Celebratio Mathematica

Albert S. Schwarz

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Works connected to Renjun Xu

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M. Movshev, A. Schwarz, and R. Xu: Ho­mo­logy of Lie al­gebra of su­per­sym­met­ries. Pre­print, 2010. ArXiv 1011.​4731 techreport

M. V. Movshev, A. Schwarz, and R. Xu: “Ho­mo­logy of Lie al­gebra of su­per­sym­met­ries and of su­per Poin­caré Lie al­gebra,” Nuc­le­ar Phys. B 854 : 2 (2012), pp. 483–​503. MR 2844329 Zbl 1229.​81117 ArXiv 1106.​0335 article

A. Mikhail­ov, A. Schwarz, and R. Xu: “Co­homo­logy ring of the BRST op­er­at­or as­so­ci­ated to the sum of two pure spinors,” Mod­ern Phys. Lett. A 28 : 23 (2013), pp. article no. 1350107, 6 pages. MR 3085958 Zbl 1279.​81052 ArXiv 1305.​0071 article

R. Xu, M. Movshev, and A. Schwarz: “In­teg­ral in­vari­ants in flat su­per­space,” Nuc­le­ar Phys. B 884 (2014), pp. 28–​43. MR 3214872 Zbl 1323.​81093 ArXiv 1403.​1997 article

J.-M. Li­ou, A. Schwarz, and R. Xu: “Wei­er­strass cycles and tau­to­lo­gic­al rings in vari­ous mod­uli spaces of al­geb­ra­ic curves,” J. Fixed Point The­ory Ap­pl. 17 : 1 (2015), pp. 209–​219. To Pro­fess­or An­drzej Granas. MR 3392990 Zbl 1345.​14042 ArXiv 1308.​6374 article