Celebratio Mathematica

Dmitry Fuchs

Complete Bibliography

Works connected to Oleg Yanovich Viro

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V. I. Arn­ol’d, A. M. Ver­shik, O. Ya. Viro, A. N. Kolmogorov, S. P. Novikov, Ya. G. Sinaj, and D. B. Fuks: “Vladi­mir Ab­ramovich Rokh­lin (ob­it­u­ary),” Usp. Mat. Nauk 41 : 3(249) (1986), pp. 159–​163. An Eng­lish trans­la­tion was pub­lished in Russ. Math. Surv. 41:3(1986). MR 854242 Zbl 0604.​01010 article

V. I. Arn­ol’d, A. M. Ver­shik, O. Ya. Viro, A. N. Kolmogorov, S. P. Novikov, Ya. G. Sinaj, and D. B. Fuks: “Vladi­mir Ab­ramovich Rokh­lin (ob­it­u­ary),” Russ. Math. Surv. 41 : 3 (June 1986), pp. 189–​195. Eng­lish trans­la­tion of Rus­si­an ori­gin­al pub­lished in Usp. Mat. Nauk 41:3(249) (1986). Zbl 0608.​01032 article

B. L. Fei­gin, D. B. Fuks, and V. S. Re­takh: “Mas­sey op­er­a­tions in the co­homo­logy of the in­fin­ite di­men­sion­al Lie al­gebra \( L_1 \),” pp. 13–​31 in To­po­logy and geo­metry: Rohlin semin­in­ar. Edi­ted by O. Ya. Viro. Lec­ture Notes in Math­em­at­ics 1346. Spring­er (Ber­lin), 1988. MR 970070 Zbl 0653.​17010 incollection

O. Ya. Viro and D. B. Fuks: “In­tro­duc­tion to ho­mo­topy the­ory,” pp. 6–​121 in To­po­lo­giya–2 [To­po­logy–2]. Ser­iya sovre­mennye prob­lemy matem­atiki: Fun­da­ment­al’nye napravlen­iya 24. VIN­ITI (Mo­scow), 1988. An Eng­lish trans­la­tion ap­peared in To­po­logy II (2004). MR 987942 Zbl 0674.​55001 incollection

O. Ya. Viro and D. B. Fuks: “Ho­mo­logy and co­homo­logy,” pp. 123–​240 in To­po­lo­giya–2 [To­po­logy–2]. Edi­ted by S. P. Novikov, V. A. Rokh­lin, and R. V. Gamkrelidze. Ser­iya sovre­mennye prob­lemy matem­atiki: Fun­da­ment­al’nye napravlen­iya 24. VIN­ITI (Mo­scow), 1988. An Eng­lish trans­la­tion ap­peared in To­po­logy II (2004). MR 987943 Zbl 0674.​55002 incollection

O. Ya. Viro and D. B. Fuchs: “In­tro­duc­tion to ho­mo­topy the­ory,” pp. 1–​93 in To­po­logy II. Edi­ted by S. P. Novikov and V. A. Rokh­lin. En­cyc­lo­pae­dia of Math­em­at­ic­al Sci­ences 24. Spring­er (Ber­lin), 2004. Trans­lated from the Rus­si­an by C. J. Shad­dock. Trans­la­tion of Rus­si­an ori­gin­al pub­lished in Ser­iya sovre­mennye prob­lemy matem­atiki 24 (1988). MR 2054456 incollection

O. Ya. Viro and D. B. Fuchs: “Ho­mo­logy and co­homo­logy,” pp. 95–​196 in To­po­logy II. Edi­ted by S. P. Novikov and V. A. Rokh­lin. En­cyc­lo­pae­dia of Math­em­at­ic­al Sci­ences 24. Spring­er (Ber­lin), 2004. Trans­la­tion of Rus­si­an ori­gin­al pub­lished in Ser­iya sovre­mennye prob­lemy matem­atiki 24 (1988). MR 2054457 Zbl 1078.​57013 incollection