Celebratio Mathematica

Vaughan F. R. Jones

On Jones’ connections between
subfactors, conformal field theory,
Thompson’s groups and knots

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V. F. R. Jones: “In­dex for sub­factors,” In­vent. Math. 72 : 1 (1983), pp. 1–​25. A lec­ture based on this was pub­lished in Fields Medal­lists’ lec­tures (1997). MR 696688 Zbl 0508.​46040 article

V. F. R. Jones: “A poly­no­mi­al in­vari­ant for knots via von Neu­mann al­geb­ras,” Bull. Am. Math. Soc. 12 : 1 (January 1985), pp. 103–​111. A lec­ture based on this was pub­lished in Fields Medal­lists’ lec­tures (1997). MR 766964 Zbl 0564.​57006 article

V. F. R. Jones, S. Mor­ris­on, and N. Snyder: “The clas­si­fic­a­tion of sub­factors of in­dex at most 5,” Bull. Am. Math. Soc. (N.S.) 51 : 2 (2014), pp. 277–​327. MR 3166042 Zbl 1301.​46039 ArXiv 1304.​6141 article

V. Jones: “Some unit­ary rep­res­ent­a­tions of Thompson’s groups \( F \) and \( T \),” J. Comb. Al­gebra 1 : 1 (2017), pp. 1–​44. MR 3589908 Zbl 06684911 ArXiv 1412.​7740 article

V. F. R. Jones: “A no-go the­or­em for the con­tinuum lim­it of a peri­od­ic quantum spin chain,” Comm. Math. Phys. 357 : 1 (2018), pp. 295–​317. MR 3764571 Zbl 1397.​82025 ArXiv 1607.​08769 article

V. F. R. Jones: “Scale in­vari­ant trans­fer matrices and Hamilto­ni­ans,” J. Phys. A 51 : 10 (2018). art­icle no. 104001, 27 pages. MR 3766219 Zbl 1387.​82010 ArXiv 1706.​00515 article

V. Ai­ello, R. Conti, and V. F. R. Jones: “The Hom­flypt poly­no­mi­al and the ori­ented Thompson group,” Quantum To­pol. 9 : 3 (2018), pp. 461–​472. MR 3827807 Zbl 1397.​57022 ArXiv 1609.​02484 article

V. F. R. Jones: Ir­re­du­cib­il­ity of the Wysi­wyg rep­res­ent­a­tions of Thompson’s groups. Pre­print, June 2019. ArXiv 1906.​09619 techreport

V. F. R. Jones: “On the con­struc­tion of knots and links from Thompson’s groups,” pp. 43–​66 in Knots, low-di­men­sion­al to­po­logy and ap­plic­a­tions: Knots in Hel­las (Olympia, Greece, 17–23 Ju­ly 2016). Edi­ted by C. C. Adams, C. M. Gor­don, V. F. R. Jones, L. H. Kauff­man, S. Lam­bro­poulou, K. C. Mil­lett, J. H. Przytycki, R. Ricca, and R. Sazdan­ovic. Spring­er Pro­ceed­ings in Math­em­at­ics & Stat­ist­ics 284. Spring­er (Cham, Switzer­land), 2019. MR 3986040 Zbl 1423.​57013 ArXiv 1810.​06034 incollection

A. Broth­i­er and V. F. R. Jones: “Py­thagorean rep­res­ent­a­tions of Thompson’s groups,” J. Funct. Anal. 277 : 7 (October 2019), pp. 2442–​2469. MR 3989149 Zbl 07089431 ArXiv 1807.​06215 article

A. Broth­i­er and V. F. R. Jones: “On the Haagerup and Kazh­dan prop­er­ties of R. Thompson’s groups,” J. Group The­ory 22 : 5 (2019), pp. 795–​807. MR 4000616 Zbl 07104291 ArXiv 1805.​02177 article