17, An­tenna Labor­at­ory, Ohio State Uni­versity Re­search Found­a­tion, 1953. techreport

[16] A. P. Cal­der­on: “A gen­er­al er­god­ic the­or­em,” Ann. Math. (2) 58 : 1 (July 1953), pp. 182–​191. MR 0055415 Zbl 0052.​11903 article

[17] A. P. Calder­ón and A. Zyg­mund: “Sin­gu­lar in­teg­rals and peri­od­ic func­tions,” Stu­dia Math. 14 (1953–1954), pp. 249–​271. MR 0069310 Zbl 0064.​10401 article

[18] A. P. Calder­ón: “The mul­ti­pole ex­pan­sion of ra­di­ation fields,” J. Ra­tion. Mech. Anal. 4 : 5 (1954), pp. 523–​537. MR 0063540 Zbl 0057.​42602 article

[19] A. P. Cal­der­on: “Sin­gu­lar in­teg­rals,” pp. 319–​328 in Se­gundo sym­posi­um sobre al­gun­os prob­lemas matemáti­cos que se es­tán estu­di­ando en Latino América [Second sym­posi­um on some math­em­at­ic­al prob­lems which have been stud­ied in Lat­in Amer­ica] (Vil­lavi­cen­cio, Ar­gen­tina, 21–25 Ju­ly 1954). Centro de Co­opera­ción Científica de la UN­ESCO para América Lat­ina (Mon­tevid­eo, Ur­uguay), 1954. MR 0072986 Zbl 0058.​33001 incollection

[20] R. F. Arens and A. P. Calder­ón: “Ana­lyt­ic func­tions of Four­i­er trans­forms,” pp. 39–​52 in Se­gundo sym­posi­um sobre al­gun­os prob­lemas matemáti­cos que se es­tán estu­di­ando en Latino América [Second sym­posi­um on some math­em­at­ic­al prob­lems which have been stud­ied in Lat­in Amer­ica] (Vil­lavi­cen­cio, Ar­gen­tina, 21–25 Ju­ly 1954). Centro de Co­opera­ción Científica de la UN­ESCO para América Lat­ina (Mon­tevid­eo, Ur­uguay), 1954. MR 0069925 Zbl 0058.​33202 incollection

[21] A. P. Calder­ón and A. Zyg­mund: “On a prob­lem of Mih­lin,” Trans. Am. Math. Soc. 78 : 1 (1955), pp. 209–​224. An ad­denda to this was pa­per pub­lished in Trans. Am. Math. Soc. 84:2 (1957). MR 0068028 Zbl 0065.​04104 article

[22] R. Arens and A. P. Calder­ón: “Ana­lyt­ic func­tions of sev­er­al Banach al­gebra ele­ments,” Ann. Math. (2) 62 : 2 (September 1955), pp. 204–​216. MR 0071735 Zbl 0065.​34802 article

[23] A. Calder­ón and A. Dev­in­atz: “Sur cer­taines courbes dans l’es­pace de Hil­bert” [On cer­tain curves on Hil­bert space], C. R. Acad. Sci. Par­is 241 (1955), pp. 539–​541. MR 0071741 Zbl 0064.​36803 article

[24] A. P. Calder­ón: “Sur les mesur­es in­vari­antes” [On in­vari­ant meas­ures], C. R. Acad. Sci. Par­is 240 (1955), pp. 1960–​1962. MR 0069257 Zbl 0064.​05102 article

[25] A. P. Calder­ón and A. Dev­in­atz: “Sur cer­taines courbes à coubure con­stante dans l’es­pace de Hil­bert” [On cer­tain curves of con­stant curvature on Hil­bert space], C. R. Acad. Sci. Par­is 241 (1955), pp. 586–​587. MR 0071742 Zbl 0064.​36804 article

[26] A. P. Calder­ón and A. Dev­in­atz: “On Four­i­er–Stieltjes trans­forms,” Can. J. Math. 7 (1955), pp. 453–​461. MR 0073747 Zbl 0065.​34102 article

[27] A. P. Calder­ón: “Ideals in Abeli­an group al­geb­ras,” pp. 12pp. in Sym­posi­um on har­mon­ic ana­lys­is and re­lated in­teg­ral trans­forms: Fi­nal tech­nic­al re­port (Ithaca, NY, 23–27 Ju­ly 1956). Cor­nell Uni­versity De­part­ment of Math­em­at­ics, 1956. incollection

[28] A. P. Calder­ón and A. Zyg­mund: “Al­geb­ras of cer­tain sin­gu­lar op­er­at­ors,” Am. J. Math. 78 : 2 (April 1956), pp. 310–​320. MR 0087810 Zbl 0072.​11601 article

[29] A. P. Calder­ón and A. Zyg­mund: “On sin­gu­lar in­teg­rals,” Am. J. Math. 78 : 2 (April 1956), pp. 289–​309. MR 0084633 Zbl 0072.​11501 article

