Celebratio Mathematica

Saunders Mac Lane

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Works connected to Garrett Birkhoff

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G. Birk­hoff and S. Mac Lane: A sur­vey of mod­ern al­gebra. Mac­mil­lan (New York), 1941. The fiftieth an­niversary of this book was com­mem­or­ated in an art­icle in Math. In­tell. 14:1 (1992). MR 0005093 Zbl 0061.​04802 book

G. Birk­hoff and S. Mac Lane: A sur­vey of mod­ern al­gebra, re­vised edition. Mac­mil­lan (New York), 1953. Re­vi­sion of the 1941 ori­gin­al. MR 0054551 Zbl 0052.​25402 book

G. Birk­hoff and S. Mac Lane: A sur­vey of mod­ern al­gebra, 3rd edition. Mac­mil­lan (New York), 1965. Re­pub­lic­a­tion of the 1941 book. MR 0177992 book

G. Birk­hoff and S. Mac Lane: A brief sur­vey of mod­ern al­gebra, 2nd edition. Mac­mil­lan (New York), 1965. Con­densed ver­sion of A sur­vey of mod­ern al­gebra (1941). MR 0180595 book

S. Mac Lane and G. Birk­hoff: Al­gebra. Mac­mil­lan (New York), 1967. MR 0214415 Zbl 0153.​32401 book

S. Mac Lane and G. Birk­hoff: Al­gèbre [Al­gebra], tome I: Struc­tures fon­da­mentales. Cahiers Sci­en­ti­fiques 35. Gau­th­i­er-Vil­lars (Par­is), 1970. With a pre­face by J. Dieud­on­né. French trans­la­tion of part of the 1965 ori­gin­al. MR 0266716 Zbl 0201.​01801 book

S. Mac Lane and G. Birk­hoff: Al­gèbre [Al­gebra], tome II: Les grands théorèmes. Cahiers Sci­en­ti­fiques 36. Gau­th­i­er-Vil­lars (Par­is), 1971. In French. French trans­la­tion of part of the 1965 ori­gin­al. MR 0277320 Zbl 0213.​28901 book

G. Birk­hoff and S. MacLane: A sur­vey of mod­ern al­gebra, 4th edition. Mac­mil­lan (New York), 1977. Re­pub­lic­a­tion of the 1941 book. Zbl 0365.​00006 book

S. Mac Lane and G. Birk­hoff: Al­gebra, 2nd edition. Mac­mil­lan (New York), 1979. Re­pub­lic­a­tion of the {1967 ori­gin­al|MR:0214415}. MR 524398 Zbl 0428.​00002 book

S. Mac Lane and G. Birk­hoff: Al­gebra, 3rd edition. Chelsea (New York), 1988. Re­pub­lic­a­tion of the {1967 ori­gin­al|MR:0214415}. MR 941522 Zbl 0641.​12001 book

G. Birk­hoff and S. Mac Lane: “‘A sur­vey of mod­ern al­gebra’: The fiftieth an­niversary of its pub­lic­a­tion,” Math. In­tell. 14 : 1 (1992), pp. 26–​31. A dis­cus­sion of the 1941 book. MR 1147344 Zbl 0753.​01012 article

S. Mac Lane and G. Birk­hoff: Al­gèbre. Et solu­tions dévelop­pées des ex­er­cices: Struc­tures fon­da­mentales, les grands théorèmes, théor­ie de Galois [Al­gebra. With de­tailed solu­tions of the ex­er­cises: Fun­da­ment­al sturctures, ma­jor the­or­ems, Galois the­ory]. Les Grands Classiques Gau­th­i­er-Vil­lars. Édi­tions Jacques Gabay (Par­is), 1996. In French, with a pre­face by J. Dieud­on­né. Re­pub­lic­a­tion of 1970 French trans­la­tion and 1971 French trans­la­tion of parts of the1965 ori­gin­al, with ad­di­tion­al ma­ter­i­al. MR 1452598 book

S. Mac Lane: “Gar­rett Birk­hoff and the ‘Sur­vey of mod­ern al­gebra’,” No­tices Am. Math. Soc. 44 : 11 (1997), pp. 1438–​1439. MR 1488571 Zbl 0908.​01019 article

G. Birk­hoff and S. Mac Lane: A sur­vey of mod­ern al­gebra, 5th edition. AKP Clas­sics. AK Peters (Welles­ley, MA), 1997. Re­pub­lic­a­tion of the 1941 book. Zbl 0863.​00001 book