by James Isenberg
I really got to know Yvonne in 1982, while we were strolling along Lake Tai in the city of Wuxi in China. Wuxi was one of the stops on the tour which accompanied the 1982 Marcel Grossman Conference in Shanghai. There were about 40 people on that six-day tour of three cities, and along with the wonderful scenery, the tour gave us lots of opportunities to get to know each other. I had actually met Yvonne very briefly almost 10 years earlier, when she came to give a lecture at Princeton University, where I was a junior undergraduate. I remember the lecture very well, because I was working on the conformal method for constructing and parameterizing solutions of the Einstein initial value constraint equations, and Yvonne was one of the pioneers in developing this method. After her lecture, my undergraduate advisor Jimmy York introduced me to Yvonne, but as a young student meeting one of the iconic figures in mathematical relativity, I didn’t think that I had much to say to her that would be interesting to her. I do remember trying to talk to Yvonne with my high school French, but I think she found it pretty inadequate, so we quickly reverted to English. Our conversation lasted only a couple of minutes.
I don’t think that Yvonne had remembered our 1973 conversation when we met again in China in 1982, but during that six-day tour, with all 40 of us in an exciting but relatively unfamiliar setting, there was quite a bit of time to get to know each other, and my opportunity to chat with Yvonne happened on that stroll around Lake Tai. I told Yvonne about how I had visited Paris on a high school excursion in 1967 and all the wonderful things that I had seen during that excursion — including seeing performances by Johnny Hallyday and Charles Aznavour — but I don’t think that Yvonne was that impressed, so our conversation moved on from there to our common interest at the time: the newly developed theory of supergravity. I knew that Yvonne was celebrated for her epic early 1950s proof that the Cauchy problem for Einstein’s gravitational field theory was well-posed, and I mentioned to her that my work with Jim Nester on supergravity had led me to wonder if the Cauchy problem for supergravity was also well-posed. That question really got our conversation going, because Yvonne had also been interested in supergravity, and we spent much of our stroll talking about that. One crucial feature of supergravity is that it includes Fermionic fields — spin 3/2 — which necessarily anti-commute. This feature results in the standard tools for proving the well-posedness of the Cauchy problem for a hyperbolic PDE system requiring significant modification. Yvonne and I discussed some of the modifications which would be necessary during that stroll, and our subsequent communications — which back then had to be carried out using regular mail — led to our first joint paper along with our collaborators David Bao and Phil Yasskin. I remember being extremely proud to publish a paper with Yvonne.
I believe that our stroll in Wuxi led to a long period of friendship and collaboration. It was not long after our joint publication of the paper on supergravity that Yvonne invited me along with Vince Moncrief to spend nine months working with her at Paris VI (Jussieu). That was a wonderful time both scientifically as well as socially. The three of us met regularly, both in pairs and altogether. A lot of our discussions involved various special versions of the conformal method for solving the Einstein constraints, which was the topic of that first lecture I heard Yvonne present in Princeton in 1973.
Five of the projects that I worked on with Yvonne — see the list below — focused on the conformal method. As Yvonne’s proof of the well-posedness of the Cauchy problem for Einstein’s (vacuum) theory of gravity shows (together with somewhat later collaborative work of hers with Bob Geroch), if one specifies an initial data set on a three-dimensional manifold \( \Sigma \), which includes a Riemannian metric \( h \) and a symmetric tensor \( k \) which satisfies the Einstein constraint equations, then there is a unique (up to spacetime diffeomorphism) maximal spacetime solution \( (\Sigma\times I,g) \) of the full Einstein equations, with \( g \) a Lorentzian metric. As well, for this spacetime solution \( g \), \( h \) is the induced first fundamental form on \( \Sigma \) and \( k \) is the induced second fundamental form on \( \Sigma \). The Einstein vacuum constraint equations take the form of an under-determined nonlinear set of four partial differential equations to be solved for \( h \) and \( k \). The Cauchy problem for Einstein’s equations is an especially effective and practical way to obtain spacetime solutions, both analytically and numerically. But it does rely on developing a systematic way to produce solutions of the constraint equations. This is the goal of the conformal method. The idea is to specify “seed data” on \( \Sigma \) consisting of a conformal equivalence class \( [h] \), a divergence-free and trace-free symmetric tensor \( \mu \), a function \( \tau \), as well as a function \( N \), and then use these seed data to construct a determined partial differential equation set — the “conformal constraint equations” — to be solved for a vector field W and a conformal factor \( \phi \). Presuming this set of conformal constraint equations can be solved, the seed data together with \( W \) and \( \phi \), allow one to construct \( h \) and \( k \) which satisfy the constraint equations themselves.
