The crucial, and last, step in the proof of the topological 4-dimensional Poincaré Conjecture is a delicate and surprising decomposition-space argument. Here are Mike’s handwritten notes [1] showing that the decomposition \( \mathcal{D} \) is shrinkable. In his work up to this step, Mike had “explored” a Casson handle by embedding “towers,” rather like a room full of cobwebs whose complements are countably many regions; then, he collapses these regions to points. Unbelievably, this works!
Also, three unpublished non-mathematical works of Mike’s, one [3] (mentioned in his bio) from work for JASON, and two non-mathematical vignettes [2], [4] from his youth.
Finally, a hard to obtain work [5] that is a precursor to the proofs of Marden’s conjecture by Agol and by Calegari and Gabai.