Celebratio Mathematica

Yvonne Choquet-Bruhat

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Y. Fourès-Bruhat: “Sur une ex­pres­sion in­trinsèque du théorème de Gauss en re­lativ­ité générale,” C. R. Acad. Sci. Par­is 226 (1948), pp. 218–​220. MR 23640 Zbl 0030.​38402 article

Y. Fourès-Bruhat and A. Lich­ner­ow­icz: “Sur un théorème glob­al de réduc­tion des \( ds^2 \) statiques généraux d’Ein­stein,” C. R. Acad. Sci. Par­is 226 (1948), pp. 775–​777. MR 24704 Zbl 0031.​23902 article

Y. Fourès-Bruhat: “Sur l’intégra­tion du problème des con­di­tions ini­tiales en méca­nique re­lativ­iste,” C. R. Acad. Sci. Par­is 226 (1948), pp. 1071–​1073. MR 25310 Zbl 0030.​38401 article

A. Lich­ner­ow­icz and Y. Fourès-Bruhat: “Théorème glob­al sur les \( ds^2 \) extérieurs généraux d’Ein­stein,” C. R. Acad. Sci. Par­is 226 (1948), pp. 2119–​2120. MR 26456 Zbl 0031.​23903 article

Y. Fourès-Bruhat: “Théorème d’ex­ist­ence pour les équa­tions de la grav­it­a­tion ein­stein­i­enne dans le cas non ana­lytique,” C. R. Acad. Sci. Par­is 230 (1950), pp. 618–​620. MR 34135 Zbl 0041.​56303 article

Y. Fourès-Bruhat: “Un théorème d’ex­ist­ence sur les systèmes d’équa­tions aux dérivées parti­elles quasi linéaires,” C. R. Acad. Sci. Par­is 231 (1950), pp. 318–​320. MR 36927 Zbl 0038.​25503 article

Y. Fourès-Bruhat: “Théorèmes d’ex­ist­ence et d’uni­cité pour les équa­tions de la théorie unitaire de Jordan–Thiry,” C. R. Acad. Sci. Par­is 232 (1951), pp. 1800–​1802. MR 42224 Zbl 0044.​31702 article

Y. Fourès-Bruhat: “Théorème d’ex­ist­ence pour des systèmes d’équa­tions aux dérivées parti­elles à quatre vari­ables,” C. R. Acad. Sci. Par­is 234 (1952), pp. 500–​502. MR 45287 Zbl 0046.​09903 article

Y. Fourès-Bruhat: “Solu­tion du problème de Cauchy pour des systèmes d’équa­tions hy­per­bol­iques du second or­dre non linéaires,” C. R. Acad. Sci. Par­is 234 (1952), pp. 585–​587. MR 45288 Zbl 0046.​10001 article

Y. Fourès-Bruhat: “Théorème d’ex­ist­ence pour cer­tains systèmes d’équa­tions aux dérivées parti­elles non linéaires,” Acta Math. 88 (1952), pp. 141–​225. MR 53338 Zbl 0049.​19201 article

Y. Fourès-Bruhat: “Les dis­tri­bu­tions sur les mul­ti­pli­cités,” C. R. Acad. Sci. Par­is 236 (1953), pp. 2201–​2202. MR 56168 Zbl 0050.​33902 article

Y. Fourès-Bruhat: “Résolu­tion du problème de Cauchy pour des équa­tions hy­per­bol­iques du second or­dre non linéaires,” Bull. Soc. Math. France 81 (1953), pp. 225–​288. MR 62929 Zbl 0053.​25101 article

Y. Fourès: “Résolu­tion du problème de Cauchy pour des équa­tions hy­per­bol­iques du second or­dre non linéaires,” pp. 25–​33 in Premi­er col­loque sur les équa­tions aux dérivées parti­elles (Louv­ain, 1953). Georges Thone; Mas­son & Cie (Liège; Par­is), 1954. An earli­er ver­sion of this pa­per was pub­lished in Bull. Soc. Math. France 81, 225–288 (1953). MR 62930 incollection

Y. Fourès and I. E. Segal: “Caus­al­ity and ana­lyti­city,” Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 78 (1955), pp. 385–​405. MR 69401 Zbl 0064.​36805 article

Y. Fourès-Bruhat: “Solu­tion élémen­taire d’équa­tions ul­trahy­per­bol­iques,” C. R. Acad. Sci. Par­is 240 (1955), pp. 395–​396. MR 70840 Zbl 0064.​09406 article

Y. Fourès-Bruhat: “Solu­tion élémen­taire d’équa­tions ul­trahy­per­bol­iques à coef­fi­cients vari­ables,” C. R. Acad. Sci. Par­is 242 (1956), pp. 1566–​1568. MR 77774 Zbl 0075.​10003 article

Y. Fourès-Bruhat: “Solu­tion élémen­taire d’équa­tions ul­trahy­per­bol­iques,” J. Math. Pures Ap­pl. (9) 35 (1956), pp. 277–​288. An earli­er ver­sion of this pa­per was pub­lished as “Solu­tions élémen­taire d’équa­tions ul­trahy­per­bol­iques,” C.R. Acad. Sci. Par­is 240, 395–396 (1955). MR 83667 article

Y. Fourès-Bruhat: “Sur l’intégra­tion des équa­tions de la re­lativ­ité générale,” J. Ra­tion­al Mech. Anal. 5 (1956), pp. 951–​966. MR 85123 Zbl 0075.​21602 article

Y. Fourès-Bruhat: “Problème des con­di­tions ini­tiales,” C. R. Acad. Sci. Par­is 245 (1957), pp. 1384–​1386. MR 90448 Zbl 0089.​44403 article

Y. Fourès-Bruhat: “Le problème de l’évo­lu­tion dans le cas matière pure,” C. R. Acad. Sci. Par­is 246 (1958), pp. 1809–​1812. MR 105292 Zbl 0091.​21206 article

Y. Fourès-Bruhat: “Équa­tions d’Helm­holtz: Déter­min­a­tion des vit­esses à partir des tour­bil­lons. Problème d’évo­lu­tion,” C. R. Acad. Sci. Par­is 246 (1958), pp. 3319–​3322. MR 105293 Zbl 0092.​42603 article

Y. Fourès-Bruhat: “Théorèmes d’ex­ist­ence en méca­nique des flu­ides re­lativ­istes,” Bull. Soc. Math. France 86 (1958), pp. 155–​175. MR 105294 Zbl 0092.​20804 article

Y. Fourès-Bruhat: “Flu­ides chargés de con­duct­iv­ité in­finie,” C. R. Acad. Sci. Par­is 248 (1959), pp. 2558–​2560. MR 103026 Zbl 0085.​21203 article

Y. Fourès-Bruhat: “Con­di­tions de con­tinu­ité et équa­tions de choc,” C. R. Acad. Sci. Par­is 248 (1959), pp. 1782–​1784. MR 104497 Zbl 0085.​42605 article

Y. Fourès-Bruhat: “Méca­nique des flu­ides re­lativ­istes,” Cahiers de Phys. 13 (1959), pp. 463–​468. MR 109720 article

Y. Fourès-Bruhat: “Propag­ateurs et solu­tions d’équa­tions ho­mogènes hy­per­bol­iques,” C. R. Acad. Sci. Par­is 251 (1960), pp. 29–​31. MR 113042 Zbl 0147.​08501 article

Y. Bruhat: “Système el­lipt­ique pour le problème des con­di­tions ini­tiales,” C. R. Acad. Sci. Par­is 252 (1961), pp. 3411–​3413. MR 129941 Zbl 0100.​40502 article

Y. Bruhat: “The Cauchy prob­lem,” pp. 130–​168 in Grav­it­a­tion: An in­tro­duc­tion to cur­rent re­search. Wiley (New York), 1962. MR 143626 incollection

Y. Fourès-Bruhat: “Les flu­ides chargés en re­lativ­ité générale,” pp. 157–​163 in Les théories re­lativ­istes de la grav­it­a­tion (Roy­aumont, 1959). Édi­tions du Centre Na­tion­al de la Recher­che Sci­en­ti­fique (CNRS) (Par­is), 1962. MR 164729 incollection

A. Lich­ner­ow­icz and Y. Fourès-Bruhat: “Problèmes mathématiques en re­lativ­ité,” pp. 73–​87 in Re­cent de­vel­op­ments in gen­er­al re­lativ­ity. Per­ga­mon; PWN (Pol­ish Sci­entif­ic Pub­lish­ers) (Ox­ford; Warsaw), 1962. MR 164751 incollection

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: Re­cueil de problèmes de mathématiques à l’us­age des phys­i­ciens. Mas­son & Cie (Par­is), 1963. MR 157517 Zbl 0114.​05901 book

Y. Bruhat: “Un théorème d’uni­cité de solu­tions faibles d’équa­tions hy­per­bol­iques,” C. R. Acad. Sci. Par­is 258 (1964), pp. 3949–​3951. MR 168927 Zbl 0178.​45404 article

Y. Bruhat: “Sur la théorie des propag­ateurs,” Ann. Mat. Pura Ap­pl. (4) 64 (1964), pp. 191–​228. MR 169659 Zbl 0173.​36501 article

Y. Bruhat: “Ondes asymp­totiques pour cer­taines équa­tions aux dérivées parti­elles non­linéaires,” C. R. Acad. Sci. Par­is 258 (1964), pp. 3809–​3812. MR 201788 Zbl 0124.​30704 article

Y. Bruhat: “Flu­ides chargés in­duc­tifs de con­duct­iv­ité finie,” C. R. Acad. Sci. Par­is 261 (1965), pp. 3545–​3548. MR 187560 article

Y. Bruhat and P. M. Quan: “Ther­mo­dy­namique des flu­ides chargés,” C. R. Acad. Sci. Par­is 261 (1965), pp. 3987–​3990. MR 189406 article

Y. Bruhat: “Uni­form­isa­tion de la solu­tion d’un problème de Cauchy ana­lytique non linéaire,” C. R. Acad. Sci. Par­is 261 (1965), pp. 2056–​2059. MR 190560 Zbl 0135.​15003 article