[30] A. P. Calder­ón and A. Zyg­mund: “A note on the in­ter­pol­a­tion of sub­lin­ear op­er­a­tions,” Am. J. Math. 78 : 2 (April 1956), pp. 282–​288. MR 0082647 Zbl 0071.​33601 article

[31] A. P. Cal­der­on and A. Zyg­mund: “Ad­denda to the pa­per ‘On a prob­lem of Mih­lin’,” Trans. Am. Math. Soc. 84 : 2 (March 1957), pp. 559–​560. Ad­denda to a pa­per pub­lished in Trans. Am. Math. Soc. 78:1 (1955). MR 0084634 Zbl 0077.​27204 article

[32] A.-P. Calder­ón and A. Zyg­mund: “Sin­gu­lar in­teg­ral op­er­at­ors and dif­fer­en­tial equa­tions,” Am. J. Math. 79 : 4 (October 1957), pp. 901–​921. MR 0100768 Zbl 0081.​33502 article

[33] A. P. Calder­ón: “Unique­ness in the Cauchy prob­lem for par­tial dif­fer­en­tial equa­tions,” Am. J. Math. 80 : 1 (January 1958), pp. 16–​36. MR 0104925 Zbl 0080.​30302 article

[34] A. Calder­ón, F. Spitzer, and H. Wi­dom: “In­ver­sion of Toep­litz matrices,” Ill. J. Math. 3 : 4 (1959), pp. 490–​498. MR 0121652 Zbl 0091.​11101 article

[35] A.-P. Calder­ón and A. Zyg­mund: “A note on loc­al prop­er­ties of solu­tions of el­lipt­ic dif­fer­en­tial equa­tions,” Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 46 : 10 (October 1960), pp. 1385–​1389. An ex­pan­ded ver­sion of this was pub­lished in Stu­dia Math. 20:2 (1961). MR 0140829 Zbl 0196.​40501 article

[36] A. P. Calder­ón: In­teg­rales sin­gu­lares y sus ap­lic­a­ciones a ecua­ciones difer­en­ciales hiper­bol­icas [Sin­gu­lar in­teg­rals and their ap­plic­a­tions to hy­per­bol­ic dif­fer­en­tial equa­tions]. Cursos y Sem­in­ari­os de Matemát­ica 3. Uni­ver­sid­ad de Buenos Aires, 1960. MR 0123834 Zbl 0096.​06702 book

[37] A.-P. Calder­ón and A. Zyg­mund: “Loc­al prop­er­ties of solu­tions of el­lipt­ic par­tial dif­fer­en­tial equa­tions,” Stu­dia Math. 20 : 2 (1961), pp. 171–​225. This ex­pands on an art­icle pub­lished in Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 46:10 (1960). MR 0136849 Zbl 0099.​30103 article

[38] A. P. Calder­ón: “Le­besgue spaces of dif­fer­en­ti­able func­tions and dis­tri­bu­tions,” pp. 33–​49 in Par­tial dif­fer­en­tial equa­tions (Berke­ley, CA, 21–22 April 1960). Edi­ted by C. B. Mor­rey, Jr. Pro­ceed­ings of Sym­po­sia in Pure Math­em­at­ics 4. Amer­ic­an Math­em­at­ic­al So­ci­ety (Provid­ence, RI), 1961. MR 0143037 Zbl 0195.​41103 incollection

[39] A.-P. Calder­ón and A. Zyg­mund: “On the dif­fer­en­ti­ab­il­ity of func­tions which are of bounded vari­ation in Ton­elli’s sense,” Rev. Un. Mat. Ar­gen­tina 20 (1962), pp. 102–​121. MR 0151557 Zbl 0116.​31804 article

[40] A. Bene­dek, A. P. Calder­ón, and R. Pan­zone: “Con­vo­lu­tion op­er­at­ors on Banach space val­ued func­tions,” Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 48 : 3 (March 1962), pp. 356–​365. MR 0133653 Zbl 0103.​33402 article

[41] A. P. Calder­ón: “Ex­ist­ence and unique­ness the­or­ems for sys­tems of par­tial dif­fer­en­tial equa­tions,” pp. 147–​195 in Flu­id dy­nam­ics and ap­plied math­em­at­ics (Col­lege Park, MD, 28–29 April 1961). Edi­ted by J. B. Diaz and S. Bai. Gor­don and Breach (New York), 1962. MR 0156078 Zbl 0147.​08202 incollection

[42] A. P. Calder­ón: “In­ter­me­di­ate spaces and in­ter­pol­a­tion,” Stu­dia Math. Ser. Spec. 1 (1963), pp. 31–​34. MR 0147896 Zbl 0124.​31803 article

