Celebratio Mathematica

Yvonne Choquet-Bruhat

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Works connected to André Lichnerowicz

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Y. Fourès-Bruhat and A. Lich­ner­ow­icz: “Sur un théorème glob­al de réduc­tion des \( ds^2 \) statiques généraux d’Ein­stein,” C. R. Acad. Sci. Par­is 226 (1948), pp. 775–​777. MR 24704 Zbl 0031.​23902 article

A. Lich­ner­ow­icz and Y. Fourès-Bruhat: “Théorème glob­al sur les \( ds^2 \) extérieurs généraux d’Ein­stein,” C. R. Acad. Sci. Par­is 226 (1948), pp. 2119–​2120. MR 26456 Zbl 0031.​23903 article

A. Lich­ner­ow­icz and Y. Fourès-Bruhat: “Problèmes mathématiques en re­lativ­ité,” pp. 73–​87 in Re­cent de­vel­op­ments in gen­er­al re­lativ­ity. Per­ga­mon; PWN (Pol­ish Sci­entif­ic Pub­lish­ers) (Ox­ford; Warsaw), 1962. MR 164751 incollection