Y. Bruhat: “Di­ag­on­al­isa­tion des systèmes quasi linéaires et hy­per­bol­i­cité non stricte: Ap­plic­a­tions à la magnéto­hydro­dynamique re­lativ­iste,” C. R. Acad. Sci. Par­is 261 (1965), pp. 4315–​4317. MR 203260 Zbl 0134.​08302 article

Y. Bruhat: “Et­ude des équa­tions des flu­ides chargés re­lativ­istes in­duc­tifs et con­duc­teurs,” Comm. Math. Phys. 3 : 5 (1966), pp. 334–​357. MR 1552502 Zbl 0171.​46605 article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: “Di­ag­on­al­isa­tion des systèmes quasi-linéaires et hy­per­bol­i­cité non stricte,” J. Math. Pures Ap­pl. (9) 45 (1966), pp. 371–​386. An earli­er ver­sion of this pa­per ap­peared in C.R. Acad. Sci. 261, 4315–4317 (1965). MR 216131 Zbl 0147.​08505 article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: “Uni­form­isa­tion de la solu­tion d’un problème de Cauchy non linéaire à données holo­morph­es,” Bull. Soc. Math. France 94 (1966), pp. 25–​48. MR 217423 Zbl 0147.​08201 article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: Prob­lems and solu­tions in math­em­at­ic­al phys­ics. Hold­en-Day (San Fran­cisco, CA–Lon­don–Am­s­ter­dam), 1967. Trans­la­tion of Re­cueil de problèmes de mathématiques à l’us­age des phys­i­ciens. MR 213076 Zbl 0148.​18303 book

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: “Ondes asymp­totiques pour un système d’équa­tions aux dérivées parti­elles non linéaires,” C. R. Acad. Sci. Par­is Sér. A-B 264 (1967), pp. A625–​A628. MR 218720 Zbl 0146.​33201 article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: Géométrie différen­ti­elle et systèmes extérieurs. Mono­graph­ies Uni­versitaires de Mathématiques 28. Dun­od (Par­is), 1968. MR 236824 Zbl 0164.​22001 book

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: “Hy­per­bol­ic par­tial dif­fer­en­tial equa­tions on a man­i­fold,” pp. 84–​106 in Bat­telle Ren­contres: 1967 Lec­tures in Math­em­at­ics and Phys­ics. Edi­ted by C. M. DeWitt and J. A. Wheel­er. Ben­jamin (New York), 1968. MR 239299 incollection

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: “Théorème glob­al d’uni­cité pour les solu­tions des équa­tions d’Ein­stein,” C. R. Acad. Sci. Par­is Sér. A-B 266 (1968), pp. A182–​A184. MR 232588 Zbl 0162.​29702 article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: “Es­paces-temps ein­stein­i­ens généraux, chocs grav­it­a­tion­nels,” Ann. Inst. H. Poin­caré Sect. A (N.S.) 8 (1968), pp. 327–​338. MR 233576 Zbl 0162.​29703 article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: “Con­struc­tion de solu­tions ra­di­at­ives ap­prochées des équa­tions d’Ein­stein,” Atti Ac­cad. Naz. Lincei Rend. Cl. Sci. Fis. Mat. Nat. (8) 44 (1968), pp. 649–​652. A pa­per of the same title ap­pears in Comm. Math. Phys., 12, 16–35 (1969). MR 242456 article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: “Ondes asymp­totiques pour un système d’équa­tions aux dérivées parti­elles à ca­ra­ctéristiques mul­tiples,” C. R. Acad. Sci. Par­is Sér. A-B 267 (1968), pp. A596–​A598. MR 252823 Zbl 0159.​38602 article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: “Con­struc­tion de solu­tions ra­di­at­ives ap­prochées des équa­tions d’Ein­stein,” Comm. Math. Phys. 12 (1969), pp. 16–​35. This pa­per seems to be re­lated to an earli­er pa­per of the same title, pub­lished in 1968 in Atti Ac­cad. Naz. Lincei Rend. Cl. Sci. Fis. Mat. Nat. 44. MR 241087 article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: “Problème de Cauchy os­cil­latoire pour un système de deux équa­tions quasi linéaires à deux in­con­nues,” C. R. Acad. Sci. Par­is Sér. A-B 268 (1969), pp. A1560–​A1563. MR 244632 Zbl 0175.​39501 article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat and R. Ge­roch: “Glob­al as­pects of the Cauchy prob­lem in gen­er­al re­lativ­ity,” Comm. Math. Phys. 14 (1969), pp. 329–​335. MR 250640 Zbl 0182.​59901 article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat and R. Ge­roch: “Problème de Cauchy in­trinsèque en re­lativ­ité générale,” C. R. Acad. Sci. Par­is Sér. A-B 269 (1969), pp. A746–​A748. A ver­sion of this pa­per ap­peared as “Problème de Cauchy glob­al en re­lativ­ité générale,” Sémin­aire Jean Leray, no. 2, 1–7 (1969–1970) and a re­lated pa­per was pub­lished in Eng­lish as “Glob­al as­pects of the Cauchy prob­lem in gen­er­al re­li­ativ­ity,” Com­mun. Math. Phys. 14, 329–335 (1969). MR 255214 article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: “Ondes asymp­totiques et ap­prochées pour des systèmes d’équa­tions aux dérivées parti­elles non linéaires,” J. Math. Pures Ap­pl. (9) 48 (1969), pp. 117–​158. This pa­per ap­pears to be re­lated to two oth­er ver­sions by the same or sim­il­ar title, one earli­er and one con­tem­por­an­eous with the present entry. They are, re­spect­ively: (1) “Ondes asymp­totiques et ap­prochées pour un système d’équa­tions aux dérivées parti­elles non linéaires,” C.R. Aad. Sc. 264, 625–638 (1967); and (2) “Ondes asymp­totiques et ap­prochées pour un système d’équa­tions aux dérivées parti­elles non linéaires,” Sémin­aire Jean Leray 3, 1–10 (1969). MR 255964 Zbl 0177.​36404 article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: “Ondes asymp­totiques et ap­prochées pour un système d’équa­tions aux dérivées parti­elles non linéaires,” Sémin­aire Jean Leray 3 (1969), pp. 1–​10. article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: “Problème de Cauchy glob­al en re­lativ­ité générale,” Sémin­aire Jean Leray 2 (1969–1970), pp. 1–​7. A re­lated pa­per was pub­lished in Eng­lish as “Glob­al as­pects of the Cauchy prob­lem in gen­er­al re­li­ativ­ity,” Com­mun. Math. Phys. 14, 329–335 (1969). article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: “Solu­tions os­cil­latoires ap­prochées des équa­tions de la méca­nique des flu­ides,” pp. 145–​155 in La magnéto­hydro­dynamique classique et re­lativ­iste (Lille, 1969). Édi­tions du Centre Na­tion­al de la Recher­che Sci­en­ti­fique (CNRS) (Par­is), 1970. MR 280163 Zbl 0267.​76088 incollection

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: “Un théorème d’uni­cité pour les équa­tions d’Ein­stein–Li­ouville,” C. R. Acad. Sci. Par­is Sér. A-B 270 (1970), pp. A728–​A730. MR 258418 Zbl 0189.​27601 article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: “The­or­em of unique­ness and loc­al sta­bil­ity for Li­ouville–Ein­stein equa­tions,” J. Math­em­at­ic­al Phys. 11 (1970), pp. 3238–​3243. MR 269263 article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: “Un théorème d’ex­ist­ence pour le système intégrodifféren­tiel d’Ein­stein–Li­ouville,” C. R. Acad. Sci. Par­is Sér. A-B 271 (1970), pp. A625–​A628. MR 270699 article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: “New el­lipt­ic sys­tem and glob­al solu­tions for the con­straints equa­tions in gen­er­al re­lativ­ity,” Comm. Mat. Phys. 21 (1971), pp. 211–​218. MR 295724 Zbl 0212.​26802 article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: “Solu­tions \( C^{\infty } \) d’équa­tions hy­per­bol­iques non linéaires,” C. R. Acad. Sci. Par­is Sér. A-B 272 (1971), pp. A386–​A388. MR 279444 Zbl 0216.​12902 article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: “Quelques résul­tats récents sur les équa­tions aux dérivées parti­elles d’Ein­stein,” Math. Balkan­ica 1 (1971), pp. 27–​31. MR 288709 Zbl 0221.​35066 article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: “Problème de Cauchy pour le système intégro différen­tiel d’Ein­stein–Li­ouville,” Ann. Inst. Four­i­er (Gren­oble) 21 : 3 (1971), pp. 181–​201. MR 337248 Zbl 0208.​14303 article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: “\( C^{\infty } \)solu­tions of hy­per­bol­ic non lin­ear equa­tions ap­plic­a­tions in G.R.G,” Gen. Re­lativ­ity Grav­it­a­tion 2 (1971), pp. 359–​362. MR 395674 Zbl 0331.​35041 article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: “The bear­ings of glob­al hy­per­bol­i­city on ex­ist­ence and unique­ness the­or­ems in gen­er­al re­lativ­ity,” Gen. Re­lativ­ity Grav­it­a­tion 2 (1971), pp. 1–​6. MR 411553 Zbl 0336.​53022 article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: “Ex­ist­ence and unique­ness for the Ein­stein–Max­well–Li­ouville sys­tem,” pp. 23–​39, 356 in Grav­it­a­tion: Prob­lems, pro­spects (ded­ic­ated to the memory of A. Z. Pet­rov). Edi­ted by V. P. Še­lest, A. E. Levašov, M. F. Širokov, and K. A. Pira­gas. Izdat. “Naukova Dumka” (Kiev), 1972. MR 334801 Zbl 0271.​35063 incollection