[43] A. P. Calder­ón: “Bound­ary value prob­lems for el­lipt­ic equa­tions,” pp. 303–​304 in Out­lines of the joint So­viet–Amer­ic­an sym­posi­um on par­tial dif­fer­en­tial equa­tions (Nov­os­ibirsk, Au­gust 1963). Aka­demiia Nauk SSSR Sibirskoe Ot­del­e­nie (Mo­scow), 1963. MR 0203254 incollection

[44] A.-P. Calder­ón and A. Zyg­mund: “On high­er gradi­ents of har­mon­ic func­tions,” pp. 57–​60 in Out­lines of the joint So­viet-Amer­ic­an sym­posi­um on par­tial dif­fer­en­tial equa­tions (Nov­os­ibirsk, Au­gust 1963). Academy of Sci­ences of the USSR, Siberi­an Branch (Mo­scow), 1963. A ver­sion of this was later pub­lished in Stu­dia Math. 24:2 (1964). MR 0214798 incollection

[45] A.-P. Calder­ón and A. Zyg­mund: “On high­er gradi­ents of har­mon­ic func­tions,” Stu­dia Math. 24 : 2 (1964), pp. 211–​226. An earli­er ver­sion of this was pub­lished in Out­lines of the joint So­viet-Amer­ic­an sym­posi­um on par­tial dif­fer­en­tial equa­tions (1963). MR 0167631 Zbl 0168.​37002 article

[46] A. P. Calder­ón: “In­ter­me­di­ate spaces and in­ter­pol­a­tion, the com­plex meth­od,” Stu­dia Math. 24 : 2 (1964), pp. 113–​190. MR 0167830 Zbl 0204.​13703 article

[47] A. P. Calder­ón: “Com­mut­at­ors of sin­gu­lar in­teg­ral op­er­at­ors,” Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 53 : 5 (May 1965), pp. 1092–​1099. MR 0177312 Zbl 0151.​16901 article

[48] A. P. Calder­ón: “Sin­gu­lar in­teg­rals,” Bull. Am. Math. Soc. 72 : 3 (1966), pp. 427–​465. MR 0209918 Zbl 0151.​16902 article

[49] A. P. Calder­ón: “Spaces between L1 and L and the the­or­em of Mar­cinkiewicz,” Stu­dia Math. 26 : 3 (1966), pp. 273–​299. MR 0203444 Zbl 0149.​09203 article

[50] A. P. Calder­ón: Es­tim­ates for in­teg­ral op­er­at­ors. Technical report 65-1866, U.S.A.F. Of­fice of Sci­entif­ic Re­search, 1966. techreport

[51] Sin­gu­lar in­teg­rals (Chica­go, IL, 20–22 April 1966). Edi­ted by A. P. Calder­ón. Pro­ceed­ings of Sym­po­sia in Pure Math­em­at­ics 10. Amer­ic­an Math­em­at­ic­al So­ci­ety (Provid­ence, RI), 1967. MR 0230584 Zbl 0162.​00206 book

[52] A. P. Calder­ón: “Al­geb­ras of sin­gu­lar in­teg­ral op­er­at­ors,” pp. 18–​55 in Sin­gu­lar in­teg­rals (Chica­go, IL, 20–22 April 1966). Edi­ted by A. P. Calder­ón. Pro­ceed­ings of Sym­po­sia in Pure Math­em­at­ics 10. Amer­ic­an Math­em­at­ic­al So­ci­ety (Provid­ence, RI), 1967. Also pub­lished in Trudy Mezh­dunar­od­nogo Kon­gressa Matem­atikov (1968). MR 0394309 Zbl 0182.​47402 incollection

[53] A. P. Calder­ón, M. Weiss, and A. Zyg­mund: “On the ex­ist­ence of sin­gu­lar in­teg­rals,” pp. 56–​73 in Sin­gu­lar in­teg­rals (Chica­go, 20–22 April 1966). Edi­ted by A. P. Calder­ón. Pro­ceed­ings of Sym­po­sia in Pure Math­em­at­ics 10. Amer­ic­an Math­em­at­ic­al So­ci­ety (Provid­ence, RI), 1967. An ad­dendum to this art­icle was pub­lished in Stu­dia Math. 46:3 (1973). MR 0338709 Zbl 0167.​12202 incollection

[54] A. P. Calder­ón: “The ana­lyt­ic cal­cu­la­tion of the in­dex of el­lipt­ic equa­tions,” Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 57 : 5 (May 1967), pp. 1193–​1194. MR 0211031 Zbl 0152.​11402 article

[55] A. P. Calder­ón: “Al­geb­ras of sin­gu­lar in­teg­ral op­er­at­ors,” pp. 393–​395 in Trudy Mezh­dunar­od­nogo Kon­gressa Matem­atikov [Pro­ceed­ings of the In­ter­na­tion­al Con­gress of Math­em­aticians] (Mo­scow, 16–26 Au­gust 1966), vol. 1. Edi­ted by I. G. Pet­rovsky. Mir (Mo­scow), 1968. Also pub­lished in Sin­gu­lar in­teg­rals (1967). MR 0248563 Zbl 0187.​39401 incollection

