Celebratio Mathematica

Marc Yor

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M. At­lan, H. Ge­man, and M. Yor: Op­tions on hedge funds un­der the high wa­ter mark rule. Pre­print, October 2005. ArXiv math/​0510497 techreport

M. At­lan, H. Ge­man, D. B. Madan, and M. Yor: “Cor­rel­a­tion and the pri­cing of risks,” Ann. Fin­ance 3 : 4 (October 2007), pp. 411–​453. Zbl 1233.​91320 article

M. At­lan, D. Madan, and H. Ge­man: “Marc Yor and math­em­at­ic­al fin­ance,” pp. 79–​90 in Marc Yor: La pas­sion du mouvement browni­en [Marc Yor: The pas­sion of Browni­an mo­tion]. Edi­ted by J. Ber­toin, M. Jean­blanc, J.-F. Le Gall, and Z. Shi. Société Mathématique de France (Par­is), 2015. Gaz­ette des Mathématiciens and Mata­p­li spe­cial is­sue. incollection