Celebratio Mathematica

Joel Hass

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Works connected to David Coeurjolly

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A. Tsui, D. Fenton, P. Vuong, J. Hass, P. Koehl, N. Amenta, D. Coeur­jolly, C. De­Carli, and O. Car­mi­chael: “Glob­ally op­tim­al cor­tic­al sur­face match­ing with ex­act land­mark cor­res­pond­ence,” pp. 487–​498 in In­form­a­tion pro­cessing in med­ic­al ima­ging: 23rd in­ter­na­tion­al con­fer­ence, IPMI 2013 (As­ilo­mar, CA, 28 June–3 Ju­ly 2013). Edi­ted by J. C. Gee, S. Joshi, K. M. Pohl, W. M. Wells, and L. Zöl­lei. Lec­ture Notes in Com­puter Sci­ence 7917. Spring­er (Ber­lin), 2013. incollection