[56] A. P. Calder­ón: “Er­god­ic the­ory and trans­la­tion-in­vari­ant op­er­at­ors,” Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 59 : 2 (February 1968), pp. 349–​353. MR 0227354 Zbl 0185.​21806 article

[57] A. P. Calder­ón: “A pri­ori es­tim­ates for sin­gu­lar in­teg­ral op­er­at­ors,” pp. 85–​141 in Pseudo-dif­fer­en­tial op­er­at­ors (Stresa, Italy, 26 Au­gust–3 Septem­ber 1968). Edi­ted by L. Niren­berg. Ed­iz­ioni Cre­monese (Rome), 1969. MR 0256215 incollection

[58] A. P. Calder­ón: “Es­tim­ates for sin­gu­lar in­teg­ral op­er­at­ors,” pp. 149–​159 in Lec­tures in dif­fer­en­tial equa­tions, vol. 1. Edi­ted by A. K. Aziz. Van Nos­trand Math­em­at­ic­al Stud­ies. Van Nos­trand (New York), 1969. MR 0247532 Zbl 0181.​38803 incollection

[59] A. P. Calder­ón: “Unique­ness of dis­tri­bu­tions,” Rev. Un. Mat. Ar­gen­tina 25 : 1–​2 (1970), pp. 37–​65. Ded­ic­ated to Al­berto González Domínguez. MR 0343018 Zbl 0251.​46045 article

[60] A. P. Calder­ón and R. Vail­lan­court: “On the bounded­ness of pseudo-dif­fer­en­tial op­er­at­ors,” J. Math. Soc. Ja­pan 23 : 2 (1971), pp. 374–​378. MR 0284872 Zbl 0203.​45903 article

[61] A. P. Calder­ón: “Es­tim­ates for sin­gu­lar in­teg­ral op­er­at­ors in terms of max­im­al func­tions,” Stu­dia Math. 44 : 6 (1972), pp. 563–​582. Ded­ic­ated to Pro­fess­or Ant­oni Zyg­mund. MR 0348555 Zbl 0222.​44007 article

[62] A. P. Calder­ón and R. Vail­lan­court: “A class of bounded pseudo-dif­fer­en­tial op­er­at­ors,” Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 69 : 5 (May 1972), pp. 1185–​1187. MR 0298480 Zbl 0244.​35074 article

[63] A. P. Calder­ón: “A note on bi­quad­rat­ic forms,” Lin­ear Al­gebra Ap­pl. 7 : 2 (1973), pp. 175–​177. MR 0320039 Zbl 0258.​15016 article

[64] A. P. Calder­ón and A. Zyg­mund: “Ad­dendum to the pa­per ‘On sin­gu­lar in­teg­rals’,” Stu­dia Math. 46 : 3 (1973), pp. 297–​299. Ad­dendum to an art­icle pub­lished in Sin­gu­lar in­teg­rals (1967). Er­rata for this ad­dendum were pub­lished in Stu­dia Math. 47:3 (1973). MR 0338710 Zbl 0263.​44003 article

[65] A. P. Calder­ón and A. Zyg­mund: “Er­rata: ‘Ad­dendum to the pa­per ‘On sin­gu­lar in­teg­rals’ ’,” Stu­dia Math. 47 : 3 (1973), pp. 305. Er­rata for an ad­dendum pub­lished in Stu­dia Math. 46:3 (1973). MR 0338711 Zbl 0263.​44004 article

[66] A. P. Calder­ón and A. Torch­in­sky: “Para­bol­ic max­im­al func­tions as­so­ci­ated with a dis­tri­bu­tion,” Adv. Math. 16 : 1 (April 1975), pp. 1–​64. MR 0417687 Zbl 0315.​46037 article

[67] A. P. Calder­ón: “On an in­teg­ral of Mar­cinkiewicz,” Stu­dia Math. 57 : 3 (1976), pp. 279–​284. A cor­rec­tion to this art­icle was pub­lished in Stu­dia Math. 62:1 (1978). MR 0442578 Zbl 0341.​44008 article

[68] A. P. Calder­ón: “In­equal­it­ies for the max­im­al func­tion re­l­at­ive to a met­ric,” Stu­dia Math. 57 : 3 (1976), pp. 297–​306. MR 0442579 Zbl 0341.​44007 article

[69] A. P. Calder­ón and A. Torch­in­sky: “Classes of dis­tri­bu­tions with para­bol­ic max­im­al func­tions in Lp(Rn),” pp. 27–​38 in Func­tion­al ana­lys­is (São Paulo, Ju­ly 1974). Edi­ted by D. Guedes de Figueiredo. Lec­ture Notes in Pure and Ap­plied Math­em­at­ics 18. Dek­ker (New York), 1976. MR 0632015 Zbl 0352.​46027 incollection