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: “Sta­bilité de solu­tions d’équa­tions hy­per­bol­iques non linéaires: Ap­plic­a­tion à l’es­pace-temps de Minkovski en re­lativ­ité générale,” C. R. Acad. Sci. Par­is Sér. A-B 274 (1972), pp. A843–​A845. MR 291607 Zbl 0227.​35068 article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat and J. Leray: “Sur le problème de Di­rich­let, quasil­inéaire, d’or­dre 2,” C. R. Acad. Sci. Par­is Sér. A-B 274 (1972), pp. A81–​A85. MR 291623 Zbl 0227.​35045 article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: “Problème des con­traintes sur une variété com­pacte,” C. R. Acad. Sci. Par­is Sér. A-B 274 (1972), pp. A682–​A684. MR 293959 Zbl 0228.​53044 article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat and S. Deser: “Sta­bilité ini­tiale de l’es­pace temps de Minkowski,” C. R. Acad. Sci. Par­is Sér. A-B 275 (1972), pp. A1019–​A1021. MR 327250 article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: “Glob­al solu­tions of the equa­tions of con­straints in gen­er­al re­lativ­ity on closed man­i­folds,” pp. 317–​325 in Sym­po­sia Math­em­at­ica, Vol. XII (Con­ve­gno di Re­lativ­ita, IN­DAM) (Rome, 1972). Aca­dem­ic Press (Lon­don), 1973. MR 353926 Zbl 0272.​35013 incollection

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: Dis­tri­bu­tions: Théorie et problèmes. Mas­son et Cie (Par­is), 1973. MR 482020 Zbl 0249.​46018 book

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: “Un théorème d’in­stabilité pour cer­taines équa­tions hy­per­bol­iques non linéaires,” C. R. Acad. Sci. Par­is Sér. A-B 276 (1973), pp. A281–​A284. In French. MR 315300 Zbl 0245.​35058 article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat and L. Lam­oureux-Brousse: “Sur les équa­tions de l’élasti­cité re­lativ­iste,” C. R. Acad. Sci. Par­is Sér. A-B 276 (1973), pp. A1317–​A1320. MR 317624 Zbl 0286.​73019 article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat and S. Deser: “On the sta­bil­ity of flat space,” Ann. Phys­ics 81 (1973), pp. 165–​178. MR 341358 Zbl 0265.​35059 article

D. Bancel and Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: “Ex­ist­ence, unique­ness, and loc­al sta­bil­ity for the Ein­stein–Max­well–Boltz­man sys­tem,” Comm. Math. Phys. 33 (1973), pp. 83–​96. MR 356790 Zbl 0283.​76080 article

I. Šoke-Brjua: “Sta­bil­ity of solu­tions of non­lin­ear hy­per­bol­ic equa­tions on a man­i­fold,” Us­pehi Mat. Nauk 29 : 2 (176) (1974), pp. 314–​322. In Rus­si­an. Ded­ic­ated to the memory of Ivan Geor­gievič Pet­rovskiĭ (1901–1973). MR 407906 article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: “Couplage d’ondes grav­it­a­tion­nelles et élec­tro­magnétiques à haute fréquence,” pp. 85–​100 in Ondes et ra­di­ations grav­it­a­tion­nelles (Par­is, 1973). Col­loq. In­ter­nat. CNRS 220. Centre Nat. Recher­che Sci. (Par­is), 1974. MR 496351 incollection

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: “Glob­al solu­tions of the con­straints equa­tions on open and closed man­i­folds,” Gen. Re­lativ­ity Grav­it­a­tion 5 : 1 (1974), pp. 49–​60. MR 406309 Zbl 0332.​35030 article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat and C. Gil­ain: “Difféomorph­ismes har­mo­niques et uni­cité,” C. R. Acad. Sci. Par­is Sér. A 279 (1974), pp. 827–​830. MR 410791 Zbl 0292.​53021 article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: “Sous-variétés max­i­m­ales, ou à cour­bure con­stante, de variétés lorent­zi­ennes,” C. R. Acad. Sci. Par­is Sér. A-B 280 (1975), pp. Aiv, A169–​A171. In French. MR 371346 Zbl 0296.​53043 article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: “Quelques pro­priétés des sous-variétés max­i­m­ales d’une variété lorent­zi­enne,” C. R. Acad. Sci. Par­is Sér. A-B 281 : 14 (1975), pp. Aii, A577–​A580. MR 643821 Zbl 0324.​53046 article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: “The prob­lem of con­straints in gen­er­al re­lativ­ity: Solu­tion of the Lich­ner­ow­icz equa­tion,” pp. 225–​235 in Dif­fer­en­tial geo­metry and re­lativ­ity. Edi­ted by M. Ca­hen and M. Flato. Math­em­at­ic­al Phys. and Ap­pl. Math. 3. Re­idel (Dordrecht), 1976. MR 462479 Zbl 0355.​53013 incollection

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat and J. E. Marsden: “Sur la pos­it­iv­ité de la masse,” C. R. Acad. Sci. Par­is Sér. A-B 282 : 11 (1976), pp. Aii, A609–​A612. MR 397785 Zbl 0326.​35055 article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: “Max­im­al sub­man­i­folds and sub­man­i­folds with con­stant mean ex­trins­ic curvature of a Lorent­zi­an man­i­fold,” Ann. Scuola Norm. Sup. Pisa Cl. Sci. (4) 3 : 3 (1976), pp. 361–​376. MR 423405 Zbl 0332.​53035 article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat and J. E. Marsden: “Solu­tion of the loc­al mass prob­lem in gen­er­al re­lativ­ity,” Comm. Math. Phys. 51 : 3 (1976), pp. 283–​296. MR 478215 Zbl 0364.​58013 article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat, C. DeWitt-Mor­ette, and M. Dillard-Bleick: Ana­lys­is, man­i­folds and phys­ics. North-Hol­land (Am­s­ter­dam), 1977. MR 467779 Zbl 0385.​58001 book

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat, A. Fish­er, and J. Marsden: “Équa­tions des con­traintes sur une variété non com­pacte,” C. R. Acad. Sci. Par­is Sér. A-B 284 : 16 (1977), pp. A975–​A978. MR 433498 Zbl 0364.​58010 article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: “Prop­er­ties of max­im­al sub­man­i­folds in space-times with com­pact or open space-like sec­tions,” Rep. Math­em­at­ic­al Phys. 12 : 1 (1977), pp. 9–​17. MR 461389 Zbl 0363.​53029 article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat and A. H. Taub: “High-fre­quency, self-grav­it­at­ing, charged scal­ar fields,” Gen. Re­lativ­ity Grav­it­a­tion 8 : 8 (1977), pp. 561–​571. MR 471867 article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: “Com­pac­ti­fic­a­tion de variétés asymp­totique­ment eu­c­lidi­ennes: Ap­plic­a­tions,” C. R. Acad. Sci. Par­is Sér. A-B 285 : 16 (1977), pp. A1061–​A1064. MR 517104 Zbl 0383.​35016 article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: “Max­im­al sub­man­i­folds and the pos­it­iv­ity of the grav­it­a­tion­al mass,” pp. 9–​15 in Pro­ceed­ings of the In­ter­na­tion­al Sym­posi­um on Re­lativ­ity and Uni­fied Field The­ory (Cal­cutta, 1975–1976). S. N. Bose Inst. Phys. Sci. (Cal­cutta), 1978. MR 524255 inproceedings

A. Chaljub-Si­mon and Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: “Solu­tions asymp­totique­ment eu­c­lidi­ennes de l’équa­tion de Lich­ner­ow­icz,” C. R. Acad. Sci. Par­is Sér. A-B 286 : 20 (1978), pp. A917–​A920. This pa­per is re­lated to a later pa­per pub­lished in Eng­lish by the same au­thors: “Glob­al solu­tions of the Lich­ner­ow­icz equa­tion in {G}en­er­al {R}elativ­ity on an asymp­tot­ic­ally {E}uc­lidean com­plete man­i­fold,” Gen­er­al Re­lativ­ity and Grav­ity 12 (1980). MR 498871 Zbl 0388.​35006 article

G. Cho­quet and Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: “Sur un problème lié à la sta­bilité des données ini­tiales en re­lativ­ité générale,” C. R. Acad. Sci. Par­is Sér. A-B 287 : 15 (1978), pp. A1047–​A1049. MR 519238 article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat, D. Chris­to­doulou, and M. Fran­cav­iglia: “Cauchy data on a man­i­fold,” Ann. Inst. H. Poin­caré Sect. A (N.S.) 29 : 3 (1978), pp. 241–​255. MR 519694 Zbl 0412.​35018 article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat, D. Chris­to­doulou, and M. Fran­cav­iglia: “Problème de Cauchy sur une variété,” C. R. Acad. Sci. Par­is Sér. A-B 287 : 5 (1978), pp. A373–​A375. MR 524042 Zbl 0412.​35017 article

A. Chaljub-Si­mon and Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: “Problèmes el­lipt­iques du second or­dre sur une variété eu­c­lidi­enne à l’in­fini,” Ann. Fac. Sci. Toulouse Math. (5) 1 : 1 (1979), pp. 9–​25. MR 533596 Zbl 0411.​35044 article

A. Chaljub-Si­mon and Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: “Solu­tion de l’équa­tion de Lich­ner­ow­icz sur une variété asymp­totique­ment eu­c­lidi­enne,” C. R. Acad. Sci. Par­is Sér. A-B 288 : 16 (1979), pp. A779–​A784. MR 535811 Zbl 0407.​58038 article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat, D. Chris­to­doulou, and M. Fran­cav­iglia: “On the wave equa­tion in curved space­time,” Ann. Inst. H. Poin­caré Sect. A (N.S.) 31 : 4 (1979), pp. 399–​414. MR 574143 Zbl 0454.​58016 article

A. Chaljub-Si­mon and Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: “Glob­al solu­tions of the Lich­ner­ow­icz equa­tion in gen­er­al re­lativ­ity on an asymp­tot­ic­ally Eu­c­lidean com­plete man­i­fold,” Gen. Re­lativ­ity Grav­it­a­tion 12 : 2 (1980), pp. 175–​185. MR 575238 article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat and D. Chris­to­doulou: “Systèmes el­lipt­iques sur une variété eu­c­lidi­enne à l’in­fini,” C. R. Acad. Sci. Par­is Sér. A-B 290 : 17 (1980), pp. A781–​A785. MR 580565 Zbl 0453.​58021 article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat and J. W. York, Jr.: “The Cauchy prob­lem,” pp. 99–​172 in Gen­er­al re­lativ­ity and grav­it­a­tion, vol. 1. Edi­ted by A. Held. Plen­um (New York–Lon­don), 1980. MR 583716 Zbl Zbl 0537.​00011 incollection

