Celebratio Mathematica

G. Peter Scott

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J. Hass, H. Ru­bin­stein, and P. Scott: “Cov­er­ing spaces of 3-man­i­folds,” Bull. Am. Math. Soc., New Ser. 16 : 1 (January 1987), pp. 117–​119. MR 866028 Zbl 0624.​57016 article

J. Hass, H. Ru­bin­stein, and P. Scott: “Com­pac­ti­fy­ing cov­er­ings of closed 3-man­i­folds,” J. Dif­fer. Geom. 30 : 3 (1989), pp. 817–​832. MR 1021374 Zbl 0693.​57011 article