[70] A. P. Calder­ón: “An in­equal­ity for in­teg­rals,” Stu­dia Math. 57 : 3 (1976), pp. 275–​277. MR 0422544 Zbl 0343.​26017 article

[71] A. P. Calder­ón: Lec­ture notes on pseudo-dif­fer­en­tial op­er­at­ors and el­lipt­ic bound­ary value prob­lems. Cursos de Matemát­ica 1. In­sti­tuto Ar­gen­tino de Matemát­ica (Buenos Aires), 1976. MR 0460947 Zbl 0335.​35082 book

[72] A. P. Calder­ón and A. Torch­in­sky: “Para­bol­ic max­im­al func­tions as­so­ci­ated with a dis­tri­bu­tion, II,” Adv. Math. 24 : 1 (April 1977), pp. 101–​171. Ded­ic­ated to the memory of Nor­man Lev­in­son. MR 0450888 Zbl 0355.​46021 article

[73] A. P. Calder­ón: “An atom­ic de­com­pos­i­tion of dis­tri­bu­tions in para­bol­ic Hp spaces,” Adv. Math. 25 : 3 (September 1977), pp. 216–​225. MR 0448066 Zbl 0379.​46050 article

[74] A. P. Calder­ón: “Cauchy in­teg­rals on Lipschitz curves and re­lated op­er­at­ors,” Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 74 : 4 (April 1977), pp. 1324–​1327. MR 0466568 Zbl 0373.​44003 article

[75] A.-P. Calder­ón and A. Zyg­mund: “On sin­gu­lar in­teg­rals with vari­able ker­nels,” Ap­pl. Anal. 7 : 3 (1977–1978), pp. 221–​238. Ded­ic­ated to S. G. Mikhil­in on the oc­ca­sion of his 70th birth­day. MR 0511145 Zbl 0451.​42012 article

[76] A. P. Calder­ón, C. P. Cal­der­on, E. Fabes, M. Jodeit, and N. M. Rivière: “Ap­plic­a­tions of the Cauchy in­teg­ral on Lipschitz curves,” Bull. Am. Math. Soc. 84 : 2 (March 1978), pp. 287–​290. MR 0460656 Zbl 0389.​30025 article

[77] A. P. Calder­ón: “Cor­rec­tion to: ‘On an in­teg­ral of Mar­cinkiewicz’,” Stu­dia Math. 62 : 1 (1978), pp. 105. Cor­rec­tion to art­icle pub­lished in Stu­dia Math. 57 (1976). MR 0493196 article

[78] A. P. Calder­ón and R. Scott: “So­bolev type in­equal­it­ies for p>0,” Stu­dia Math. 62 : 1 (1978), pp. 75–​92. MR 0487419 Zbl 0399.​46031 article

[79] A. González Domínguez: “Dr. Al­berto P. Calder­ón–Bôch­er Prize 1979,” Cien­cia e In­vest­iga­ción 34 (November–December 1978), pp. 221–​223. article

[80] A.-P. Calder­ón and A. Zyg­mund: “A note on sin­gu­lar in­teg­rals,” Stu­dia Math. 65 : 1 (1979), pp. 77–​87. MR 554542 Zbl 0431.​42007 article

[81] A. Calder­ón, E. Fabes, and Y. Sa­gh­er: “Nestor M. Rivière: June 10, 1940–Janu­ary 3, 1978,” pp. vii–​xvii in Har­mon­ic ana­lys­is in Eu­c­lidean spaces (Wil­li­am­stown, MA, 10–28 Ju­ly 1978), part 1. Edi­ted by G. L. Weiss and S. Wainger. Pro­ceed­ings of Sym­po­sia in Pure Math­em­at­ics 35. Amer­ic­an Math­em­at­ic­al So­ci­ety (Provid­ence, RI), 1979. MR 545234 Zbl 0409.​01012 incollection

[82] A. P. Calder­ón: “Com­mut­at­ors, sin­gu­lar in­teg­rals on Lipschitz curves and ap­plic­a­tions,” pp. 85–​96 in Pro­ceed­ings of the In­ter­na­tion­al Con­gress of Math­em­aticians (Hel­sinki, 15–23 Au­gust 1978), vol. 1. Edi­ted by O. Le­hto. Uni­versity of Hel­sinki, 1980. MR 562599 Zbl 0429.​35077 incollection

