by Hyam Rubinstein
Low-dimensional geometry and topology has been a wonderful area to explore, with many great contributors. Peter Scott has been a leader and has shared his ideas and insights generously with collaborators. I have been very fortunate to work with Peter and learn a lot from him. In particular, his ideas about ends of pairs of groups and the connections to the singularities and combinatorics of least area surfaces have been a big influence on me.
I will always remember Peter explaining to me how the right way of thinking about counting double curves for immersed incompressible surfaces is to work in the covering space corresponding to the fundamental group of such a surface. This covering space is easily seen to be homotopy equivalent to a product of the surface and a line, and the surface lifts to this covering space (in case the surface is not a virtual fibre) are then a single copy of the surface and various noncompact surfaces. These latter surfaces have ends at the ends of the homotopy cylinder covering space. The right way to count the double curves is one for each such noncompact lift having at least one end at each end of the homotopy cylinder. (For simplicity, I am assuming both the surface and ambient 3-manifold are orientable). This count clearly only depends on the homotopy class of the surface immersion, not on the mapping chosen to represent it. The actual number of double curves can vary depending on the mapping choice but not this version, based on the position of ends of the surface lifts.
For immersed geodesics on a hyperbolic surface, there is a similar way of counting double points using an appropriate cyclic covering space. In this case, the count based on ends does give the number of double points.
Peter writes beautiful papers, full of ideas and with great clarity. His review article on the geometries of 3-manifolds has been read and absorbed by legions of graduate students and young researchers interested in understanding Thurston’s geometrization program. His paper that there are no exotic Seifert fibred spaces with infinite fundamental group1 and the paper with Bill Meeks on group actions2 neatly tie together covering space theory and the power of least area incompressible surfaces.
My final comment is about the joy and enthusiasm of talking about mathematics with Peter. This has been a great pleasure for me.