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat and D. Chris­to­doulou: “El­lipt­ic sys­tems in \( H_{s,\delta } \) spaces on man­i­folds which are Eu­c­lidean at in­fin­ity,” Acta Math. 146 : 1–​2 (1981), pp. 129–​150. MR 594629 article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: “Solu­tions glob­ales des équa­tions de Max­well–Dir­ac–Klein–Gor­don (masses nulles),” C. R. Acad. Sci. Par­is Sér. I Math. 292 : 2 (1981), pp. 153–​158. MR 610307 Zbl 0498.​35053 article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat and D. Chris­to­doulou: “Ex­ist­ence de solu­tions glob­ales des équa­tions classiques des théories de jauge,” C. R. Acad. Sci. Par­is Sér. I Math. 293 : 3 (1981), pp. 195–​199. MR 635980 Zbl 0478.​58027 article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat and D. Chris­to­doulou: “Ex­ist­ence of glob­al solu­tions of the Yang–Mills, Higgs and spinor field equa­tions in \( 3+1 \) di­men­sions,” Ann. Sci. École Norm. Sup. (4) 14 : 4 (1981), pp. 481–​506. MR 654209 Zbl 0499.​35076 article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat and I. E. Segal: “Solu­tion glob­ale des équa­tions de Yang–Mills sur l’univers d’Ein­stein,” C. R. Acad. Sci. Par­is Sér. I Math. 294 : 6 (1982), pp. 225–​230. MR 654042 Zbl 0501.​58023 article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat and T. Rug­geri: “Hy­per­bol­i­cité du système \( 3+1 \) des équa­tions d’Ein­stein,” C. R. Acad. Sci. Par­is Sér. I Math. 294 : 12 (1982), pp. 425–​429. An Eng­lish ver­sion of the French ori­gin­al ap­peared in Comm. Math. Phys. 89: 2 (1983). MR 659737 article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: “Solu­tion glob­ale des équa­tions de Max­well–Dir­ac–Klein–Gor­don,” Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo (2) 31 : 2 (1982), pp. 267–​288. MR 670401 Zbl 0497.​35078 article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: “Re­cent res­ults on the Cauchy prob­lem for grav­it­a­tion and Yang–Mills fields,” pp. 167–​178 in Pro­ceed­ings of the Second Mar­cel Gross­mann Meet­ing on Gen­er­al Re­lativ­ity: Part A, B (Trieste, 1979). Edi­ted by R. Ruffini. North-Hol­land (Am­s­ter­dam; New York), 1982. MR 678940 inproceedings

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat, C. DeWitt-Mor­ette, and M. Dillard-Bleick: Ana­lys­is, man­i­folds and phys­ics, 2nd edition. North-Hol­land (Am­s­ter­dam–New York), 1982. The first edi­tion in­cluded the au­thor­ship of Mar­garet Dillard-Bleick and was pub­lished in 1977 un­der the same title. The second edi­tion was re­vised and up­dated without Dillard-Bleick’s par­ti­cip­a­tion. MR 685274 Zbl Zbl 0492.​58001 book

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: “Glob­al solu­tions of Yang–Mills field equa­tions,” Rend. Sem. Mat. Fis. Mil­ano 52 (1982), pp. 247–​259. MR 802944 Zbl 0571.​35087 article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: Pro­pos sur la cos­mo­lo­gie: Séance pub­lique an­nuelle des cinq académies. Eight-page book­let, In­sti­tut de France (Par­is), 1982. techreport

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat and A. Greco: “High fre­quency asymp­tot­ic solu­tions of Yang–Mills and as­so­ci­ated fields,” J. Math. Phys. 24 : 2 (1983), pp. 377–​379. MR 692317 Zbl 0557.​70020 article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat and T. Rug­geri: “Hy­per­bol­i­city of the \( 3+1 \) sys­tem of Ein­stein equa­tions,” Comm. Math. Phys. 89 : 2 (1983), pp. 269–​275. This ap­pears to be an Eng­lish ver­sion of the French art­icle of the same title pub­lished a year earli­er in C. R. Acad. Sci. Par­is Sér. I Math. 294:12 (1982). MR 709467 Zbl 0521.​53034 article

F. Cag­nac and Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: “Solu­tion glob­ale d’une équa­tion non linéaire sur une variété hy­per­bol­ique,” C. R. Acad. Sci. Par­is Sér. I Math. 296 : 20 (1983), pp. 845–​849. A pa­per by the same title was sub­sequently pub­lished in J. Math. Pures Ap­pl. 63:4 377–390 (1984). MR 712755 Zbl 0529.​58032 article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: “Su­per­grav­ité classique: Le problème de Cauchy,” C. R. Acad. Sci. Par­is Sér. I Math. 297 : 1 (1983), pp. 71–​76. MR 719951 Zbl 0535.​53030 article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat, S. M. Pan­eitz, and I. E. Segal: “The Yang–Mills equa­tions on the uni­ver­sal cos­mos,” J. Funct. Anal. 53 : 2 (1983), pp. 112–​150. MR 722506 Zbl 0535.​58022 article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: “The Cauchy prob­lem in clas­sic­al su­per­grav­ity,” Lett. Math. Phys. 7 : 6 (1983), pp. 459–​467. MR 728641 Zbl 0529.​58039 article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: “Clas­sic­al su­per­grav­ity with Weyl spinors,” Proc. Ein­stein Found. In­ter­nat. 1 : 1 (1983), pp. 43–​53. MR 731352 article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: “Glob­al solu­tions of hy­per­bol­ic equa­tions of gauge the­or­ies,” pp. 108–​134 in Re­lativ­ity, cos­mo­logy, to­po­lo­gic­al mass and su­per­grav­ity (Ca­ra­cas, 1982). Edi­ted by C. Ar­agone. World Sci. Publ. (Singa­pore), 1983. MR 743271 incollection

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat and D. Chris­to­doulou: “Cauchy prob­lem at past in­fin­ity for non­lin­ear equa­tions in curved space­time,” pp. 73–​91 in Stud­ies in ap­plied math­em­at­ics. Edi­ted by V. Guille­min. Adv. Math. Sup­pl. Stud. 8. Aca­dem­ic Press (New York), 1983. MR 759906 Zbl 0517.​53028 incollection

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: “Caus­al­ity of clas­sic­al su­per­grav­ity,” pp. 61–​84 in Asymp­tot­ic be­ha­vi­or of mass and space­time geo­metry (Cor­val­lis, Ore., 1983). Edi­ted by F. J. Fla­herty. Lec­ture Notes in Phys. 202. Spring­er, 1984. MR 771854 Zbl 0546.​53047 incollection

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: “Su­per­grav­it­ies,” pp. 88–​106 in Grav­it­a­tion, geo­metry and re­lativ­ist­ic phys­ics (Aus­sois, 1984). Lec­ture Notes in Phys. 212. Spring­er, 1984. MR 780219 Zbl 0557.​53050 incollection

F. Cag­nac and Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: “Solu­tion glob­ale d’une équa­tion non linéaire sur une variété hy­per­bol­ique,” J. Math. Pures Ap­pl. (9) 63 : 4 (1984), pp. 377–​390. MR 789558 Zbl 0554.​58049 article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: “Pos­it­ive-en­ergy the­or­ems,” pp. 739–​785 in Re­lativ­ity, groups and to­po­logy, II (Les Houches, 1983). Edi­ted by B. S. DeWitt and R. Stora. North-Hol­land (Am­s­ter­dam), 1984. MR 830248 Zbl 0593.​53055 incollection

D. Bao, Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat, J. Is­en­berg, and P. B. Yasskin: “The well-posed­ness of (\( N=1 \)) clas­sic­al su­per­grav­ity,” J. Math. Phys. 26 : 2 (1985), pp. 329–​333. MR 776502 Zbl 0563.​53060 article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: “The Cauchy prob­lem in ex­ten­ded su­per­grav­ity, \( N=1 \), \( d=11 \),” Comm. Math. Phys. 97 : 4 (1985), pp. 541–​552. MR 787117 Zbl 0593.​53062 article

I. Shoke-Bry­ua: “Math­em­at­ic­al prob­lems in gen­er­al re­lativ­ity,” Us­pekhi Mat. Nauk 40 : 6(246) (1985), pp. 3–​39. In Rus­si­an; trans­lated from the Eng­lish by A. P. Veselov. MR 815488 article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: “Su­per­man­i­folds and su­per­grav­it­ies,” pp. 25–​42 in Geo­metro­dynam­ics pro­ceed­ings, 1985 (Cosenza, 1985). Edi­ted by A. Pràstavo. World Sci. Publ. (Singa­pore), 1985. MR 825786 Zbl 0652.​58038 incollection

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: “Ein­stein–Cartan the­ory with spin \( {3/2} \) source and clas­sic­al su­per­grav­ity,” pp. 27–​56 in On re­lativ­ity the­ory: Pro­ceed­ings of the Sir Ar­thur Ed­ding­ton Cen­ten­ary Sym­posi­um, II (Nag­pur, 1984). Edi­ted by Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat and T. M. Karade. World Sci. Publ. (Singa­pore), 1985. MR 827562 inproceedings

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: “Caus­alité des théories de su­per­grav­ité,” pp. 79–​93 in Élie Cartan et les mathématiques d’au­jourd’hui [The math­em­at­ic­al her­it­age of Élie Cartan] (Ly­on, 1984). Astérisque (numéro hors série). 1985. MR 837195 Zbl 0604.​53047 incollection

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: “Kaluza–Klein the­or­ies,” pp. 155–​169 in Pro­ceed­ings of the con­fer­ence com­mem­or­at­ing the 1st Centen­ni­al of the Cir­colo Matem­atico di Palermo (Palermo, 1984), published as Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo 8 : suppl. (1985). MR 881396 Zbl 0615.​53073 incollection

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: “Su­per­grav­it­ies and Kaluza–Klein the­or­ies,” pp. 31–​48 in To­po­lo­gic­al prop­er­ties and glob­al struc­ture of space-time (Erice, 1985). Edi­ted by P. G. Bergmann and V. D. Sabbata. NATO Adv. Sci. Inst. Ser. B: Phys. 138. Plen­um (New York), 1986. MR 1102937 Zbl 0687.​53072 incollection