[83] A. P. Calder­ón: “On an in­verse bound­ary value prob­lem,” pp. 65–​73 in Sem­in­ar on nu­mer­ic­al ana­lys­is and its ap­plic­a­tions to con­tinuum phys­ics (Rio de Janeiro, 24–28 March 1980). Coleção Atas 12. So­ciedade Brasileira de Matemát­ica (Rio de Janeiro), 1980. Re­prin­ted in Com­put. Ap­pl. Math. 25:2–3 (2006). MR 590275 incollection

[84] J. Álvarez Alonso and A. P. Calder­ón: “Func­tion­al cal­culi for pseudodif­fer­en­tial op­er­at­ors, I,” pp. 1–​61 in Four­i­er ana­lys­is (El Escori­al, Spain, 17–23 June 1979). Edi­ted by I. Per­al and M. de Guzmán. Asociación Matemát­ica Es­pañola (Mad­rid), 1980. Part II was pub­lished in Stud­ies in ap­plied math­em­at­ics: {A volume ded­ic­ated to {I}rving {S}egal} (1983). MR 582249 Zbl 0471.​47030 incollection

[85] Con­fer­ence on har­mon­ic ana­lys­is in hon­or of Ant­oni Zyg­mund (Chica­go, 23–28 March 1981), vol. 1 and 2. Edi­ted by W. Beck­ner, A. P. Calder­ón, R. Fef­fer­man, and P. W. Jones. Wadsworth Math­em­at­ics Series. Wadsworth (Bel­mont, CA), 1983. MR 0730053 Zbl 0493.​00009 book

[86] A. P. Calder­ón: “Ant­oni Zyg­mund,” pp. xiii–​xv in Con­fer­ence on har­mon­ic ana­lys­is in hon­or of Ant­oni Zyg­mund (Chica­go, IL, 23–28 March 1981), vol. 2. Edi­ted by W. Beck­ner, A. P. Calder­ón, R. Fef­fer­man, and P. W. Jones. Wadsworth Math­em­at­ics Series. Wadsworth (Bel­mont, CA), 1983. MR 730054 Zbl 0532.​42001 incollection

[87] A. P. Calder­ón: “On the Radon trans­form and some of its gen­er­al­iz­a­tions,” pp. 673–​689 in Con­fer­ence on har­mon­ic ana­lys­is in hon­or of Ant­oni Zyg­mund (Chica­go, IL, 23–28 March 1981), vol. 2. Edi­ted by W. Beck­ner, A. P. Calder­ón, R. Fef­fer­man, and P. W. Jones. Wadsworth Math­em­at­ics Series. Wadsworth (Bel­mont, CA), 1983. MR 730101 Zbl 0508.​43004 incollection

[88] Con­fer­ence on har­mon­ic ana­lys­is in hon­or of Ant­oni Zyg­mund (Chica­go, IL, 23–28 March 1981), vol. 2. Edi­ted by W. Beck­ner, A. P. Calder­ón, R. Fef­fer­man, and P. W. Jones. Wadsworth Math­em­at­ics Series. Wadsworth (Bel­mont, CA), 1983. book

[89] J. D. Álvarez Alonso and A. P. Calder­ón: “Func­tion­al cal­culi for pseudodif­fer­en­tial op­er­at­ors, II,” pp. 27–​72 in Stud­ies in ap­plied math­em­at­ics: A volume ded­ic­ated to Irving Segal, vol. 8. Edi­ted by V. Guille­min. Ad­vances in Math­em­at­ics: Sup­ple­ment­ary Stud­ies. Aca­dem­ic Press (New York), 1983. Part I was pub­lished in Four­i­er ana­lys­is (1980). MR 759905 Zbl 0515.​47026 incollection

[90] A. P. Calder­ón and O. N. Capri: “On the con­ver­gence in L1 of sin­gu­lar in­teg­rals,” Stu­dia Math. 78 : 3 (1984), pp. 321–​327. MR 782669 Zbl 0488.​42017 article

[91]Al­berto Calder­ón,” C. R. Acad. Sci. Sér. Gén. Vie Sci. 1 : 6 (1984), pp. 514–​515. MR 0788209 article

[92] A. P. Calder­ón: “Bound­ary value prob­lems for the Laplace equa­tion in Lipschit­zi­an do­mains,” pp. 33–​48 in Re­cent pro­gress in Four­i­er ana­lys­is, vol. 111. Edi­ted by I. Per­al and J.-L. Ru­bio de Fran­cia. North-Hol­land Math­em­at­ics Stud­ies. North-Hol­land (Am­s­ter­dam), 1985. MR 848140 Zbl 0608.​31001 incollection

[93] A. P. Calder­ón: “Re­flex­iones sobre el apren­d­iza­je y en­señanza de la Matemát­ica” [Re­flec­tions on learn­ing and teach­ing math­em­at­ics], Rev. Educ. Mat. 3 : 1 (1987), pp. 3–​13. Re­prin­ted in Gac. R. Soc. Mat. Esp. 1:1 (1998). article

