Celebratio Mathematica

S. R. Srinivasa Varadhan

Varadhan's work on hydrodynamical limits

Works connected to Sunder Sethuraman

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C. Land­im, S. Se­th­ura­man, and S. Varadhan: “Spec­tral gap for zero-range dy­nam­ics,” Ann. Probab. 24 : 4 (1996), pp. 1871–​1902. MR 1415232 Zbl 0870.​60095 article

S. Se­th­ura­man, S. R. S. Varadhan, and H.-T. Yau: “Dif­fus­ive lim­it of a tagged particle in asym­met­ric simple ex­clu­sion pro­cesses,” Comm. Pure Ap­pl. Math. 53 : 8 (August 2000), pp. 972–​1006. MR 1755948 Zbl 1029.​60084 article

S. Se­th­ura­man and S. R. S. Varadhan: Large de­vi­ations for the cur­rent and tagged particle in 1D nearest-neigh­bor sym­met­ric simple ex­clu­sion. Pre­print, January 2011. ArXiv 1101.​1479 techreport