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: “Ap­plic­a­tions har­mo­niques hy­per­bol­iques,” C. R. Acad. Sci. Par­is Sér. I Math. 303 : 4 (1986), pp. 109–​113. MR 853598 Zbl 0607.​58011 article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat and N. Noutchegueme: “Système hy­per­bol­ique pour les équa­tions d’Ein­stein avec sources,” C. R. Acad. Sci. Par­is Sér. I Math. 303 : 6 (1986), pp. 259–​263. MR 860831 article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: “The Cauchy prob­lem in high­er-di­men­sion­al grav­ity and Kaluza–Klein the­or­ies,” pp. 1223–​1231 in Pro­ceed­ings of the Fourth Mar­cel Gross­mann Meet­ing on Gen­er­al Re­lativ­ity, Part A, B (Rome, 1985). Edi­ted by R. Ruffini. North-Hol­land (Am­s­ter­dam), 1986. MR 879816 inproceedings

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: “Glob­al ex­ist­ence the­or­ems for hy­per­bol­ic har­mon­ic maps,” Ann. Inst. H. Poin­caré Phys. Théor. 46 : 1 (1987), pp. 97–​111. MR 877997 Zbl 0608.​58018 article

F. Cag­nac, Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat, and N. Noutchegueme: “Solu­tions of the Ein­stein equa­tions with data at past in­fin­ity,” pp. 35–​54 in Sev­enth Itali­an con­fer­ence on gen­er­al re­lativ­ity and grav­it­a­tion­al phys­ics (Rap­allo, 1986). Edi­ted by U. Bruzzo, R. Cianci, and E. Massa. World Sci. Publ. (Singa­pore), 1987. MR 892547 incollection

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: “Math­em­at­ics for clas­sic­al su­per­grav­it­ies,” pp. 73–​90 in Dif­fer­en­tial geo­met­ric meth­ods in math­em­at­ic­al phys­ics (Sala­manca, 1985). Edi­ted by P. L. Gar­cía and A. Pérez-Rendón. Lec­ture Notes in Math. 1251. Spring­er, 1987. MR 897114 Zbl 0619.​53051 incollection

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: “Math­em­at­ic­al prob­lems,” pp. 331–​335 in Gen­er­al re­lativ­ity and grav­it­a­tion: Pro­ceed­ings of the 11th In­ter­na­tion­al Con­fer­ence on Gen­er­al Re­lativ­ity and Grav­it­a­tion (Stock­holm, 1986). Edi­ted by M. A. H. Mac­Cal­lum. Cam­bridge Univ. Press, 1987. MR 915367 incollection

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: “Non ex­ist­ence de solu­tions glob­ales de cer­taines équa­tions d’onde non linéaires sur une variété,” C. R. Acad. Sci. Par­is Sér. I Math. 305 : 19 (1987), pp. 817–​821. In French. MR 923206 article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: “Spin \( {1/2} \) fields in ar­bit­rary di­men­sions and the Ein­stein–Cartan the­ory,” pp. 83–​106 in Grav­it­a­tion and geo­metry. Edi­ted by W. Rind­ler and A. Traut­man. Mono­gr. Text­books Phys. Sci. 4. Bib­li­opol­is (Naples), 1987. MR 938534 incollection

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat and M. Nov­ello: “Système con­forme réguli­er pour les équa­tions d’Ein­stein,” C. R. Acad. Sci. Par­is Sér. II Méc. Phys. Chim. Sci. Univers Sci. Terre 305 : 3 (1987), pp. 155–​160. MR 979834 Zbl 0633.​53070 article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: “Glob­al ex­ist­ence for non­lin­ear \( \sigma \)-mod­els,” pp. 65–​86 in Non­lin­ear hy­per­bol­ic equa­tions in ap­plied sci­ences, published as Rend. Sem. Mat. Univ. Po­litec. Torino special issue (1988). MR 1007367 Zbl 0678.​58015 incollection

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: “Cas d’ex­ist­ence glob­ale de solu­tions de l’équa­tion \( \square u=A|u|^p \),” C. R. Acad. Sci. Par­is Sér. I Math. 306 : 8 (1988), pp. 359–​364. MR 934619 Zbl 0673.​35076 article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: “Problème de Cauchy pour les modèles grav­it­a­tion­nels avec ter­mes de Gauss–Bon­net,” C. R. Acad. Sci. Par­is Sér. I Math. 306 : 10 (1988), pp. 445–​450. MR 937983 Zbl 0646.​53074 article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: “Glob­al prob­lems in gen­er­al re­lativ­ity,” pp. 3–​27 in SIL­ARG, VI (Rio de Janeiro, 1987). Edi­ted by M. Nov­ello. World Sci. Publ. (Singa­pore), 1988. MR 948977 Zbl 0658.​53075 incollection

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: “The Cauchy prob­lem for stringy grav­ity,” J. Math. Phys. 29 : 8 (1988), pp. 1891–​1895. MR 955194 Zbl 0658.​53078 article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: “Les travaux de An­dré Lich­ner­ow­icz en re­lativ­ité générale,” pp. 1–​10 in Physique quantique et géométrie: Col­loq. Géom. Phys. (Par­is, 1986). Edi­ted by D. Bern­ard and Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat. Travaux en Cours 32. Her­mann (Par­is), 1988. MR 955859 Zbl 0648.​01004 incollection

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: “Ondes à haute fréquence pour la grav­it­a­tion avec ter­mes de Gauss–Bon­net,” C. R. Acad. Sci. Par­is Sér. I Math. 307 : 12 (1988), pp. 693–​696. MR 967815 Zbl 0648.​53046 article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: “Glob­al ex­ist­ence the­or­ems by the con­form­al meth­od,” pp. 16–​37 in Re­cent de­vel­op­ments in hy­per­bol­ic equa­tions (Pisa, 1987). Edi­ted by L. Cat­tab­riga, F. Colom­bini, M. K. V. Murthy, and S. Spagnolo. Pit­man Res. Notes Math. Ser. 183. Long­man Sci. Tech. (Har­low), 1988. MR 984357 Zbl 0734.​35142 incollection

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat and C. DeWitt-Mor­ette: Ana­lys­is, man­i­folds and phys­ics, Part II: 92 ap­plic­a­tions. North-Hol­land Pub­lish­ing Co. (Am­s­ter­dam), 1989. A com­pan­ion volume to the re­vised 1982 edi­tion. MR 1016603 Zbl 0682.​58002 book

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: “Grav­it­a­tion with Gauss–Bon­net terms,” pp. 53–​72 in Con­fer­ence on Math­em­at­ic­al Re­lativ­ity (Can­berra, 1988). Edi­ted by R. Bart­nik. Proc. Centre Math. Anal. Aus­tral. Nat. Univ. 19. Aus­tral. Nat. Univ. (Can­berra), 1989. MR 1020790 Zbl 0684.​53061 incollection

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: “Glob­al ex­ist­ence for solu­tions of \( \square u=A|u|^p \),” J. Dif­fer­en­tial Equa­tions 82 : 1 (1989), pp. 98–​108. MR 1023303 Zbl 0694.​58040 article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: Graded bundles and su­per­man­i­folds. Mono­graphs and Text­books in Phys­ic­al Sci­ence. Lec­ture Notes 12. Bib­li­opol­is (Naples), 1989. MR 1026098 Zbl 0707.​58006 book

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: “Glob­al solu­tions of Yang–Mills equa­tions on anti-de Sit­ter space­time,” Clas­sic­al Quantum Grav­ity 6 : 12 (1989), pp. 1781–​1789. MR 1028380 Zbl 0698.​53040 article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: “High fre­quency waves for stringy grav­ity,” pp. 349–​361 in Pro­ceed­ings of the Fifth Mar­cel Gross­mann Meet­ing on Gen­er­al Re­lativ­ity, Part A, B (Perth, 1988). Edi­ted by D. G. Blair, M. J. Buck­ing­ham, and R. Ruffini. World Sci. Publ. (Tea­neck, NJ), 1989. MR 1056882 inproceedings

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat and C. H. Gu: “Ex­ist­ence glob­ale d’ap­plic­a­tions har­mo­niques sur l’es­pace-temps de Minkowski \( M_3 \),” C. R. Acad. Sci. Par­is Sér. I Math. 308 : 6 (1989), pp. 167–​170. In French. MR 984915 Zbl 0661.​53043 article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: “Solu­tions glob­ales d’équa­tions d’ondes sur l’es­pace-temps anti de Sit­ter,” C. R. Acad. Sci. Par­is Sér. I Math. 308 : 11 (1989), pp. 323–​327. MR 989897 Zbl 0662.​53068 article

Re­lativ­ist­ic flu­id dy­nam­ics: Lec­tures giv­en at the first 1987 ses­sion of the Centro In­ternazionale Matem­atico Es­tivo (C.I.M.E.) (Noto, Italy, 1987). Edi­ted by A. M. Anile and Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat. Lect. Notes Math. 1385. Spring­er (Cham), 1989. book

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat and R. McLen­aghan: “Noy­au de dif­fu­sion en co­or­données de Bondi de l’opérat­eur des ondes sur une variété lorent­zi­enne,” C. R. Acad. Sci. Par­is Sér. I Math. 311 : 8 (1990), pp. 483–​486. MR 1076477 Zbl 0717.​35044 article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat and N. Noutchegueme: “Solu­tion des systèmes de Yang–Mills–Vlasov: Théorèmes d’ex­ist­ence loc­ale [Solu­tions of the Yang–Mills–Vlasov sys­tems: Loc­al ex­ist­ence the­or­ems],” C. R. Acad. Sci. Par­is Sér. I Math. 311 : 10 (1990), pp. 611–​616. MR 1081417 Zbl 0717.​35072 article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat and N. Noutchegueme: “Solu­tions glob­ales du système de Yang–Mills–Vlasov (masse nulle)” [Glob­al solu­tions of the Yang–Mills–Vlasov sys­tem with zero rest mass], C. R. Acad. Sci. Par­is Sér. I Math. 311 : 12 (1990), pp. 785–​788. MR 1082633 Zbl 0715.​53046 article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: “Yang–Mills fields on Lorent­zi­an man­i­folds,” pp. 289–​313 in Mech­an­ics, ana­lys­is and geo­metry: 200 years after Lag­range. Edi­ted by M. Fran­cav­iglia. North-Hol­land Delta. North-Hol­land (Am­s­ter­dam), 1991. MR 1098521 Zbl 0717.​53066 incollection