Work done by André Lichnerowicz, Yvonne, Jimmy York, Niall Ó Murchadha, Vince Moncrief, David Maxwell, Daniel Pollack and me as well as by others shows that so long as the function \( \tau \) — which corresponds to the mean curvature of the initial data set — is constant, the conformal method works very well. All of these names of contributing researchers reflects the fact that the conformal method has been applied not just to the Einstein vacuum constraint equations on compact manifolds \( S \), but also to the Einstein constraint equations coupled to various “matter fields” including Maxwell (electromagnetic) fields, Yang–Mills fields, various scalar fields, neutrino fields, as well as various fluid fields. The conformal method has also been applied for seed data which is asymptotically Euclidean, asymptotically hyperbolic as well as with other asymptotic conditions. Yvonne has played a significant role in developing the conformal method for many of these various cases, and I am very privileged to have worked with her on this research.
While some of my collaboration with Yvonne involved email, almost all of our work together was done face-to-face. I am very happy that this was the case, because we had the opportunity to meet in Paris, in Italy, in Oregon (at my farm), as well as a number of other places. The focus was usually on working together on research, but we also had occasions to enjoy each other’s company during “road trips”, and I learned what a warm and caring and interesting person Yvonne was. I have wonderful memories of time that we spent together in many locations.
Much of our collaboration involved the conformal method, but there is another branch of research in general relativity on which I have worked extensively with Yvonne. This research involves determining the behavior of the gravitational field in a neighborhood of the Big Bang in solutions of Einstein’s equations. Many years ago, Belinskii, Khalatnikov and Lifshitz conjectured that in the neighborhood of the Big Bang singularity in solutions of Einstein’s equations, the gravitational field would exhibit “asymptotically velocity term dominated” (AVTD) behavior which means that with respect to a given coordinate system, the spatial derivative terms in the solutions would be dominated by the time derivative terms. The effective result would be that observers following time-like paths towards the singularity would see the gravitational field evolve much like spatially homogeneous solutions. A later conjecture of these three physicists was that the behavior would not be of this sort, but rather that the observers approaching the singularity would see an infinite sequence of epochs of spatially homogeneous solution behavior (which has been labeled by Charles Misner as “mixmaster” behavior). While neither of these conjectures is believed to hold for general vacuum cosmological solutions, there exists numerical and stability analysis evidence that AVTD behavior is found in solutions of the Einstein-scalar field and Einstein-stiff fluid field equations, as well as in solutions of the Einstein vacuum equations with significant symmetry. Beyond the intrinsic interest to researchers in the presence of AVTD behavior in cosmological solutions, it has been found that if AVTD does exist in a family of solutions, then it is relatively straightforward to determine if that family of solutions satisfies the “strong cosmic censorship conjecture” of Penrose, which is one of the major outstanding questions in mathematical relativity.
Not long after Vince Moncrief and I spent those nine months in Paris with Yvonne, Vince and I were able to prove that the “polarized Gowdy” family of solutions do exhibit AVTD behavior, and following that, Vince and I and Piotr Chruściel were able to prove that strong cosmic censorship does hold for this very limited family. In subsequent years, Vince and I fairly regularly visited the IHES Institute in Burres-sur-Yvette just outside of Paris, and consequently had lots and lots of conversations with Yvonne about various topics in mathematical relativity, including the issue of AVTD behavior in families of solutions of Einstein’s equations. While proving that this behavior exists in entire families of solutions is generally quite difficult, a method based on “Fuchsian” analysis was developed by Alan Rendall and his collaborators to show that AVTD behavior occurs at least in an infinite dimensional subfamily of solutions. In our discussions at IHES, Vince and I were able to convince Yvonne to work with us on applying the Fuchsian techniques to determine if AVTD can be found in subfamilies of solutions with considerably less symmetry than the Gowdy solutions. We were successful in showing that the polarized \( U(1) \) symmetric solutions as well as those which are “half polarized” do include infinite dimensional subfamilies with AVTD behavior in a neighborhood of the Big Bang. When I was last able to visit Yvonne at IHES, we were hoping to extend this analysis to wider subfamilies of vacuum solutions, as well as to Einstein-scalar solutions with no symmetries.
Whenever Yvonne and I got together outside of France, without hesitation we spoke in English. But when we got together in Paris, Yvonne really wanted me to speak with her in French. I might have guessed that she would know from our earliest interactions that my French was not very good. Vince’s French was much better. I remember he told me that he was able to develop very good French by watching French TV while we were together in Paris in 1986. I should have tried that. I was actually okay speaking French — although it was probably grammatically quite flawed — but I was not very good at understanding Parisian spoken French. I pretended to understand what was being said by periodically saying “d’accord”. Yvonne was always polite enough to not let me know that I was faking it.
Yvonne has been a wonderful research collaborator and friend. My accident in 2017 has prevented me from visiting her since then. I do wish her a wonderful 100th birthday and I wish I could tell her that face-to-face.