Celebratio Mathematica

Marc Yor

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Works connected to Dilip B. Madan

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H. Ge­man, D. B. Madan, and M. Yor: “Time changes for Lévy pro­cesses,” Math. Fin­ance 11 : 1 (2001), pp. 79–​96. MR 1807849 Zbl 0983.​60082 article

H. Ge­man, D. B. Madan, and M. Yor: “As­set prices are Browni­an mo­tion: Only in busi­ness time,” pp. 103–​146 in Quant­it­at­ive ana­lys­is in fin­an­cial mar­kets: Col­lec­ted pa­pers of the New York Uni­versity math­em­at­ic­al fin­ance sem­in­ar (New York, 1995–1998), vol. 2. Edi­ted by M. Avel­laneda. World Sci­entif­ic (River Edge, NJ), 2001. MR 1886692 Zbl 1134.​91019 incollection

P. Carr, H. Ge­man, D. B. Madan, and M. Yor: “The fine struc­ture of as­set re­turns: An em­pir­ic­al in­vest­ig­a­tion,” J. Busi­ness 75 : 2 (April 2002), pp. 305–​332. article

H. Ge­man, D. B. Madan, and M. Yor: “Stochast­ic volat­il­ity, jumps and hid­den time changes,” Fin­ance Stoch. 6 : 1 (January 2002), pp. 63–​90. MR 1885584 Zbl 1006.​60026 article

D. B. Madan and M. Yor: “Mak­ing Markov mar­tin­gales meet mar­gin­als: With ex­pli­cit con­struc­tions,” Bernoulli 8 : 4 (2002), pp. 509–​536. MR 1914701 Zbl 1009.​60037 article

C. Donati-Mar­tin, H. Mat­sumoto, and M. Yor: “The law of geo­met­ric Browni­an mo­tion and its in­teg­ral, re­vis­ited: Ap­plic­a­tion to con­di­tion­al mo­ments,” pp. 221–​243 in Math­em­at­ic­al fin­ance — Bacheli­er Con­gress, 2000 (Par­is, 29 June–1 Ju­ly 2000). Edi­ted by H. Ge­man, D. Madan, S. R. Pliska, and T. Vorst. Spring­er Fin­ance. Spring­er (Ber­lin), 2002. MR 1960566 Zbl 1030.​91029 incollection

P. Carr, H. Ge­man, D. B. Madan, and M. Yor: “Stochast­ic volat­il­ity for Lévy pro­cesses,” Math. Fin­ance 13 : 3 (2003), pp. 345–​382. EFA 2002 Ber­lin meet­ings, presen­ted pa­per. MR 1995283 Zbl 1092.​91022 article

P. Carr, H. Ge­man, D. B. Madan, and M. Yor: “From loc­al volat­il­ity to loc­al Lévy mod­els,” Quant. Fin­ance 4 : 5 (October 2004), pp. 581–​588. MR 2241297 article

D. Madan and M. Yor: “On the Itô–Tana­ka for­mula for strictly loc­al mar­tin­gales: Does it need a cor­rec­tion term?,” Ob­wer­wolfach Rep. 1 : 2 (2004), pp. 1365–​1366. Re­port no. 26/2004. Brief sum­mary of lec­ture giv­en by Yor at the mini-work­shop “Loc­al time-space cal­cu­lus with ap­plic­a­tions ,” Ober­wolfach, Ger­many, 16–22 May 2004. article

D. Madan and M. Yor: Mim­ick­ing the one-di­men­sion­al mar­gin­als of the He­ston mod­el, January 2004. unpublished

P. Carr, H. Ge­man, D. B. Madan, and M. Yor: “Pri­cing op­tions on real­ized vari­ance,” Fin­ance Stoch. 9 : 4 (October 2005), pp. 453–​475. MR 2213777 Zbl 1096.​91022 article

D. Madan and M. Yor: CGMY and Meixn­er sub­or­din­at­ors are ab­so­lutely con­tinu­ous with re­spect to one sided stable sub­or­din­at­ors. Pre­print, January 2006. ArXiv math/​0601173 techreport

D. B. Madan and M. Yor: “Itô’s in­teg­rated for­mula for strict loc­al mar­tin­gales,” pp. 157–​170 in In me­mori­am Paul-An­dré Mey­er: Sémin­aire de prob­ab­ilités, XXXIX [In me­mori­am Paul-An­dré Mey­er: Thirty-ninth prob­ab­il­ity sem­in­ar]. Edi­ted by M. Émery and M. Yor. Lec­ture Notes in Math­em­at­ics. Spring­er (Ber­lin), 2006. MR 2276895 Zbl 1133.​60025 incollection

P. Carr, H. Ge­man, D. B. Madan, and M. Yor: “Self-de­com­pos­ab­il­ity and op­tion pri­cing,” Math. Fin­ance 17 : 1 (2007), pp. 31–​57. MR 2281791 Zbl 1278.​91157 article

