Celebratio Mathematica

Robion C. Kirby

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Works connected to Paul Michael Melvin

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R. Kirby and P. Melvin: “The 3-man­i­fold in­vari­ants of Wit­ten and Resh­et­ikh­in–Tur­aev for \( \mathrm{sl}(2,\mathbf{C}) \),” In­vent. Math. 105 : 3 (1991), pp. 473–​545. MR 1117149 Zbl 0745.​57006

R. Kirby, P. Melvin, and X. Zhang: “Quantum in­vari­ants at the sixth root of unity,” Comm. Math. Phys. 151 : 3 (1993), pp. 607–​617. MR 1207268 Zbl 0779.​57007