
Celebratio Mathematica

G. Peter Scott

An interview with Joel Hass on his collaboration with Godfrey Peter Scott

by Rob Kirby

The fol­low­ing is the tran­scrip­tion of a Zoom con­ver­sa­tion with Joel Hass about his col­lab­or­a­tion with Peter Scott, re­cor­ded on Fri­day, Au­gust 27, 2021. The text has been lightly ed­ited for clar­ity.

Rob Kirby: Joel, tell me about your early work with Peter Scott and Mike Freed­man. There were two pa­pers that ap­peared out of this.

Joel Hass: I was a gradu­ate stu­dent at Berke­ley (ad­vised by you) and study­ing 3-man­i­folds. Bill Meeks came by to vis­it Berke­ley for a semester or year, and gave some lec­tures on min­im­al sur­faces. He talked about his work with Yau on em­bed­ding prob­lems for least area disks and spheres, and the tech­niques they used are very much 3-man­i­fold tech­niques, based on Dehn’s Lemma and the work of Papakyriako­poulos and so on, and I was quite fa­mil­i­ar with them. So I star­ted work­ing on the prob­lem of gen­er­al­iz­ing that to in­com­press­ible sur­faces, to show that least area in­com­press­ible sur­faces were em­bed­ded when pos­sible. And I made some pro­gress with a few cases. One case I man­aged to do was when the sur­face was a fiber of a 3-man­i­fold that fibers over the circle. This case was not that rare, but very much a spe­cial case.

And then Mike Freed­man came by to give a sem­in­ar talk — I think in your sem­in­ar, in the weekly to­po­logy sem­in­ar — in which he talked about some ideas that he and Kar­en Uh­len­beck were work­ing on to do the gen­er­al case. But there were still some gaps. We talked for a while. I should say at that time he very gen­er­ously offered to make whatever we got joint work even though ini­tially we thought he had done much more. Even­tu­ally we did solve the prob­lem. It turned out that the miss­ing part of the ar­gu­ment was a re­quire­ment that lifts of least area sur­faces also be least area, which was not at all ob­vi­ous.

RK: This was a lift to a fi­nite cov­er of the 3-man­i­fold?

JH: Not ne­ces­sar­ily, the lift could be an in­fin­ite cov­er. Some cov­er of the sur­face will lift to a cov­er of the 3-man­i­fold, but it is not at all ob­vi­ous that the lift is a least area sur­face, mean­ing each com­pact sub­sur­face is least area re­l­at­ive to its bound­ary. In fact in the nonori­ent­able case, it’s not true, which leads to some in­ter­est­ing still open prob­lems for nonori­ent­able in­com­press­ible sur­faces.

Then that sum­mer (1980), which was my last sum­mer as a Berke­ley gradu­ate stu­dent, there was a con­fer­ence on Thur­ston’s work at Bowdoin Col­lege, which was a very dy­nam­ic con­fer­ence. I happened to be put in the same dorm­it­ory at Bowdoin Col­lege as Peter Scott. So we spent a lot of time talk­ing. There was also some re­lated work of Peter Shalen. He had made some pro­gress on the tor­us case of this least area prob­lem with Rick Schoen. In my con­ver­sa­tions with Peter Scott when we dis­cussed this prob­lems of lifts of sur­faces, I learned about his the­or­em that sur­face groups are LERF, loc­ally ex­tend­able, re­sid­ually fi­nite. That prop­erty was ex­actly what was needed to show that the cov­ers of least area sur­faces are least area. And then the whole thing came to­geth­er. There were quite a few oth­er mov­ing parts in it. We needed to gen­er­al­ize the Papakyriako­po­l­ous tower con­struc­tion from disks and spheres to gen­er­al in­com­press­ible sur­faces.

Rob: You did that with Peter?

JH: Well, we had some ap­proach, but the ac­tu­al meth­od we used was writ­ten by Mike. Mike cre­ated a very nice ar­gu­ment for that. So by the end of that Bowdoin con­fer­ence, we real­ized that we had all the pieces that we needed for this the­or­em. This pa­per [2] has had many ap­plic­a­tions in the the­ory of 3-man­i­folds, play­ing a part, for ex­ample, in Bo­nahon’s work on the ends of hy­per­bol­ic 3-man­i­folds and in Par­don’s work on the Hil­bert–Smith con­jec­ture.