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: “Yang–Mills–Higgs fields in three space time di­men­sions,” pp. 73–​97 in Ana­lyse glob­ale et physique mathématique (col­loque à la mémoire d’Ed­mond Combet) (Ly­on, 1989). Mém. Soc. Math. France 46. 1991. MR 1125837 Zbl 0773.​53036 incollection

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: “Flu­ides chargés non abéli­ens,” C. R. Acad. Sci. Par­is Sér. I Math. 313 : 8 (1991), pp. 551–​555. MR 1131874 Zbl 0733.​76098 article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat and N. Noutchegueme: “Système de Yang–Mills–Vlasov en jauge tem­porelle,” Ann. Inst. H. Poin­caré Phys. Théor. 55 : 3 (1991), pp. 759–​787. MR 1141713 Zbl 0767.​58045 article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat and G. Pichon: “Plas­mas with dis­crete ve­lo­cit­ies,” pp. 85–​96 in Dis­crete mod­els of flu­id dy­nam­ics (Figueira da Foz, 1990). Edi­ted by A. S. Alves. Ser. Adv. Math. Ap­pl. Sci. 2. World Sci. Publ. (River Edge, NJ), 1991. MR 1192797 Zbl 0828.​76002 incollection

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: “High fre­quency Gauss–Bon­net grav­ity,” pp. 57–​73 in Clas­sic­al mech­an­ics and re­lativ­ity: Re­la­tion­ship and con­sist­ency (pa­pers from the in­ter­na­tion­al con­fer­ence in memory of Carlo Cat­taneo) (El­ba, 1989). Edi­ted by G. Fer­rarese. Mono­gr. Text­books Phys. Sci. Lec­ture Notes 20. Bib­li­opol­is (Naples), 1991. MR 1204438 Zbl 0934.​83003 incollection

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: “Flu­ides chargés non abéli­ens de con­duct­iv­ité in­finie,” C. R. Acad. Sci. Par­is Sér. I Math. 314 : 1 (1992), pp. 87–​91. MR 1149646 Zbl 0800.​76552 article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: “Cos­mo­lo­gic­al Yang–Mills hy­dro­dynam­ics,” J. Math. Phys. 33 : 5 (1992), pp. 1782–​1785. MR 1158999 Zbl 0753.​76201 article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat and N. Noutchegueme: “Yang–Mills Vlasov sys­tems,” pp. 52–​71 in Non­lin­ear hy­per­bol­ic equa­tions and field the­ory: Pa­pers from a work­shop on non­lin­ear hy­per­bol­ic equa­tions (Lake Como, 1990). Edi­ted by M. K. V. Murthy and S. Spagnolo. Pit­man Res. Notes Math. Ser. 253. Long­man Sci. Tech.; Wiley (Har­low, UK; New York), 1992. MR 1175201 Zbl 0799.​35188 incollection

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat, J. Is­en­berg, and V. Mon­crief: “Solu­tions of con­straints for Ein­stein equa­tions,” C. R. Acad. Sci. Par­is Sér. I Math. 315 : 3 (1992), pp. 349–​355. MR 1179734 Zbl 0796.​35161 article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: “Cos­mo­lo­gic­al Yang–Mills flu­ids,” pp. 685–​687 in On re­cent de­vel­op­ments in the­or­et­ic­al and ex­per­i­ment­al gen­er­al re­lativ­ity, grav­it­a­tion and re­lativ­ist­ic field the­or­ies: The Sixth Mar­cel Gross­mann Meet­ing, Part A, B (Kyoto, 1991). Edi­ted by H. Sato and T. Na­kamura. World Sci. Publ. (River Edge, NJ), 1992. MR 1236927 incollection

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: “Solu­tion of the Ein­stein con­straints on non­max­im­al sub­man­i­folds,” pp. S205–​S206 in Les Journées Re­lativ­istes (Am­s­ter­dam, 1992), published as Clas­sic­al Quantum Grav­ity 10 : suppl. (1993). MR 1212813 Zbl 0788.​53082 incollection

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: “Solu­tion des con­traintes pour les équa­tions d’Ein­stein sur une variété asymp­totique­ment eu­c­lidi­enne non max­i­m­ale” [Solu­tion of con­straints for Ein­stein equa­tions on non max­im­al asymp­tot­ic­ally Eu­c­lidean man­i­folds], C. R. Acad. Sci. Par­is Sér. I Math. 317 : 1 (1993), pp. 109–​114. MR 1228975 Zbl 0783.​53047 article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: “Ap­plic­a­tions of gen­er­al­ized func­tions to shocks and dis­crete mod­els,” pp. 37–​49 in Gen­er­al­ized func­tions and their ap­plic­a­tions: Pro­ceed­ings of the in­ter­na­tion­al sym­posi­um (Varanasi, 1991). Edi­ted by R. S. Path­ak. Plen­um (New York), 1993. MR 1240062 Zbl 0849.​46052 incollection

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: “Ein­stein equa­tions with 1 para­met­er space­like iso­metry group,” pp. 137–​145 in Mod­ern group ana­lys­is: Ad­vanced ana­lyt­ic­al and com­pu­ta­tion­al meth­ods in math­em­at­ic­al phys­ics (Acire­ale, 1992). Edi­ted by N. H. Ibra­gimov, M. Tor­risi, and A. Valenti. Kluwer Acad. (Dordrecht), 1993. MR 1259548 Zbl 0793.​53066 incollection

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: “Solu­tion of Ein­stein equa­tions,” Math. Today 11 (1993), pp. 3–​12. MR 1311850 Zbl 0789.​53044 article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: “Solu­tion of the coupled Ein­stein con­straints on asymp­tot­ic­ally Eu­c­lidean man­i­folds,” pp. 83–​96 in Dir­ec­tions in gen­er­al re­lativ­ity: Pro­ceed­ings of the in­ter­na­tion­al sym­posi­um (Uni­versity of Mary­land, Col­lege Park, MD, 1993). Cam­bridge Uni­versity Press (Cam­bridge), 1993. Pa­pers in hon­or of Charles Mis­ner on the oc­ca­sion of his 60th birth­day. Zbl 0850.​83012 incollection

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: “Cos­mo­lo­gic­al Yang–Mills mag­neto­hydro­dynam­ics,” C. R. Acad. Sci. Par­is Sér. I Math. 318 : 8 (1994), pp. 775–​782. MR 1272347 Zbl 0802.​76099 article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat and V. Mon­crief: “An ex­ist­ence the­or­em for the re­duced Ein­stein equa­tion,” C. R. Acad. Sci. Par­is Sér. I Math. 319 : 2 (1994), pp. 153–​159. MR 1288395 Zbl 0813.​35060 article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: “Théorèmes d’ex­ist­ence glob­aux pour des flu­ides ul­tra re­lativ­istes,” C. R. Acad. Sci. Par­is Sér. I Math. 319 : 12 (1994), pp. 1337–​1342. MR 1310683 Zbl 0834.​76100 article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: “Hy­dro­dynam­ics and mag­neto­hydro­dynam­ics of Yang–Mills flu­ids,” pp. 54–​68 in Waves and sta­bil­ity in con­tinu­ous me­dia (Bo­logna, 1993). Edi­ted by S. Ri­onero and T. Rug­geri. Ser. Adv. Math. Ap­pl. Sci. 23. World Sci. Publ. (River Edge, NJ), 1994. MR 1320064 incollection

A. Ab­ra­hams, A. An­der­son, Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat, and J. W. York, Jr.: “Ein­stein and Yang–Mills the­or­ies in hy­per­bol­ic form without gauge fix­ing,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 75 : 19 (1995), pp. 3377–​3381. MR 1356171 Zbl 1020.​83503 article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat and J. W. York: “Geo­met­ric­al well posed sys­tems for the Ein­stein equa­tions,” C. R. Acad. Sci. Par­is Sér. I Math. 321 : 8 (1995), pp. 1089–​1095. MR 1360579 Zbl 0839.​53063 article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat and V. Mon­crief: “Ex­ist­ence the­or­em for solu­tions of Ein­stein’s equa­tions with 1 para­met­er space­like iso­metry groups,” pp. 67–​80 in Quant­iz­a­tion, non­lin­ear par­tial dif­fer­en­tial equa­tions, and op­er­at­or al­gebra (Cam­bridge, MA, 1994). Edi­ted by W. Arveson, T. Bran­son, and I. Segal. Proc. Sym­pos. Pure Math. 59. Amer. Math. Soc. (Provid­ence, RI), 1996. MR 1392984 Zbl 0861.​53063 incollection

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: “Yang–Mills plas­mas,” pp. 3–​31 in Glob­al struc­ture and evol­u­tion in gen­er­al re­lativ­ity: Pro­ceed­ings of the First Sam­os Meet­ing on Cos­mo­logy, Geo­metry and Re­lativ­ity (Kar­lovassi, 1994). Edi­ted by S. Cot­sa­kis and G. W. Gib­bons. Lec­ture Notes in Phys. 460. Spring­er (Ber­lin), 1996. MR 1398907 Zbl 0844.​53053 incollection

Y. Cho­quet Bruhat: “Glob­al ex­ist­ence the­or­ems for Ein­stein equa­tions in high di­men­sions,” pp. 19–​28 in Grav­ity, particles and space-time. Edi­ted by P. Pron­in and G. Sard­anashvily. World Sci. Publ. (River Edge, NJ), 1996. MR 1450873 incollection

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat and A. Greco: “In­ter­ac­tion of grav­it­a­tion­al and flu­id waves,” pp. 111–​123 in Pro­ceed­ings of the Eighth In­ter­na­tion­al Con­fer­ence on Waves and Sta­bil­ity in Con­tinu­ous Me­dia, Part I (Palermo, 1995), published as Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo 45 : suppl. (1996). MR 1461067 Zbl 0893.​76098 inproceedings

