Celebratio Mathematica

Yvonne Choquet-Bruhat

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Works connected to José María Martín-García

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Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat, P. T. Chruś­ciel, and J. M. Martín-Gar­cía: “The light-cone the­or­em,” Clas­sic­al Quantum Grav­ity 26 : 13 (2009), pp. 135011, 22. MR 2515694 Zbl 1171.​83001 article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat, P. T. Chruś­ciel, and J. M. Martín-Gar­cía: “A prop­erty of light-cones in Ein­stein’s grav­ity,” C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Par­is 347 : 15–​16 (2009), pp. 971–​977. MR 2542904 Zbl 1170.​83005 article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat, P. T. Chruś­ciel, and J. M. Martín-Gar­cía: “Ein­stein con­straints on a char­ac­ter­ist­ic cone,” pp. 93–​102 in Pro­ceed­ings “WASCOM 2009” 15th Con­fer­ence on Waves and Sta­bil­ity in Con­tinu­ous Me­dia. World Sci. Publ. (Hack­en­sack, NJ), 2010. MR 2762005 Zbl 1243.​83015 inproceedings

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat, P. T. Chruś­ciel, and J. M. Martín-Gar­cía: “The Cauchy prob­lem on a char­ac­ter­ist­ic cone for the Ein­stein equa­tions in ar­bit­rary di­men­sions,” Ann. Henri Poin­caré 12 : 3 (2011), pp. 419–​482. MR 2785136 Zbl 1215.​83016 article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat and J. M. Martín-Gar­cía: “A geo­met­ric en­ergy es­tim­ate for data on a char­ac­ter­ist­ic cone,” pp. 17–​25 in Ad­vances in Lorent­zi­an geo­metry. Edi­ted by M. Plaue, A. Rend­all, and M. Scher­fn­er. AMS/IP Stud. Adv. Math. 49. Amer. Math. Soc. (Provid­ence, RI), 2011. MR 2867849 Zbl 1243.​83016 incollection

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat, P. T. Chruś­ciel, and J. M. Martín-Gar­cía: “An ex­ist­ence the­or­em for the Cauchy prob­lem on a char­ac­ter­ist­ic cone for the Ein­stein equa­tions,” pp. 73–​81 in Com­plex ana­lys­is and dy­nam­ic­al sys­tems, IV: Part 2. Edi­ted by M. Agran­ovsky, M. Ben-Artzi, G. Gal­lo­way, L. Karp, S. Reich, D. S. G. Wein­stein, and L. Za­l­c­man. Con­temp. Math. 554. Amer­ic­an Math­em­at­ic­al So­ci­ety; Bar-Il­an Uni­versity (Provid­ence, RI; Ramat Gan), 2011. MR 2884395 Zbl 1235.​83011 incollection