M. Yor: “Some re­mark­able prop­er­ties of gamma pro­cesses,” pp. 37–​47 in Ad­vances in math­em­at­ic­al fin­ance (Col­lege Park, MD, 29 Septem­ber–1 Oc­to­ber 1 2006). Edi­ted by M. C. Fu, R. A. Jar­row, J.-Y. Yen, and R. J. El­li­ott. Ap­plied Nu­mer­ic­al Har­mon­ic Ana­lys­is. Birkhäuser (Bo­ston, MA), 2007. Pa­per presen­ted at the math­em­at­ic­al fin­ance con­fer­ence in hon­or of the 60th birth­day of Dilip B. Madan. MR 2359361 Zbl 1156.​60030 incollection

M. Yor: “A note about Sel­berg’s in­teg­rals in re­la­tion with the beta-gamma al­gebra,” pp. 49–​58 in Ad­vances in math­em­at­ic­al fin­ance (Col­lege Park, MD, 29 Septem­ber–1 Oc­to­ber 1 2006). Edi­ted by M. C. Fu, R. A. Jar­row, J.-Y. Yen, and R. J. El­li­ott. Ap­plied Nu­mer­ic­al Har­mon­ic Ana­lys­is. Birkhäuser (Bo­ston, MA), 2007. Pa­per presen­ted at the math­em­at­ic­al fin­ance con­fer­ence in hon­or of the 60th birth­day of Dilip B. Madan. MR 2359362 Zbl 1160.​33002 incollection

H. Ge­man, D. B. Madan, and M. Yor: “Prob­ing op­tion prices for in­form­a­tion,” Meth­odol. Com­put. Ap­pl. Probab. 9 : 1 (March 2007), pp. 115–​131. MR 2364984 Zbl 1157.​60067 article

M. At­lan, H. Ge­man, D. B. Madan, and M. Yor: “Cor­rel­a­tion and the pri­cing of risks,” Ann. Fin­ance 3 : 4 (October 2007), pp. 411–​453. Zbl 1233.​91320 article

D. Madan, B. Roynette, and M. Yor: “Op­tion prices as prob­ab­il­it­ies,” Fin­anc. Res. Lett. 5 : 2 (June 2008), pp. 79–​87. article

D. Madan, B. Roynette, and M. Yor: “Uni­fy­ing Black–Scholes type for­mu­lae which in­volve Browni­an last pas­sage times up to a fi­nite ho­ri­zon,” Asia-Pac. Fin­anc. Mark. 15 : 2 (June 2008), pp. 97–​115. Zbl 1163.​91414 article

D. Madan, B. Roynette, and M. Yor: “Put op­tion prices as joint dis­tri­bu­tion func­tions in strike and ma­tur­ity: The Black–Scholes case,” Int. J. The­or. Ap­pl. Fin­ance 12 : 8 (2009), pp. 1075–​1090. MR 2598932 Zbl 1183.​91179 article

D. B. Madan and M. Yor: “The S&P 500 in­dex as a Sato pro­cess trav­el­ling at the speed of the VIX,” Ap­pl. Math. Fin­ance 18 : 3–​4 (2011), pp. 227–​244. MR 2818165 Zbl 1239.​91186 article

P. Carr, H. Ge­man, D. B. Madan, and M. Yor: “Op­tions on real­ized vari­ance and con­vex or­ders,” Quant. Fin­ance 11 : 11 (2011), pp. 1685–​1694. MR 2850996 Zbl 1277.​91164 article

D. B. Madan and M. Yor: “Mo­ments of Wien­er in­teg­rals for sub­or­din­at­ors,” Elec­tron. Com­mun. Probab. 17 (2012). Art­icle no. 55, 8 pp. MR 2999983 Zbl 1329.​60165 article

E. Eber­lein, D. Madan, M. Pis­tori­us, and M. Yor: “A simple stochast­ic rate mod­el for rate equity hy­brid products,” Ap­pl. Math. Fin­ance 20 : 5–​6 (2013), pp. 461–​488. MR 3169863 Zbl 1396.​91780 article

E. Eber­lein, D. Madan, M. Pis­tori­us, W. Schoutens, and M. Yor: “Two price eco­nom­ies in con­tinu­ous time,” Ann. Fin­ance 10 : 1 (February 2014), pp. 71–​100. MR 3159206 Zbl 1298.​91086 article

E. Eber­lein, D. B. Madan, M. Pis­tori­us, and M. Yor: “Bid and ask prices as non-lin­ear con­tinu­ous time G-ex­pect­a­tions based on dis­tor­tions,” Math. Fin­anc. Econ. 8 : 3 (June 2014), pp. 265–​289. MR 3212643 Zbl 1307.​91086 article

M. At­lan, D. Madan, and H. Ge­man: “Marc Yor and math­em­at­ic­al fin­ance,” pp. 79–​90 in Marc Yor: La pas­sion du mouvement browni­en [Marc Yor: The pas­sion of Browni­an mo­tion]. Edi­ted by J. Ber­toin, M. Jean­blanc, J.-F. Le Gall, and Z. Shi. Société Mathématique de France (Par­is), 2015. Gaz­ette des Mathématiciens and Mata­p­li spe­cial is­sue. incollection

D. B. Madan and M. Yor: “On valu­ing stochast­ic per­petu­it­ies us­ing new long ho­ri­zon stock price mod­els dis­tin­guish­ing booms, busts, and bal­anced mar­kets,” Math. Fin­ance 26 : 2 (2016), pp. 296–​328. MR 3481306 Zbl 1348.​91272 article