A. Ab­ra­hams, A. An­der­son, Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat, and J. W. York: “Un système hy­per­bol­ique non strict pour les équa­tions d’Ein­stein,” C. R. Acad. Sci., Par­is, Sér. II, Fasc. b 323 : 12 (1996), pp. 835–​841. Zbl 0916.​35126 article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat and A. Greco: “Ondes grav­it­a­tion­nelles à haute fréquence et in­ter­ac­tion avec la matière,” C. R. Acad. Sci., Par­is, Sér. II, Fasc. b 323 : 2 (1996), pp. 117–​124. Zbl 0936.​83014 article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat and J. W. York, Jr.: “Well posed re­duced sys­tems for the Ein­stein equa­tions,” pp. 119–​131 in Math­em­at­ics of grav­it­a­tion, Part I (Warsaw, 1996). Edi­ted by P. T. Chruś­ciel. Banach Cen­ter Publ. 41. Pol­ish Acad. Sci. Inst. Math. (Warsaw), 1997. MR 1466512 Zbl 0896.​53052 incollection

A. An­der­son, Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat, and J. W. York, Jr.: “Ein­stein–Bi­an­chi hy­per­bol­ic sys­tem for gen­er­al re­lativ­ity,” To­pol. Meth­ods Non­lin­ear Anal. 10 : 2 (1997), pp. 353–​373. MR 1634577 Zbl 0917.​35145 article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: “A glob­al ex­ist­ence the­or­em for ul­tra re­lativ­ist­ic flu­ids on Minkowski space time,” pp. 14–​22 in Col­lec­tion of pa­pers on geo­metry, ana­lys­is and math­em­at­ic­al phys­ics. Edi­ted by T.-T. Li. World Sci. Publ. (River Edge, NJ), 1997. In hon­or of Pro­fess­or Gu Chao­hao. MR 1635656 Zbl 1021.​35132 incollection

A. Ab­ra­hams, A. An­der­son, Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat, and J. W. York, Jr.: “Geo­met­ric­al hy­per­bol­ic sys­tems for gen­er­al re­lativ­ity and gauge the­or­ies,” Clas­sic­al Quantum Grav­ity 14 : 1A (1997), pp. A9–​A22. MR 1691883 Zbl 0866.​58059 article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: “Ap­plic­a­tions d’ondes sur un univers en ex­pan­sion,” C. R. Acad. Sci. Par­is Sér. I Math. 326 : 10 (1998), pp. 1175–​1180. MR 1650238 Zbl 0908.​53047 article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: “Glob­al ex­ist­ence of wave maps,” pp. 143–​152 in Pro­ceed­ings of the Ninth In­ter­na­tion­al Con­fer­ence on Waves and Sta­bil­ity in Con­tinu­ous Me­dia (Bari, 1997), published as Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo 57 : suppl. Issue edi­ted by M. Mai­el­laro and S. Ri­onero. 1998. MR 1708504 Zbl 0933.​58028 inproceedings

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: “Wave maps in gen­er­al re­lativ­ity,” pp. 147–​169 in On Ein­stein’s path (New York, 1996). Edi­ted by A. Har­vey. Spring­er, 1999. MR 1658871 Zbl 0981.​83010 incollection

M. Ber­ger, J.-P. Bour­guignon, Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat, C.-M. Marle, and A. Re­vuz: “An­dré Lich­ner­ow­icz (1915–1998),” No­tices Amer. Math. Soc. 46 : 11 (1999), pp. 1387–​1396. MR 1723248 Zbl 0932.​01060 article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: “Lichnérow­icz et la re­lativ­ité générale,” Gaz. Math. 82 (1999), pp. 99–​101. MR 1730680 Zbl 1388.​01019 article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat, J. W. York, Jr., and A. An­der­son: “Curvature-based hy­per­bol­ic sys­tems for gen­er­al re­lativ­ity,” pp. 112–​121 in The Eighth Mar­cel Gross­mann Meet­ing, Part A, B (Jer­u­s­alem, 1997). Edi­ted by T. Pir­an. World Sci. Publ. (River Edge, NJ), 1999. MR 1891864 Zbl 0970.​83005 incollection

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: “The null con­di­tion and asymp­tot­ic ex­pan­sions for the Ein­stein equa­tions,” Ann. Phys. 9 : 3–​5 (2000), pp. 258–​266. MR 1770106 Zbl 0973.​83018 article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: “Jean Leray, souven­irs,” Gaz. Math. 84 : suppl. (2000), pp. 7–​9. MR 1775585 article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: “Glob­al wave maps on Robertson–Walk­er space­times,” Non­lin­ear Dy­nam. 22 : 1 (2000), pp. 39–​47. MR 1776183 Zbl 0997.​83116 article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat, J. Is­en­berg, and J. W. York, Jr.: “Ein­stein con­straints on asymp­tot­ic­ally Eu­c­lidean man­i­folds,” Phys. Rev. D (3) 61 : 8 (2000), pp. 084034, 20. MR 1791413 article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: “Glob­al wave maps on curved space times,” pp. 1–​29 in Math­em­at­ic­al and quantum as­pects of re­lativ­ity and cos­mo­logy (Py­thagoreon, Sam­os, 1998). Edi­ted by S. Cot­sa­kis and G. W. Gib­bons. Lec­ture Notes in Phys. 537. Spring­er, 2000. MR 1843031 Zbl 0994.​83006 incollection

A. An­der­son, Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat, and J. W. York, Jr.: “Ein­stein’s equa­tions and equi­val­ent hy­per­bol­ic dy­nam­ic­al sys­tems,” pp. 30–​54 in Math­em­at­ic­al and quantum as­pects of re­lativ­ity and cos­mo­logy (Py­thagoreon, Sam­os, 1998). Edi­ted by S. Cot­sa­kis and G. W. Gib­bons. Lec­ture Notes in Phys. 537. Spring­er (Ber­lin), 2000. MR 1843032 Zbl 0987.​83006 incollection

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat and C. DeWitt-Mor­ette: Ana­lys­is, man­i­folds and phys­ics. Part II., Re­vised and enl. edition. El­sevi­er/North-Hol­land (Am­s­ter­dam), 2000. A re­vised and en­larged ver­sion of the 1989 edi­tion. book

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat and V. Mon­crief: “Fu­ture com­plete Ein­stein­i­an space times with \( U(1) \) iso­metry group,” C. R. Acad. Sci. Par­is Sér. I Math. 332 : 2 (2001), pp. 137–​144. A ver­sion of this pa­per was pub­lished as “Fu­ture glob­al in time Ein­stein­i­an space­times with \( U(1) \) iso­metry group,” in Ann. Henri Poin­caré 6, 1007–1064 (2001). MR 1813771 Zbl 0976.​83004 article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat and V. Mon­crief: “Fu­ture glob­al in time Ein­stein­i­an space­times with \( U(1) \) iso­metry group,” Ann. Henri Poin­caré 2 : 6 (2001), pp. 1007–​1064. MR 1877233 Zbl 0998.​83007 article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat and J. W. York: “On H. Friedrich’s for­mu­la­tion of the Ein­stein equa­tions with flu­id sources,” To­pol. Meth­ods Non­lin­ear Anal. 18 : 2 (2001), pp. 321–​335. MR 1911385 Zbl 1043.​35141 article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat and S. Cot­sa­kis: “Glob­al hy­per­bol­i­city and com­plete­ness,” J. Geom. Phys. 43 : 4 (2002), pp. 345–​350. MR 1929912 Zbl 1022.​83002 article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat and J. W. York: “Bi­an­chi–Euler sys­tem for re­lativ­ist­ic flu­ids and Bel–Robin­son type en­ergy,” C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Par­is 335 : 8 (2002), pp. 711–​716. MR 1941654 Zbl 1011.​83010 article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: “Loc­al and glob­al res­ults on the Cauchy prob­lem for the Ein­stein equa­tions,” pp. 7–​27 in The Ninth Mar­cel Gross­mann Meet­ing: On re­cent de­vel­op­ments in the­or­et­ic­al and ex­per­i­ment­al gen­er­al re­lativ­ity, grav­it­a­tion, and re­lativ­ist­ic field the­or­ies (Rome, Italy, 2000), vol. 1. World Sci­entif­ic (Singa­pore), 2002. Zbl 1032.​83013 incollection

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat and J. W. York: “Con­straints and evol­u­tion in cos­mo­logy,” pp. 29–​58 in Cos­mo­lo­gic­al cross­roads. An ad­vanced course in math­em­at­ic­al, phys­ic­al and string cos­mo­logy. Lec­tures giv­en at first Ae­gean sum­mer school on cos­mo­logy (Sam­os Is­land, Greece, 2001). Lec­ture Notes in Phys­ics 592. Spring­er (Ber­lin), 2002. Zbl 1043.​83006 incollection

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat and V. Mon­crief: “Non­lin­ear sta­bil­ity of an ex­pand­ing uni­verse with the \( S^1 \) iso­metry group,” pp. 57–​71 in Par­tial dif­fer­en­tial equa­tions and math­em­at­ic­al phys­ics (Tokyo, 2001). Edi­ted by K. Kajit­ani and J. Vail­lant. Pro­gr. Non­lin­ear Dif­fer­en­tial Equa­tions Ap­pl. 52. Birkhäuser (Bo­ston), 2003. MR 1957625 Zbl 1062.​35149 incollection

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: “Fu­ture com­plete \( S^1 \) sym­met­ric Ein­stein­i­an space­times, the un­po­lar­ized case,” C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Par­is 337 : 2 (2003), pp. 129–​136. MR 1998845 Zbl 1027.​83005 article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: “Caus­al evol­u­tion for Ein­stein­i­an grav­it­a­tion,” pp. 129–​144 in Hy­per­bol­ic dif­fer­en­tial op­er­at­ors and re­lated prob­lems. Edi­ted by V. Ancona and J. Vail­lant. Lec­ture Notes in Pure and Ap­pl. Math. 233. Dek­ker (New York), 2003. MR 2004863 Zbl 1205.​83016 incollection

