Celebratio Mathematica

Saunders Mac Lane

Complete Bibliography

Works connected to Francis William Lawvere

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S. Mac Lane: “The ori­gins of math­em­at­ic­al ab­strac­tion,” pp. 309–​311 in Spe­cial volume on the oc­ca­sion of the 60th birth­day of Pro­fess­or Mi­chael Barr (Mc­Gill Uni­versity, Montreal, 29–31 May 1997), published as J. Pure Ap­pl. Al­gebra 143 : 1–​3. Issue edi­ted by F. W. Lawvere and R. A. G. Seely. 1999. MR 1731048 Zbl 0934.​18001 incollection

W. Lawvere: “Saun­ders Mac Lane,” pp. 237–​251 in New dic­tion­ary of sci­entif­ic bio­graphy, 2nd edition, vol. 5. Edi­ted by N. Ko­er­t­ge. Scrib­n­er (New York), 2007. incollection