[94] A. P. Calder­ón: “Presenta­ción del Dr. Eduardo H. Za­rant­on­ello como Académico Cor­res­pon­di­ente en la ciudad de Men­d­oza” [Present­a­tion of Dr. Eduardo Za­rant­on­ello as Aca­dem­ic Cor­res­pond­ent in the city of Men­d­oza], Anales Acad. Nac. Cien­cias Ex­ac. Fís. y Nat. 40 (1988), pp. 95–​96. article

[95] J. E. San­tos, J. Douglas, Jr., and A. P. Calder­ón: “Fi­nite ele­ment meth­ods for a com­pos­ite mod­el in elast­o­dy­nam­ics,” SIAM J. Nu­mer. Anal. 25 : 3 (1988), pp. 513–​532. MR 942205 Zbl 0684.​73034 article

[96] A. P. Calder­ón: “In­tro­duc­tion of Pro­fess­or Mis­cha Cot­lar to the Na­tion­al Academy of Ex­act Sci­ences of Ar­gen­tina,” pp. xix–​xx in Ana­lys­is and par­tial dif­fer­en­tial equa­tions, vol. 122. Edi­ted by C. Sa­d­osky. Lec­ture Notes in Pure and Ap­plied Math­em­at­ics. Dek­ker (New York), 1989. Eng­lish trans­la­tion of ori­gin­al Span­ish art­icle pub­lished in Anales Acad. Nac. Cien­cias Ex­ac. Fís. y Nat. 41 (1989). MR 1044777 incollection

[97] A. P. Calder­ón: “Presenta­ción del Dr. Mis­cha Cot­lar como Académico Cor­res­pon­di­ente en Ca­ra­cas” [Present­a­tion of Dr. Misha Cot­lar as Aca­dem­ic Cor­res­pond­ent in Ca­ra­cas], Anales Acad. Nac. Cien­cias Ex­ac. Fís. y Nat. 41 (1989), pp. 37–​38. An Eng­lish ver­sion of this was pub­lished in Ana­lys­is and par­tial dif­fer­en­tial equa­tions (1989). article

[98] A. P. Calder­ón: “Presenta­ción del Dr. Car­los Segovia Fernán­dez como Académico Tit­u­lar” [Present­a­tion of Dr. Car­los Segovia Fernán­dez as Mem­ber of the Academy], Anales Acad. Nac. Cien­cias Ex­ac. Fís. y Nat. 42 (1990), pp. 29–​30. article

[99] A. P. Calder­ón and Y. Sa­gh­er: “The Hil­bert trans­form of the Gaus­si­an,” pp. 109–​112 in Al­most every­where con­ver­gence II (Evan­ston, IL, 16–20 Oc­to­ber 1989). Edi­ted by A. Bel­low and R. L. Jones. Aca­dem­ic Press (Bo­ston, MA), 1991. Ded­ic­ated to the memory of N. M. Rivière. MR 1131786 Zbl 0743.​44004 incollection

[100] A. P. Calder­ón and E. M. Stein: “Ant­oni Zyg­mund: 1900–1992,” No­tices Am. Math. Soc. 39 : 8 (1992), pp. 848–​849. MR 1182969 Zbl 1194.​01074 article

[101] R. W. Beals, R. R. Coi­f­man, and P. W. Jones: “Al­berto P. Calder­ón re­ceives Na­tion­al Medal of Sci­ence,” No­tices Am. Math. Soc. 39 : 4 (1992), pp. 283–​285. article

[102] A. Bel­low, A. P. Calder­ón, and U. Kren­gel: “Hopf’s er­god­ic the­or­em for particles with dif­fer­ent ve­lo­cit­ies and the ‘strong sweep­ing out prop­erty’,” Can. Math. Bull. 38 : 1 (1995), pp. 11–​15. MR 1319895 Zbl 0821.​28009 article

[103] A. Carbery: “Har­mon­ic ana­lys­is of the Calder­ón–Zyg­mund school, 1970–1993,” Bull. Lon­don Math. Soc. 30 : 1 (1998), pp. 11–​23. MR 1479031 article

[104] M. Christ, C. E. Kenig, C. Sa­d­osky, and G. Weiss: “Al­berto Pedro Calder­ón (1920–1998),” No­tices Am. Math. Soc. 45 : 9 (September 1998), pp. 1148–​1153. MR 1640167 Zbl 0973.​01072 article

[105] H. B. Noble: “Ob­it­u­ary: Al­berto Calder­ón, 77, pi­on­eer of math­em­at­ic­al ana­lys­is,” New York Times (20 April 1998). article

[106] A. P. Calder­ón: “Re­flex­iones sobre el apren­d­iza­je y en­señanza de la matemát­ica” [Re­flec­tions on learn­ing and teach­ing math­em­at­ics], Gac. R. Soc. Mat. Esp. 1 : 1 (January–April 1998), pp. 80–​88. Re­prin­ted from Rev. Educ. Mat. 3:1 (1987). MR 1647672 article