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: “Glob­al wave maps on black holes,” pp. 469–​482 in Jean Leray ’99 Con­fer­ence Pro­ceed­ings. Edi­ted by M. de Gos­son. Math. Phys. Stud. 24. Kluwer Acad. (Dordrecht), 2003. MR 2051505 inproceedings

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: “Ein­stein con­straints on com­pact \( n \)-di­men­sion­al man­i­folds,” Clas­sic­al Quantum Grav­ity 21 : 3 (2004), pp. S127–​S151. MR 2053003 Zbl 1040.​83004 article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: “Fu­ture com­plete \( \mathrm{ U}(1) \) sym­met­ric Ein­stein­i­an space­times, the un­po­lar­ized case,” pp. 251–​298 in The Ein­stein equa­tions and the large scale be­ha­vi­or of grav­it­a­tion­al fields. Edi­ted by P. T. Chruś­ciel and H. Friedrich. Birkhäuser (Basel), 2004. MR 2098918 Zbl 1064.​83005 incollection

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat, J. Is­en­berg, and V. Mon­crief: “To­po­lo­gic­ally gen­er­al U(1) sym­met­ric va­cu­um space-times with AVTD be­ha­vi­or,” Nuovo Ci­mento Soc. It­al. Fis. B 119 : 7–​9 (2004), pp. 625–​638. MR 2136898 article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: “Asymp­tot­ic solu­tions of non lin­ear wave equa­tions and po­lar­ized null con­di­tions,” pp. 125–​141 in Act­es des Journées Mathématiques à la mémoire de Jean Leray. Edi­ted by L. Guil­lopé and D. Robert. Sémin. Con­gr. 9. Soc. Math. France (Par­is), 2004. MR 2145939 Zbl 1062.​35148 incollection

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat, J. Is­en­berg, and D. Pol­lack: “The Ein­stein-scal­ar field con­straints on asymp­tot­ic­ally Eu­c­lidean man­i­folds,” Chinese Ann. Math. Ser. B 27 : 1 (2006), pp. 31–​52. MR 2209950 Zbl 1112.​83008 article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat and J. W. York: “Ein­stein–Bi­an­chi sys­tem with sources,” pp. 59–​70 in Non­lin­ear hy­per­bol­ic fields and waves: A trib­ute to Guy Boil­lat, published as Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo 78 : suppl. (2006). MR 2210593 Zbl 1101.​35047 incollection

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: “From the big bang to fu­ture com­plete cos­mo­lo­gies,” pp. 110–​121 in “WASCOM 2005”: 13th Con­fer­ence on Waves and Sta­bil­ity in Con­tinu­ous Me­dia. Edi­ted by R. Monaco, G. Mu­lone, S. Ri­onero, and T. Rug­geri. World Sci. Publ. (Hack­en­sack, NJ), 2006. MR 2231273 Zbl 1345.​83023 incollection

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat and J. Is­en­berg: “Half po­lar­ized \( \mathrm{ U}(1) \) sym­met­ric va­cu­um space­times with AVTD be­ha­vi­or,” J. Geom. Phys. 56 : 8 (2006), pp. 1199–​1214. MR 2234438 Zbl 1113.​83006 article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat and H. Friedrich: “Mo­tion of isol­ated bod­ies,” Clas­sic­al Quantum Grav­ity 23 : 20 (2006), pp. 5941–​5949. MR 2270110 Zbl 1107.​83011 article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat, P. T. Chruś­ciel, and J. Lo­ize­let: “Glob­al solu­tions of the Ein­stein–Max­well equa­tions in high­er di­men­sions,” Clas­sic­al Quantum Grav­ity 23 : 24 (2006), pp. 7383–​7394. MR 2279722 Zbl 1117.​83024 article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat, J. Is­en­berg, and D. Pol­lack: “Ap­plic­a­tions of the­or­ems of Jean Leray to the Ein­stein-scal­ar field equa­tions,” J. Fixed Point The­ory Ap­pl. 1 : 1 (2007), pp. 31–​46. MR 2282342 Zbl 1169.​83007 article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat, J. Is­en­berg, and D. Pol­lack: “The con­straint equa­tions for the Ein­stein-scal­ar field sys­tem on com­pact man­i­folds,” Clas­sic­al Quantum Grav­ity 24 : 4 (2007), pp. 809–​828. MR 2297268 Zbl 1111.​83002 article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: “Res­ults and open prob­lems in math­em­at­ic­al gen­er­al re­lativ­ity,” Mil­an J. Math. 75 (2007), pp. 273–​289. MR 2371545 Zbl 1164.​83001 article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: “Fuch­sian par­tial dif­fer­en­tial equa­tions,” pp. 153–​161 in “WASCOM 2007”: 14th Con­fer­ence on Waves and Sta­bil­ity in Con­tinu­ous Me­dia. Edi­ted by N. Man­ganaro, R. Monaco, and S. Ri­onero. World Sci. Publ. (Hack­en­sack, NJ), 2008. MR 2484759 Zbl 1184.​35305 incollection

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: Gen­er­al re­lativ­ity and the Ein­stein equa­tions. Ox­ford Math­em­at­ic­al Mono­graphs. Ox­ford Uni­versity Press (Ox­ford, UK), 2009. MR 2473363 Zbl 1157.​83002 book

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat, P. T. Chruś­ciel, and J. M. Martín-Gar­cía: “The light-cone the­or­em,” Clas­sic­al Quantum Grav­ity 26 : 13 (2009), pp. 135011, 22. MR 2515694 Zbl 1171.​83001 article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat, P. T. Chruś­ciel, and J. M. Martín-Gar­cía: “A prop­erty of light-cones in Ein­stein’s grav­ity,” C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Par­is 347 : 15–​16 (2009), pp. 971–​977. MR 2542904 Zbl 1170.​83005 article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat, P. T. Chruś­ciel, and J. M. Martín-Gar­cía: “Ein­stein con­straints on a char­ac­ter­ist­ic cone,” pp. 93–​102 in Pro­ceed­ings “WASCOM 2009” 15th Con­fer­ence on Waves and Sta­bil­ity in Con­tinu­ous Me­dia. World Sci. Publ. (Hack­en­sack, NJ), 2010. MR 2762005 Zbl 1243.​83015 inproceedings

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat, P. T. Chruś­ciel, and J. M. Martín-Gar­cía: “The Cauchy prob­lem on a char­ac­ter­ist­ic cone for the Ein­stein equa­tions in ar­bit­rary di­men­sions,” Ann. Henri Poin­caré 12 : 3 (2011), pp. 419–​482. MR 2785136 Zbl 1215.​83016 article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: “Pos­it­ive grav­it­a­tion­al en­ergy in ar­bit­rary di­men­sions,” C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Par­is 349 : 15–​16 (2011), pp. 915–​921. MR 2835903 Zbl 1227.​83017 article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat and J. M. Martín-Gar­cía: “A geo­met­ric en­ergy es­tim­ate for data on a char­ac­ter­ist­ic cone,” pp. 17–​25 in Ad­vances in Lorent­zi­an geo­metry. Edi­ted by M. Plaue, A. Rend­all, and M. Scher­fn­er. AMS/IP Stud. Adv. Math. 49. Amer. Math. Soc. (Provid­ence, RI), 2011. MR 2867849 Zbl 1243.​83016 incollection

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat, P. T. Chruś­ciel, and J. M. Martín-Gar­cía: “An ex­ist­ence the­or­em for the Cauchy prob­lem on a char­ac­ter­ist­ic cone for the Ein­stein equa­tions,” pp. 73–​81 in Com­plex ana­lys­is and dy­nam­ic­al sys­tems, IV: Part 2. Edi­ted by M. Agran­ovsky, M. Ben-Artzi, G. Gal­lo­way, L. Karp, S. Reich, D. S. G. Wein­stein, and L. Za­l­c­man. Con­temp. Math. 554. Amer­ic­an Math­em­at­ic­al So­ci­ety; Bar-Il­an Uni­versity (Provid­ence, RI; Ramat Gan), 2011. MR 2884395 Zbl 1235.​83011 incollection

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat, P. T. Chruś­ciel, and J. M. Martín-Gar­cía: “An ex­ist­ence the­or­em for the Cauchy prob­lem on the light-cone for the va­cu­um Ein­stein equa­tions with near-round ana­lyt­ic data,” Uch. Zap. Kazan. Univ. Ser. Fiz.-Mat. Nauki 153 : 3 (2011), pp. 115–​138. MR 3244416 Zbl 1344.​83002 article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: In­tro­duc­tion to gen­er­al re­lativ­ity, black holes, and cos­mo­logy. Ox­ford Uni­versity Press (Ox­ford, UK), 2015. MR 3379262 Zbl 1307.​83001 book

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: “Be­gin­nings of the Cauchy prob­lem for Ein­stein’s field equa­tions,” pp. 1–​16 in Sur­veys in dif­fer­en­tial geo­metry 2015: One hun­dred years of gen­er­al re­lativ­ity. Edi­ted by L. Bieri and S.-T. Yau. Surv. Dif­fer. Geom. 20. Int. Press (Bo­ston), 2015. MR 3467361 Zbl 1339.​83006 incollection

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: Une mathématicienne dans cet étrange univers : mémoires. Odile Jac­ob (Par­is), 2016. book

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat: A lady math­em­atician in this strange uni­verse: mem­oirs. World Sci. Publ. (Hack­en­sack, NJ), 2018. Trans­lated from the 2016 French ori­gin­al. MR 3753699 Zbl 1387.​83002 book

Y. Fourès-Bruhat: “Re­pub­lic­a­tion of: ‘Ex­ist­ence the­or­em for the Ein­stein­i­an grav­it­a­tion­al field equa­tions in the non-ana­lyt­ic case’,” Gen. Re­lativ­ity Grav­it­a­tion 54 : 4 (2022), pp. Paper No. 35, 4. Re­print of 1950 ori­gin­al. Re­pub­lic­a­tion of the art­icle “Théorème d’ex­ist­ence pour les équa­tions de la grav­it­a­tion ein­stein­i­enne dans le cas non ana­lytique,” ori­gin­ally pub­lished in Comptes Ren­dus Heb­doma­daires des Séances de l’Académie des Sci­ences, 230, 618–620 (1950). MR 4406810 Zbl 1490.​83007 article