
Celebratio Mathematica

Georgia Benkart

Paul Terwilliger,
University of Wisconsin, Madison


I have known Geor­gia Ben­k­art ever since I came to the de­part­ment in 1985. Over the years, I saw Geor­gia deal with prob­lems large and small. And some­how, once Geor­gia got in­volved, the prob­lem was solved in less time than ex­pec­ted.

To be sure, Geor­gia was pro­foundly com­pet­ent and well or­gan­ized. But that de­scrip­tion alone does not do her justice.

For Geor­gia, a pro­ject was not just about get­ting it right; it was also about mak­ing it beau­ti­ful. I have read many of Geor­gia’s math­em­at­ic­al pa­pers. Each pa­per was a pol­ished gem, that would make any law­yer or poet proud. I at­ten­ded many of Geor­gia’s lec­tures at con­fer­ences and sem­inars. Each lec­ture was a work of art, that en­gaged the audi­ence from be­gin­ning to end. I at­ten­ded many a fac­ulty meet­ing dur­ing which Geor­gia got up to speak. In­vari­ably, what she said was so well pol­ished and de­livered, that it re­minded me of Lin­coln’s Gettys­burg ad­dress.