Celebratio Mathematica

Julia Robinson

My collaboration with Julia Robinson

Works connected to Andrei Andreyevich Markov

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J. Mati­jasevič and D. Robin­son: “Two uni­ver­sal three-quan­ti­fi­er rep­res­ent­a­tions of enu­mer­able sets,” pp. 112–​123 in Teop­iya al­gor­i­f­mov i matem­aticheskaya lo­gika [The­ory of al­gorithms, and math­em­at­ic­al lo­gic]. Edi­ted by B. A. Kush­ner and N. M. Nagorny. Com­put­ing Cen­ter of the Academy of Sci­ences (Mo­scow), 1974. Volume ded­ic­ated to A. A. Markov on the oc­ca­sion of his sev­en­ti­eth birth­day. MR 406780 Zbl 0327.​02035 incollection