[107] A. Carbery: “Ob­it­u­ary: Al­berto Calder­ón: Math­em­at­ics ap­plied,” Guard­i­an (May 1998). article

[108]Ob­it­u­ary: Al­berto Calder­ón,” Univ. Chica­go Chron­icle 17 : 15 (30 April 1998). article

[109] C. Segovia Fernán­dez: “Al­berto Pedro Calder­ón. Math­em­atician,” Rev. Un. Mat. Ar­gen­tina 41 : 3 (1999), pp. 129–​140. MR 1763267 Zbl 0963.​01015 article

[110] Har­mon­ic ana­lys­is and par­tial dif­fer­en­tial equa­tions: Es­says in hon­or of Al­berto P. Calder­ón (Chica­go, IL, Feb­ru­ary 1996). Edi­ted by M. Christ, C. E. Kenig, and C. Sa­d­osky. Chica­go Lec­tures in Math­em­at­ics. Uni­versity of Chica­go Press, 1999. Es­says in hon­or of Al­berto P. Calder­ón’s 75th birth­day. MR 1731192 Zbl 0932.​00088 book

[111] A. Bel­low and A. P. Calder­ón: “A weak-type in­equal­ity for con­vo­lu­tion products,” pp. 41–​48 in Har­mon­ic ana­lys­is and par­tial dif­fer­en­tial equa­tions: Es­says in hon­or of Al­berto P. Calder­ón (Chica­go, IL, Feb­ru­ary 1996). Edi­ted by M. Christ, C. E. Kenig, and C. Sa­d­osky. Chica­go Lec­tures in Math­em­at­ics. Uni­versity of Chica­go Press, 1999. MR 1743854 Zbl 0960.​28011 incollection

[112] M. de Guzmán: “Al­berto P. Calder­ón (1920–1998). Al­gun­os re­cuer­dos de Chica­go” [Al­berto Calder­ón (1920–1998). Some re­min­is­cences of Chica­go], Cubo Mat. Educ. 2 (2000), pp. 12–​16. MR 1957365 Zbl 1067.​01570 article

[113] A. P. Cal­der­on and C. P. Cal­der­on: “A rep­res­ent­a­tion for­mula and its ap­plic­a­tions to sin­gu­lar in­teg­rals,” In­di­ana Univ. Math. J. 49 : 1 (2000), pp. 1–​5. MR 1777040 Zbl 1031.​42016 article

[114] A. P. Calder­ón: “On an in­verse bound­ary value prob­lem,” pp. 133–​138 in Sem­in­ar on in­verse prob­lems and ap­plic­a­tions (Rio de Janeiro, 21–24 March 2006), published as Com­put. Ap­pl. Math. 25 : 2–​3. Issue edi­ted by G. Perla Men­zala and G. Uhl­mann. 2006. Re­prin­ted from Sem­in­ar on nu­mer­ic­al ana­lys­is and its ap­plic­a­tions to con­tinuum phys­ics (1980). MR 2321646 Zbl 1182.​35230 incollection

[115] Y. Mey­er: “Com­plex ana­lys­is and op­er­at­or the­ory in Al­berto Calder­ón’s work,” pp. 593–​606 in Se­lec­ted pa­pers of Al­berto P. Calder­ón. Edi­ted by A. Bel­low, C. E. Kenig, and P. Malliavin. Amer­ic­an Math­em­at­ic­al So­ci­ety (Provid­ence, RI), 2008. MR 2435338 incollection

[116] M. Christ, C. E. Kenig, and C. Sa­d­osky: “Al­berto P. Calder­ón the math­em­atician, his life and works,” pp. xv–​xx in Se­lec­ted pa­pers of Al­berto P. Calder­ón. Edi­ted by A. Bel­low, C. E. Kenig, and P. Malliavin. Amer­ic­an Math­em­at­ic­al So­ci­ety (Provid­ence, RI), 2008. MR 2435330 incollection

[117] A. P. Calder­ón: Se­lec­ted pa­pers of Al­berto P. Calder­ón. Edi­ted by A. Bel­low, C. E. Kenig, and P. Malliavin. Amer­ic­an Math­em­at­ic­al So­ci­ety (Provid­ence, RI), 2008. with com­ment­ary. MR 2435328 Zbl 1140.​01021 book

[118] Se­lec­ted pa­pers based on the present­a­tions at the 10th “En­cuen­tro Nacion­al de An­alis­tas Al­berto P. Calder­ón” (Cor­doba, Spain, 25–28 Au­gust 2010), published as Rev. Un. Mat. Ar­gen­tina 52 : 2. Issue edi­ted by C. Cab­relli and E. Har­boure. 2011. Zbl 1246.​46002 book