Later on, Mike real­ized that if we drop a di­men­sion to the much easi­er case of curves on sur­faces, we had solved an open prob­lem about geodesics, which was that if you took shortest geodesics, they had the min­im­al num­ber of in­ter­sec­tions.

Per­haps the key new idea was that in­ter­sec­tions are coun­ted in an ap­pro­pri­ate cov­er­ing space rather than dir­ectly. This was known for hy­per­bol­ic met­rics, but in fact it holds for any Rieman­ni­an met­ric at all with no curvature con­di­tions.

RK: So then you went on con­tinu­ing to work with Peter Scott us­ing min­im­al sur­faces. Tell me more about that. What was next?

JH: So, we were look­ing at the open prob­lems in 3-man­i­folds, a lot of which have now been sub­sumed by geo­met­riz­a­tion. For ex­ample, Wald­hausen had proved that ho­mo­topy equi­val­ent, Haken 3-man­i­folds were homeo­morph­ic. And that the uni­ver­sal cov­ers of Haken 3-man­i­folds were homeo­morph­ic to R3 Also some res­ults about ho­mo­top­ic dif­feo­morph­isms be­ing iso­top­ic. So in each case, for each of those three the­or­ems, we were able to greatly ex­tend the con­text in which they held from non-Haken man­i­folds. So for ex­ample, in a pa­per that was joint with Peter Scott and Hyam Ru­bin­stein [5], we showed that just hav­ing a sur­face sub­group was enough to show that the uni­ver­sal cov­er of a 3-man­i­fold is homeo­morph­ic to R3. So if you had an ir­re­du­cible 3-man­i­fold with a sur­face group in it,

RK: A sub­group of the 3-man­i­fold group iso­morph­ic to a sur­face group?

JH: Yes. It didn’t have to be nor­mal, just an ar­bit­rary ori­ent­able sur­face sub­group. Not the 2-sphere, but any oth­er sur­face. That’s say­ing there’s some sort of im­mersed, π1-in­ject­ive sur­face in­side the 3-man­i­fold. And if the man­i­fold was ir­re­du­cible and had such a sur­face in it, then its uni­ver­sal cov­er was R3. Wald­hausen had proved that for the case where you had an em­bed­ded in­com­press­ible sur­face, and we were able to ex­tend it to drop the em­bed­ded con­di­tion. In a sim­il­ar way, we were able to ex­tend the ho­mo­topy equi­val­ence im­plies homeo­morph­ism res­ult [7]. It’s now known to be true for any ir­re­du­cible 3-man­i­fold with in­fin­ite π1. We were able to show that this res­ult was true if there was a sur­face in the 3-man­i­fold that had a con­di­tion called the four-plane one-line prop­erty. If you have an im­mersed sur­face in a 3-man­i­fold, it can in­ter­sect in crazy ways. There’s all kinds of triple points. It’s very hard to un­der­stand how it self-in­ter­sects. But if you go to the uni­ver­sal cov­er, you see a col­lec­tion of planes in­ter­sect­ing. And this con­di­tion says that any pair of those planes in­ter­sect in at most one line, and any four of them con­tain a dis­joint pair.

RK: Just to­po­lo­gic­al R2s right?

JH: Yes, em­bed­ded to­po­lo­gic­al planes. So if you have any four planes, at least one pair is dis­joint. Like planes par­al­lel to the co­ordin­ate planes in R3. What you don’t see is four planes bound­ing a little tet­ra­hed­ron.

RK: Okay. So that was a con­di­tion to prove the second of the three thing, that ho­mo­topy equi­val­ent man­i­folds are ac­tu­ally homeo­morph­ic.

JH: A lot of those res­ults are now known as part of geo­met­riz­a­tion, from the to­po­lo­gic­al view. But there’s also in­form­a­tion about the prop­er­ties of least area sur­faces, which re­main in­ter­est­ing from the dif­fer­en­tial geo­metry point of view.

RK: That was early, but you con­tin­ued to col­lab­or­ate with Peter Scott after that.

