Hassler Whitney: 1907–1989
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A theorem on graphs,” Ann. Math. (2) 32 : 2 (April 1931), pp. 378–390. MR 1503003 JFM 57.0727.03 Zbl 0002.16101 article
: “Non-separable and planar graphs,” Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 17 : 2 (February 1931), pp. 125–127. JFM 57.0727.05 article
: “The coloring of graphs,” Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 17 : 2 (February 1931), pp. 122–125. JFM 57.0727.04 Zbl 0001.29301 article
: “Analytic extensions of differentiable functions defined in closed sets,” Trans. Am. Math. Soc. 36 : 1 (1934), pp. 63–89. MR 1501735 JFM 60.0217.01 Zbl 0008.24902 article
: “Differentiable manifolds,” Ann. Math. (2) 37 : 3 (July 1936), pp. 645–680. MR 1503303 JFM 62.1454.01 Zbl 0015.32001 article
: “On the topology of differentiable manifolds,” pp. 101–141 in Lectures in topology (Ann Arbor, MI, 24 June–6 July 1940). Edited by R. L. Wilder and W. L. Ayres. University of Michigan Press (Ann Arbor, MI), 1941. MR 0005300 Zbl 0063.08233 incollection
: “The self-intersections of a smooth
On singularities of mappings of Euclidean spaces, I: Mappings of the plane into the plane,” Ann. Math. (2) 62 : 3 (November 1955), pp. 374–410. MR 0073980 Zbl 0068.37101 article
: “Geometric integration theory. Princeton Mathematical Series 21. Princeton University Press, 1957. MR 0087148 Zbl 0083.28204 book
:Tangents to an analytic variety,” Ann. Math. (2) 81 : 3 (May 1965), pp. 496–549. MR 0192520 Zbl 0152.27701 article
: “Complex analytic varieties. Addison-Wesley (Reading, MA), 1972. MR 0387634 Zbl 0265.32008 book