Celebratio Mathematica

Yvonne Choquet-Bruhat

Complete Bibliography

Works connected to Norbert Noutchegueme

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Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat and N. Noutchegueme: “Système hy­per­bol­ique pour les équa­tions d’Ein­stein avec sources,” C. R. Acad. Sci. Par­is Sér. I Math. 303 : 6 (1986), pp. 259–​263. MR 860831 article

F. Cag­nac, Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat, and N. Noutchegueme: “Solu­tions of the Ein­stein equa­tions with data at past in­fin­ity,” pp. 35–​54 in Sev­enth Itali­an con­fer­ence on gen­er­al re­lativ­ity and grav­it­a­tion­al phys­ics (Rap­allo, 1986). Edi­ted by U. Bruzzo, R. Cianci, and E. Massa. World Sci. Publ. (Singa­pore), 1987. MR 892547 incollection

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat and N. Noutchegueme: “Solu­tion des systèmes de Yang–Mills–Vlasov: Théorèmes d’ex­ist­ence loc­ale [Solu­tions of the Yang–Mills–Vlasov sys­tems: Loc­al ex­ist­ence the­or­ems],” C. R. Acad. Sci. Par­is Sér. I Math. 311 : 10 (1990), pp. 611–​616. MR 1081417 Zbl 0717.​35072 article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat and N. Noutchegueme: “Solu­tions glob­ales du système de Yang–Mills–Vlasov (masse nulle)” [Glob­al solu­tions of the Yang–Mills–Vlasov sys­tem with zero rest mass], C. R. Acad. Sci. Par­is Sér. I Math. 311 : 12 (1990), pp. 785–​788. MR 1082633 Zbl 0715.​53046 article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat and N. Noutchegueme: “Système de Yang–Mills–Vlasov en jauge tem­porelle,” Ann. Inst. H. Poin­caré Phys. Théor. 55 : 3 (1991), pp. 759–​787. MR 1141713 Zbl 0767.​58045 article

Y. Cho­quet-Bruhat and N. Noutchegueme: “Yang–Mills Vlasov sys­tems,” pp. 52–​71 in Non­lin­ear hy­per­bol­ic equa­tions and field the­ory: Pa­pers from a work­shop on non­lin­ear hy­per­bol­ic equa­tions (Lake Como, 1990). Edi­ted by M. K. V. Murthy and S. Spagnolo. Pit­man Res. Notes Math. Ser. 253. Long­man Sci. Tech.; Wiley (Har­low, UK; New York), 1992. MR 1175201 Zbl 0799.​35188 incollection