JH: That’s right. We wrote a series of pa­pers on the top­ic of min­im­al sur­faces in 3-man­i­folds and their ap­plic­a­tions in to­po­logy [5], [6], [7]. Some ven­tured in­to geo­met­ric ana­lys­is, giv­ing new proofs of the ex­ist­ence the­or­ems for min­im­al sur­faces [4]. Ac­tu­ally if you look at cita­tions, we have two pa­pers on curves on sur­faces, that are quite highly cited in com­puter sci­ence [3], [8]. We ac­tu­ally wrote sev­er­al oth­ers as well. But on curves on sur­faces there are some in­ter­est­ing prob­lems. One prob­lem, for ex­ample, was to show when a giv­en curve on a sur­face has the min­im­al num­ber of self in­ter­sec­tions pos­sible in its ho­mo­topy class. There’s some ob­vi­ous ob­struc­tions to that. If you see a little mono­gon or bi­gon, it’s clearly not min­im­iz­ing the self in­ter­sec­tions. We were able to es­sen­tially show the con­verse that if you don’t see any of these simple ob­struc­tions, then it does min­im­ize the self-in­ter­sec­tion num­ber [3].

RK: So you had a fi­nite list of simple ones?

JH: Just two, mono­gons and bi­gons, ex­cept that they can be im­mersed rather than em­bed­ded. So you might think of a bi­gon, which is sort of stretched out so that the two end points of the bi­gon go around some path and the bi­gon starts in­ter­sect­ing it­self. We call that an im­mersed bi­gon.

RK: So if you know that there are no im­mersed bi­gons, and no im­mersed mono­gons, then it’s a min­im­ally self-in­ter­sect­ing curve.

JH: Yes. Com­puter sci­ent­ists cre­ate al­gorithms to sim­pli­fy curves and their in­ter­sec­tions to be used for al­gorithms in com­puter graph­ics. This gives an al­gorithmic way to test wheth­er your curve is as simple as pos­sible.

And then Peter and I proved an­oth­er the­or­em in a dif­fer­ent pa­per about curves on sur­faces. Sup­pose you have two curves on a sur­face that are ho­mo­top­ic and each has k cross­ings. The ques­tion is, can you al­ways find a ho­mo­topy in which each of the in­ter­me­di­ate curves has at most k cross­ings. Or do you some­times need to go up? So we proved that you nev­er needed to in­crease the num­ber of cross­ings dur­ing a ho­mo­topy [8]. And that’s use­ful for al­gorithms to move one curve to an­oth­er.

RK: Any­thing else with you and Peter that you want to men­tion?

JH: More re­cently we did some work on dis­crete har­mon­ic map­pings, about five years ago, There are thou­sands of pa­pers on har­mon­ic map­pings in vari­ous set­tings, which are really solu­tions of vari­ous forms of the Lapla­cian. Many of them are for the planar case, the clas­sic Lapla­cian on planar re­gions. There’s also a lot of work in dif­fer­en­tial geo­metry on the Lapla­cian for gen­er­al man­i­folds. But for the dis­crete the­ory, even for the har­mon­ic maps between sur­faces, it turns out there’s just some very ba­sic open ques­tions. It’s not straight­for­ward to dis­cret­ize har­mon­ic maps between sur­faces. So Peter and I wrote a pa­per [9] giv­ing a to­po­lo­gic­al or com­bin­at­or­i­al ar­gu­ment for the ex­ist­ence of fam­il­ies of fi­nite area map­pings, avoid­ing the need for deep the­or­ies from ana­lys­is. That was our ori­gin­al mo­tiv­a­tion, which we car­ried out. One ap­plic­a­tion, for ex­ample, is to try and un­der­stand the space of dif­feo­morph­isms from a sur­face to sur­face, re­lated to the ho­mo­topy type of that space.

RK: So is this not known?

JH: Some things are known. Smale showed that the dif­feo­morph­ism group of the 2-sphere is ho­mo­topy equi­val­ent to SO(3) And for the high­er genus sur­faces it was known by the work of Earle and Eells that each com­pon­ent is con­tract­ible for genus 2 and above. What was not known in gen­er­al was the ho­mo­topy type of the space of tri­an­gu­la­tions of a sur­face.

