
Celebratio Mathematica

Calvin C. Moore

How we used exponential mixing in our work on the surface subgroup theorem and the “Ehrenpreis conjecture”

by Jeremy Kahn and Vladimir Marković

In the pa­per “Ex­po­nen­tial de­cay of cor­rel­a­tion coef­fi­cients for geodes­ic flows”1 Moore proved the ex­po­nen­tial mix­ing of the geodes­ic flow on hy­per­bol­ic sur­faces (later this res­ult has been gen­er­al­ized to ana­log­ous flows on sym­met­ric spaces). Be­low we briefly ex­plain how we use this res­ult in the proofs of the sur­face sub­group the­or­em2 and the Ehren­pre­is con­jec­ture3  — the lat­ter now a the­or­em.

The sur­face sub­group the­or­em states that there is a \( \pi_1 \)-in­ject­ive im­mersed sur­face in every closed hy­per­bol­ic 3-man­i­fold \( M \). We built such a sur­face out of nearly iso­met­ric­ally im­mersed “\( R \)-pants”, which are hy­per­bol­ic pairs of pants with geodes­ic bound­ar­ies of length \( R \). We re­quire \( R \) to be large and we find these pants in \( M \) by first tak­ing two tri­pods, where a tri­pod is three vec­tors in a tan­gent plane at a point in \( M \), spaced at an angle of \( 2\pi/3 \) from each oth­er. We then look for three nearly geodes­ic con­nec­tions between the two tri­pods; for each triple of con­nec­tions, there is a pair of pants in \( M \) of the de­sired form.

We want to know that these pants are evenly dis­trib­uted around each closed geodes­ic \( \gamma \) in \( M \) of suit­able length (close to \( R \)). (We can then match them with each oth­er to form a closed and nearly geodes­ic sur­face.) Giv­en two tri­pods with two con­nec­tions between them, where the two con­nec­tions to­geth­er are ho­mo­top­ic to \( \gamma \), we can freely move the tri­pods and con­nec­tions around \( \gamma \), and hence these doubly con­nec­ted tri­pods are evenly dis­trib­uted. It fol­lows from the ex­po­nen­tial mix­ing of the frame flow that the num­ber of third con­nec­tions (between the re­main­ing vec­tor of each tri­pod) is roughly the same no mat­ter where the tri­pods are; there­fore the triply con­nec­ted tri­pods are evenly dis­trib­uted around \( \gamma \).

It’s worth say­ing a bit more about ex­actly how we use ex­po­nen­tial mix­ing. We ac­tu­ally take weighted sums of triply con­nec­ted tri­pods, where the weight is the product of the weights for each of the three con­nec­tions, which is com­puted as fol­lows. Around each tan­gent vec­tor in the tri­pod, which we ca­non­ic­ally equip with a frame, we take a stand­ard bump func­tion in the frame bundle \( \mathcal{F} M \) of \( M \), and then let the weight for the con­nec­tion be \[ \int_{\mathcal{F} \tilde M} (g_R)_*(\tilde\phi_-) \tilde\phi_+, \] where the \( \tilde\phi_\pm \) are the bump func­tions, lif­ted by the con­nec­tion to the uni­ver­sal cov­er \( \tilde M \) of \( M \), and \( g_R \) is the frame flow. The point is then that the total weight of all con­nec­tions between the two vec­tors is \[ \int_{\mathcal{F} M} (g_R)_*(\phi_-) \phi_+, \] and this is guar­an­teed to be (ex­po­nen­tially) close to a con­stant by ex­po­nen­tial mix­ing.

To prove what was formerly known as the Ehren­pre­is con­jec­ture, we must cor­rect the dis­crep­ancy between the total weight of pants on the two sides of a closed geodes­ic on a giv­en hy­per­bol­ic sur­face. By the reas­on­ing above, this dis­crep­ancy is ex­po­nen­tially small, and we show that any dis­crep­ancy can be cor­rec­ted by a modi­fic­a­tion of weights that is only a poly­no­mi­al (in \( R \)) mul­tiple of the dis­crep­ancy. Hence the needed modi­fic­a­tion is small, and can be made without mak­ing any weight neg­at­ive.

The fact that the geodes­ic/frame flows are mix­ing for neg­at­ively curved man­i­folds is well known but in­suf­fi­cient for the above ap­plic­a­tions. What is cru­cially used above is that the flow has ex­po­nen­tial de­cay of cor­rel­a­tions, the fact Moore proved us­ing Gel­fand’s the­ory of rep­res­ent­a­tion of (cer­tain) Lie groups.

Vladi­mir Marković is a Pro­fess­or of Math­em­at­ics at the Uni­versity of Ox­ford, and a Fel­low of the Roy­al So­ci­ety. Jeremy Kahn is a Pro­fess­or of Math­em­at­ics at Brown Uni­versity. To­geth­er they were awar­ded the 2012 Clay Re­search Award for their proofs of the Sur­face Sub­group The­or­em and the Ehren­pre­is Con­jec­ture, and also gave an In­vited Ad­dress at the 2014 In­ter­na­tion­al Con­gress of Math­em­aticians.