Celebratio Mathematica

Ingrid Daubechies

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Works connected to Wim Sweldens

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A. R. Calderb­ank, I. Daubech­ies, W. Sweldens, and B.-L. Yeo: “Lossless im­age com­pres­sion us­ing in­teger to in­teger wave­let trans­forms,” pp. 596–​599 in 1st in­ter­na­tion­al con­fer­ence on im­age pro­cessing (Santa Bar­bara, CA, 26–29 Oc­to­ber 1997), vol. 1. IEEE (Pis­cat­away, NJ), 1997. incollection

A. R. Calderb­ank, I. Daubech­ies, W. Sweldens, and B.-L. Yeo: “Wave­let trans­forms that map in­tegers to in­tegers,” Ap­pl. Com­put. Har­mon. Anal. 5 : 3 (July 1998), pp. 332–​369. MR 1632537 Zbl 0941.​42017 article

I. Daubech­ies and W. Sweldens: “Factor­ing wave­let trans­forms in­to lift­ing steps,” J. Four­i­er Anal. Ap­pl. 4 : 3 (1998), pp. 247–​269. This was later pub­lished (without an ab­stract) in Wave­lets in the geosciences (2000). MR 1650921 Zbl 0913.​42027 article

I. Daubech­ies, I. Guskov, and W. Sweldens: “Reg­u­lar­ity of ir­reg­u­lar sub­di­vi­sion,” Con­str. Ap­prox. 15 : 3 (1999), pp. 381–​426. MR 1687779 Zbl 0957.​42022 article

I. Daubech­ies, I. Guskov, P. Schröder, and W. Sweldens: “Wave­lets on ir­reg­u­lar point sets,” R. Soc. Lond. Philos. Trans. Ser. A, Math. Phys. Eng. Sci. 357 : 1760 (1999), pp. 2397–​2413. MR 1721247 Zbl 0945.​42019 article

I. Daubech­ies and W. Sweldens: “Factor­ing wave­let trans­forms in­to lift­ing steps,” pp. 131–​157 in Wave­lets in the geosciences: Col­lec­tion of the lec­ture notes of the school of wave­lets in the geosciences (Delft, Neth­er­lands, 4–9 Oc­to­ber 1998). Edi­ted by R. Klees and R. Haag­mans. Lec­tures in Earth Sci­ences 90. Spring­er (Ber­lin), 2000. This was earli­er pub­lished (with an ab­stract) in J. Four­i­er Anal. Ap­pl. 4:3 (1998). Zbl 0963.​65154 incollection

I. Daubech­ies, I. Guskov, and W. Sweldens: “Com­mut­a­tion for ir­reg­u­lar sub­di­vi­sion,” Con­str. Ap­prox. 17 : 4 (2001), pp. 479–​514. MR 1845265 Zbl 0994.​42019 article

I. Daubech­ies, O. Run­borg, and W. Sweldens: “Nor­mal mul­tiresol­u­tion ap­prox­im­a­tion of curves,” Con­str. Ap­prox. 20 : 3 (2004), pp. 399–​463. MR 2057535 Zbl 1051.​42025 article