Sup­pose you tri­an­gu­late a sur­face. So take, for ex­ample, a tri­an­gu­la­tion of a genus-2 sur­face. And now look at all ho­mo­top­ic tri­an­gu­la­tions. So look at all tri­an­gu­la­tions that can be con­nec­ted to a base tri­an­gu­la­tion via a ho­mo­topy of the sur­face iso­top­ic to the iden­tity. We can think of tak­ing one fixed tri­an­gu­la­tion, as a base point, move it around and while it moves, it’s al­lowed to cross it­self and fold over, to do all kinds of crazy things. At the end it all turns in­to a nice tri­an­gu­la­tion, with the same com­bin­at­or­ics as ini­tially, but moved around on the sur­face in some un­know­able way. And then the ques­tion is, if we look at all such tri­an­gu­la­tions, is that space even con­nec­ted? You could ask more gen­er­ally, what is the ho­mo­topy type of that space? This prob­lem has just re­cently been solved in gen­er­al (by Yan­wen Luo, Tian­qi Wu and Xiaop­ing Zhu), fol­low­ing our ap­proach.1 But Peter and I solved it for the case of one ver­tex tri­an­gu­la­tions us­ing this idea of dis­crete har­mon­ic maps [9]. So it’s of in­terest again to ap­plied math­em­aticians, to com­puter sci­ent­ists and ap­plied math­em­aticians be­cause in prac­tice, when you want to com­pute har­mon­ic maps between sur­faces, which you do for many reas­ons, you need to dis­cret­ize them.

RK: Is there any­thing else about your joint work that you want to men­tion?

JH: That pretty much cov­ers it. Those are the high­lights. I should say that for me Peter is one of the most in­spir­ing lec­tur­ers I’ve en­countered, that he al­ways presents things in close to an ideal way. Also he is quite mod­est about his achieve­ments, which are of great sig­ni­fic­ance in to­po­logy and group the­ory. There is little in cur­rent 3-man­i­fold the­ory that does not rely on his con­tri­bu­tions.


[1] article M. Freed­man, J. Hass, and P. Scott: “Closed geodesics on sur­faces,” Bull. Lon­don Math. Soc. 14 : 5 (1982), pp. 385–​391. MR 0671777 Zbl 0476.​53026

[2] article M. Freed­man, J. Hass, and P. Scott: “Least area in­com­press­ible sur­faces in 3-man­i­folds,” In­vent. Math. 71 : 3 (1983), pp. 609–​642. MR 0695910 Zbl 0482.​53045

[3] J. Hass and P. Scott: “In­ter­sec­tions of curves on sur­faces,” Is­rael J. Math. 51 : 1–​2 (1985), pp. 90–​120. MR 804478 Zbl 0576.​57009 article

[4] J. Hass and P. Scott: “The ex­ist­ence of least area sur­faces in 3-man­i­folds,” Trans. Am. Math. Soc. 310 : 1 (November 1988), pp. 87–​114. MR 965747 Zbl 0711.​53008 article

[5]J. Hass, H. Ru­bin­stein, and P. Scott: “Com­pac­ti­fy­ing cov­er­ings of closed 3-man­i­folds,” J. Dif­fer. Geom. 30 : 3 (1989), pp. 817–​832. MR 1021374 Zbl 0693.​57011 article

[6] J. Hass and P. Scott: “Ho­mo­topy equi­val­ence and homeo­morph­ism of 3-man­i­folds,” To­po­logy 31 : 3 (July 1992), pp. 493–​517. MR 1174254 Zbl 0771.​57007 article

[7] J. Hass and P. Scott: “Ho­mo­topy and iso­topy in di­men­sion three,” Com­ment. Math. Helv. 68 : 3 (1993), pp. 341–​364. MR 1236759 Zbl 0805.​57008 article

[8] J. Hass and P. Scott: “Short­en­ing curves on sur­faces,” To­po­logy 33 : 1 (January 1994), pp. 25–​43. MR 1259513 Zbl 0798.​58019 article

[9] J. Hass and P. Scott: “Sim­pli­cial en­ergy and sim­pli­cial har­mon­ic maps,” Asi­an J. Math. 19 : 4 (2015), pp. 593–​636. MR 3423736 Zbl 1332.​57024 ArXiv 1206.​2574 article