
Celebratio Mathematica

Georgia Benkart

Edward Dunne,
American Mathematical Society/Math Reviews


I met Geor­gia 25 years ago when I star­ted work­ing in the AMS book pro­gram and she was on the ed­it­or­i­al com­mit­tee for the Math­em­at­ic­al Sur­veys and Mono­graphs series. She was great on the com­mit­tee, and helped move dis­cus­sions and pro­jects along. At some point in this peri­od, she and I were at the same con­fer­ence, and Geor­gia sought me out to in­tro­duce her­self in per­son and to chat. She was kind and in­tel­li­gent in equal meas­ure. Meet­ing up with Geor­gia at con­fer­ences, es­pe­cially AMS Sec­tion­al Meet­ings, be­came a reg­u­lar thing for me. Once she be­came As­so­ci­ate Sec­ret­ary for the Cent­ral Sec­tion, Geor­gia star­ted at­tend­ing lots of AMS Meet­ings! Even though she was run­ning these meet­ings, she al­ways had time for people. In­deed, Geor­gia and I had many a lunch or din­ner at the sec­tion­al meet­ings. Some­how, she al­ways seemed to have in­sider in­form­a­tion about res­taur­ants no mat­ter where we were. Our con­ver­sa­tions would range from friendly chats to sub­stan­tial dis­cus­sions re­lated to books and pub­lish­ing and the AMS. The friendly parts were marked not just by what Geor­gia said, but how she listened. For work and pub­lish­ing, Geor­gia provided re­mark­able help in sug­gest­ing po­ten­tial au­thors to con­tact, pos­sible ref­er­ees for pro­jects, and dir­ect ad­vice about book manuscripts. When I moved to Math­em­at­ic­al Re­views, I still saw Geor­gia at meet­ings, and we still found time for cof­fee/tea or lunch. By odd co­in­cid­ence, just a few weeks ago, I wrote to Geor­gia for ad­vice on a thorny is­sue re­gard­ing a re­view we had. She wrote back right away with some ad­vice and some names of some ex­perts to con­sult. We also com­mis­er­ated (via email) that we had not be able to meet in per­son at JMM 2022. I am saddened by Geor­gia’s passing. Spend­ing time with her was both pleas­ant and pro­duct­ive. Now that she is gone, I know that it is the pleas­ant, per­son­al side of our meet­ings that I will miss.