Celebratio Mathematica

Joel Hass

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Works connected to Tahl Nowik

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J. Hass and T. Nowik: “In­vari­ants of knot dia­grams,” Math. Ann. 342 : 1 (2008), pp. 125–​137. MR 2415317 Zbl 1161.​57002 article

J. Hass and T. Nowik: “Un­knot dia­grams re­quir­ing a quad­rat­ic num­ber of Re­idemeister moves to un­tangle,” Dis­crete Com­put. Geom. 44 : 1 (2010), pp. 91–​95. MR 2639820 Zbl 1191.​57006 article

J. Hass, C. Even-Zo­har, N. Lini­al, and T. Nowik: In­vari­ants of ran­dom knots and links. Pre­print, June 2016. ArXiv 1411.​3308 techreport